Interlude – Like Minds
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Like Minds
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri May 07, 2010 @ 5:59pm
Timeline   SD18 - 03:00
Where could he be! Tharek thought to himself as he paced around his office. Isha's staff wouldn't tell Tharek anything now. And he'd make sure she'd pay for that. Tharek needed to talk to Rh'vaurek. It wasn't just another boast of plans that haven't been made, it was serious. Tharek was making the first move.

"Getal to Rh'vaurek, respond." He stated loudly.

Raising himself on one elbow Rh'varuek reached across i-orinwen's sleeping form to the nightstand. He grabbed his comm badge, "Its the middle of the fucking night, Tharek," he growled into his fist, glancing at the chronometer as he did so. As i-Orinwen stirred Rh'vaurek sat and pushed himself off the bed before walking, naked through to the adjoining room; he was not concerned about waking her, he just did not want to be overheard. "If this is anything less than the Klingons declaring war I'm not interested," he said sleep still clinging to him, "Its three in the fucking morning."

"Funny thing to say, seeing as they might be soon." Tharek said calmly, and a little less louder. "I've got disturbing information involving Isha and that mongrel of a Klingon."

Rh'vaurek rubbed a hand through his hair and over his face, what the hell was it now. Isha had told him nothing when he had spoken with her on his return though it was quite apparent that there was something on her mind. "Not here, Tharek, too many ears."

"Then hurry up and put some clothes on." Tharek said quickly. "When you're done come to my office."

Rh'vaurek made a mental note to double the routine security sweep of his quarters, he wouldn't put it past the Cardassian to have got someone on the inside, and Rh'vaurek had a limit to what he was willing to share, "That had better be a guess," Rh'vaurek told Tharek. "I'll be with you in ten."

He strode back into his bedroom and grabbed a shirt. He was about to hit the lights and turf i-Orinwen out then paused, hand over the switch. Instead he pulled on the shirt, buttoned it, and once he had added pants and boots turned and snatching a disruptor left her there; he'd have use for i-Orinwen later.

The station corridors were earily calm after the day's events but Rh'vaurek reamined on his guard. He met no-one and arrived in good time at the Cardassian emabssy. He did not even bother to wait for the guard to speak merely tossed the disruptor onto the desk and said, "Take me to Tharek."

The guard immediately corresponded and led Rh'vaurek through. They arrived at Tharek's office and went inside, then the guard immediately withdrew.

"You made good time." Tharek said, standing, glaring outside the window.

Rh'vaurek paced across the room and joined his Cardassian opposite at the window. In another quarter of the station the starscape was different from that visible from Isha's office, though the view was just as impressive. "If you just want a nice chat under a blanket of twinkling starlight you've got the wrong man," he said in a jocular tone. He could read the tension in Tharek's stance, something was eating him.

"Trust me, idle chit-chat is the last thing on my mind. I'm moving my garrison in. My full garrison." Tharek emphasised most of his words. He was getting annoyed by Isha and Toran. They were going to be silenced. Soon.

Pursing his lips Rh'vaurek folded his arms, "If you're fast you can do it without the lloann'su noticing. The station wide lockdown is due to be lifted but they're still in chaos, " he snorted, before continuing, "More of the same lot we had to put down last night. I wasn't offered the option to attend the full debrief," he added, though they were happy enough to arrange for him to be ordered to provide data access for stolen Romulan property and as a result get embroiled in their conflict.

"I'm already in the process of building a barracks and an armoury. Two hundred and twenty troops from the Rakara. I'll also incorporate my own system of turbolifts and security measures." Tharek said, taking his seat.

"That isn't the only reason I called you this early... Isha's planning something with that damned Klingon. I don't know what it is yet, but I know that its going to involve our plans being interrupted."

Now that was more interesting. When they had spoken on his return to the consulate Isha had told him nothing either, so much nothing that she got her message across perfectly. He leaned back, knowing now exactly why she was hurt and angry, and who had managed to elicit that savage cold light of defiance in her eyes.

"t'Khellian did seem a little chagrined," Rh'vaurek said, "What makes you think there's something going on with Toran?"

"Because both parties have been silent. Neither Isha nor Toran have made their usual 'noise'. They've been keeping quiet, out of sight." Tharek said, gesturing to the seat opposite his desk.

Rh'vaurek sat and crossing an ankle over his knee, leaned back in the inadequate chair."I wouldn't be doing my job if I did not say that due to the lockdown my ambassador was trapped in the consulate most of the day and not in a position to make any noise. Why don't you tell me what you were expecting to hear?" he suggested.

"Complaints, criticisms or even just her usual arrogance. It's not there, because she doesn't want to be heard. Even Toran has kept his nose out of our business, which is strange considering the meeting us three shared." Tharek said. He was probably just being paranoid.

"The Klingons are technically allied with the Federation," Rh'vaurek said thoughtfully. He sighed and pulled a hand through his dishevelled hair, "I think the plans for an equitable three way division were premature. We can consider that arrangement dead." His eyes met Tharek's, "You think he has made other arrangements."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking." Tharek said, meeting Rh'vaurek's gaze with his own dark eyes. "We need to act. Quickly. We cannot sit by and let other factions gather. We set the plan in stone immediately."

What Rh'vaurek wanted to know was who Tharek thought the Klingon had got into bed with but he did not press the point, that could wait. Among other things Rh'vaurek knew that Tharek was impatient and as a result apt to act prematurely. "Just what is that plan?" he asked.

