Beg, Steal or Borrow – Recuperations
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Recuperations
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun May 24, 2009 @ 11:56pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD8 20.30
Bryan was feeling a bit more comfortable and found easier company with the Diplomat who had been sitting with the Commanders wife, despite her own injuries which were quite plain on her face and temple area of her head.

"And you hit him with what?" Bryan asked referring to the attack on Da'nals family, his voice still a little rasping, but he was happy that he could talk at all.

"I picked up a piece of broken conduit and hit him over the head," Ayren said with a perfectly straight face, obviously lying. The image of her flinging a conduit around should be rather comical.

A look of surprise washed Bryans face. "You look so fragile, you obviously have underlying strength." He turned a little, still holding Mercedes hand as a source of strength, his back nagging him with a dull ache. "And you fought him off by yourself?" His mouth was slightly agape, engrossed in her act of heroism, whilst he was just cowering under a table being guarded over by Mercy.

Ayren chuckled. "No, it was Ahkil who did the fighting. One should never underestimate an experienced Klingon warrior protecting her and Da'nal's children as if they were her own," Ayren explained. The less said about her own involvement the better. "And how are you holding up?"

Bryan turned his head slow towards his lover and smiled, before easing it back to Ayren. "I am not doing to badly thank you, but I don't know about Mercy." He managed to smile.

Mercy was, as she had been for the past lifetime and would continue for as long as this one lasted, stuck to Bryan's side as if she were his siamese twin, conjoined at the hand.

Chelsea had managed to get her away from him long enough to perform the surgery and help a few other medics while he came round, but since then even *she* had been unable to produce enough scariness to intimidate Denoublier to take her eyes off Bryan.

~Later, when Mercy needs to sleep for her own health's sake, I'll set Ryan on her to order her to go and rest, he usually has enough of an effect on even the most determined 'carers' ~ Chelsea smiled inwardly, imagining Ryan's *I'm the Doctor and I know what's best* tone and expression and how that sometimes *even* sent her scurrying for cover herself, let alone most of the worried folk who tried to cling to their sick loved ones at inappropriate times.

~But for now, she's doing no harm here~ She conceded and let well alone, going off to finish some reports and add to an ongoing update padd that she, Ed and Ryan always kept running for one another so that shift handover or emergencies would be smoother and more efficient.

Mercy, grateful that the ACMO wasn't making any attempts to restrict her access to Bryan, was fussing over him while she had the chance. She had refreshed his warming water with a jug of fresh, colder liquid and recommenced *helping* him to sip at it by pressing the glass on him at regular intervals with a smile that was more of an appeal to persuade him. He had protested in vain that it would be coming out of his ears soon, which she had argued was scientifically impossible, making him laugh, which had hurt and brought on worried apologies and more attention from her.

He was currently in danger of being smothered but as he hadn't made any seemingly serious protests yet, the situation was unlikely to improve for him until the CMO was summoned to intervene!

In response to Ayren's question, Mercy seemed to feel it necessary in Bryan's continuing defence from any tiring influence, to answer for him too.

"He's been so brave!" she explained proudly. "He won't tell you how bad he is, he's making out it doesn't hurt so much but I can see from the way he flinches when he tries to move and the lines under his eyes. See how pale he is, and his brow is furrowed with stress." Mercy proceeded to try to smooth the frown with the cold wet gauze, thinking to cool his forehead but actually just making the lines instinctively deepen against the change of temperature.

Mercy turned back to Ayren too quickly to notice Bryan wipe the unwanted moisture from the *outside* of his face before she next remembered to ply him to put more water into the inside again, it having been one and a half minutes since her last prompt.

"He's *very* poorly" Mercy said, her shaky tone betraying a lot of barely hidden emotion about Bryan's condition.

"And likely to drown before I get better!" He mused in mock patronism aimed at Mercy.

Ayren watched the two and found it a challenge to supress a grin. "I am sure you will make it," she said to Bryan with a mock patronizing tone. "And Mercy.... You muxt have had a big fright, how do you feel now?" she asked warmly.

"Oh I'm fine thank you" Mercy was still in denial, feeling guilty that Bryan had obtained his injuries in her defence and believing this made it all her fault, she was adamant not to accept any sympathy for herself, nor to allow herself to relax from making amends to him at all costs.

Sensing the other woman's state of mind, Ayren smiled softly at her, not wanting to force acceptance now. "He has the best care with you around. Perhaps you should allow him to rest and let the medical personnel take care," she encouraged.

"Oh I couldn't *possibly* leave him" Mercy looked alarmed at the prospect. "Bryan?" she looked desperately round and then back at her love, her expression pained and indecisive. "Would it be best if I were to go?"

"It is not as if you are leaving him, you are making sure you are fresh and rested... no use for you to be too tired later," she said gently.

Mercy looked troubled. What Ayren was saying made sense but she so desperately wanted to stay with Bryan. She looked at him, her confusion visible.

Bryans lips rose in a soft smile. "Better for you. You need some rest too?" He implored.

Mercy's eyes filled but no tears fell. She sucked in her lower lip behind her teeth and held it there for a moment or two as she considered.

"Yes darling, I understand" she finally said softly, her voice little above a whisper. With that she rose, kissed him on the forehead, managed some soft rhetorical politeness to Ayren about how nice it had been to meet her and left Sickbay with as much dignity as she could muster, desperate not to worry Bryan with any fuss.

Once out in the corridor she steadied herself against the bulkhead before breaking quite suddenly into a run, escaping into the turbolift. She instinctively fled to the arboretum, her favourite place of contemplation in times of confusion and, wandered amongst the trees.

Still in the same clothes she had been wearing when battlestations had been declared and still without her comm badge to disturb her, she finally curled up exhausted under the comfort of a large oak, native to her childhood home on Earth and fell into a fitful sleep for some considerable amount of time.


Joint Post between:

CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
By Tasha

Ayren Kelan

Lt. Chelsea Adams


CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
by Chelsea