"The first stage will be to gather loyalty away from Isha. The second stage is to gather all of our forces. I have an entire garrison of troops and a fully stocked Keldon itching to make a move." Tharek said, resting his hands on the end of the desk.

Rh'vaurek already had orders to co-operate with the Cardassians, orders that he knew contradicted those that Isha had from the Continuing Committee, but he had also known for a long time that sooner or later someone would come along with an offer that would try his loyalty to Isha and the tingle that ran down in his spine told him that Tharek was about to make it.

"And the third stage?" Rh'vaurek enquired.

"Complete and utter control of this station. Our new base of operations. From here, we have access to the Federation, and all of the bounty there within." Tharek said, standing.

Tactical analysis from the spate of recent attacks, sourced both from his own and carefully acquired Federation data, had shown the station's defenses were adequate. The holographic decoy array was useless against an attacker who had good knowledge of the ships stationed at DS5 - then the decoys were easy to pick out of any deployment. The guardian platforms were another matter but had already proved vulnerable to sabotage. Once he had the Maquis attack pattern analysed, a process that was underway, Rh'vaurek would know more about the likelyhood of the station falling to infiltration, and the measures the Federation had taken to counter it. Indeed his people knew more about the station every day.

"That will take more than a hidden barracks and a single Cardassian ship," Rh'vaurek observed, his lip twisting into a half smile.

"Thats where you come in. You can easily gain the loyalty of Isha's staff, and I'm sure your in a high enough position to request any Warbird or garrison be present at the station." Tharek said, plotting the future in his head.

So that was it! Rh'vaurek surmised that Tharek had already put the idea to Isha and that she had given it a lukewarm reception, exactly what someone in her position would give it; she was part of the establishment and had far too much to lose.

"The ambassador's recent displays of histrionics have left a number of people questioning her stability," Rh'vaurek replied, less than pleased that the Cardassian seemed to be requesting that he supply most of the firepower. Rh'vaurek thought that that would give Tharek more than a bit too much deniability. He continued, "but, we're being watched," he told Tharek, "The Praetor is paranoid and suspects an imminent coup attempt - after the fiasco of the attack that Isha's son and his pals were recently executed for, the Praetor is going to notice any deployment in this direction that is not ratified by the Continuing Committee - especially one ordered by me - he'll think Isha is behind it and interfere. Given time I can use Senator Latasalaem to secure the resources to supplement your own, however," he added by way of reassurance.

"Excellent. I shall request a small garrison vessel, full with the best of Cardassia's guns and men. It will arrive at a moment notice should we need it to." Tharek said, knowing that Rh'vaurek would not want to contribute too much, should he have to talk his way out of the situation. "As for your Praetor problem, I wish to help in any way possible. I want this station, and I want it now."

Rh'vaurek stood noticing as he did so that his shirt was buttoned unevenly causing it to lean to one side, "Why the haste, Tharek?" he asked, "We've all the time in the quadrant."

Tharek stood as well. "That's what Dukat said at the battle for Deep Space Nine. Not only did he lose, but look at him now." He said solemnly. "We act soon, Rh'vaurek, and I hope your ready when the time comes."

"When the time is right, Tharek. The Elements have a warped sense of humour and I'm sure that Dukat was not considering that, if you are pressured for time inform me now and I can plan accordingly. Don't you think I've had enough of surprises while keeping Isha under control?" he complained.

Tharek rubbed his chin in thought. "Maybe I am being a little rash. I can wait, but not forever Rh'vaurek. Soon people will feel the wrath of a renewed Cardassian Empire, and an even deadlier Romulan Star Empire. I just urge the time to come sooner than later."

"I'm going to set an agent on Toran, keep tabs and report daily back to me. I suggest you do the same with Isha." Tharek said, rubbing a small spot on his head. It was slightly inflamed and swolen, courtesy of Doctor Shelar. He smiled and walked over to his cabinet full of alcohol. Mostly Saurian brandy, Kanar and Romulan wine was kept within. Tharek helped himself to a large glass of the brandy, and poured one out for Rh'vaurek too.

Rh'vaurek accepted the glass holding it loosely in his fingers. "I already did," he said, " a new face at the Consulate, unaligned and no ties to t'Khellian's family, she has one relative in situ, a cousin who appears to be on the wary side of our good lady," Rh'vaurek told him taking a slip of the slightly rough brandy. "Isha would spot an agent in a second, but a well meaning newcomer ... she'll try to bring her on board. The Ambassador likes to be liked," he added with sneering disdain.

"I'll have my best agent tag Toran then." Tharek said. "I'll compile all of the gathered information and send it on to you at regular intervals."

The Romulan's smile spread. "You're sound, Tharek," Rh'vaurek said clapping the Cardassian firmly on the shoulder. "I'll send i-Orinwen to brief you on intelligence from my side, we'll discuss the details ourselves, but you can let me know how you think she is performing," he said, "a new girl, very new and very ambitious," he added thoughtfully.

Tharek smiled and returned the pat. "I'll look forward to the reports. Is this new girl any good?" Tharek asked.

"You tell me. You'll be the first foreign 'diplomat' she's had to deal with and I haven't told her what the rules are." Rh'vaurek chuckled unpleasantly, a wicked gleam in his eye, "if she can't work them out herself she's no use to anyone."

"Agreed. I'm going to begin work immediately. Thank you, Rh'vaurek." Tharek said, bowing his head slightly.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator