Incommunicado – Welcome to the Dilithium Chamber
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   Welcome to the Dilithium Chamber
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Thu Mar 29, 2012 @ 8:11pm
Location   construction site of the new establishment
Timeline   Sd 52 - 01:30

The human scurried into the andorian’s office, and said rather breathlessly, “There’s a Melvyn Raddon to see you, Miss Tah.”

Eris Tah, Secretary of the Promenade Merchants’ Association looked at the beige and mousy underling. “Well? Get him a drink. I shall go out directly.” She rose, smoothing her white bob around her antennae and headed for the reception room of the PMA offices. Melvyn Raddon was one of those names she had known for a long time. Industrialist; respected, powerful and rich, in both Federation terms, and everyone else’s.

Seeing him in her atrium she walked towards him, smiling, her spiked heels clicking like gunshots on the smoked glass floor. She held out a slender and cool blue hand. “Mr Raddon, Eris Tah. Welcome to DS5.”

Melvyn stood and took the woman's hand and kissed it softly. "Oh, please believe me that the pleasure is all mine." He said with a causal smile. "I have wished to introduce myself to you for a considerable amount of time," He said.

She doubted that, but enjoined the compliment. "How can I help you Mr Raddon?"

"As you know, I have re-located my company's headquarters to this station." He said as he began to walk with the woman towards a nearby window facing the promenade. "I have plans to purchase the Qe' Klingon Restaurant and turn it into a complete entertainment and dining experience." Melvyn said with a large grin. "And from what I've been told, you are the person that I am to see about such a task." He said.

"outrageous flattery will get you everywhere, Mr Raddon. But you are correctly informed. The PMA is dedicated to helping the entrepreneurs on this outpost get the most from their hard work and investments, whether thats time, creativity or money." She scooped a padd off her desk and indicated the door to the Promenade, "Shall we?"

AS they stepped onto the main promenade, she continued "We can certainly assist with all the relevant permits and we have a certain amount of influence with the fleet administration. Though I assume you've chosen that business since you like a challenge. We are well provided with eateries and...other... establishments."

"Absolutely," Melvyn replied. "I've heard from other sources that the reputation of the current entertainment establishment here has been wrought with riots, murders, and correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the OWNER arrested for the MURDER of one of her own employees?" He asked.

"For the murder of her business partner," Tah corrected. "though I am given to understand the charges have been dropped," the set of her antennae left no doubt that Tah was disappointed at this outcome, "naturally we would have offered assistance to any member of the PMA should they have an unfortunate brush with the law, but Ibalin is not a member. such a pity."

"Tragic indeed, I believe that this station could benefit from a more. . .sophisticated and tempered environment. One that is not distracted by such unpleastentries." he added.

"there is always space for An alternative venue, Mr Raddon. Especially one for people of taste who are not so easily impressed by iniquity and spectacle." She gave a malicious smile, "and as me member of the PMA, we would be delighted to assist you in makings a success of your plans."

"So tell me," Raddon said as he cast his gaze upon the woman. "What steps will be necessary for me to secure the required permits and authorization?" He inquired.

"Well, assuming your drinks will involve genuine alcohol, there will be the drugs license, plus the long hours license, the power drain schedule, permission to change the unit purpose, and that's assuming the background check and the three references are all filed correctly and are considered suitable. Unfortunately it's not the speediest of processes for the individual to undertake."

"Oh?" He said with a slight smile. "Well, such a waiting period would be quite inconvenient for my plans for this establishment." He said. "I'm sure that such a sophisticated business woman such as yourself can understand the sense of urgency that I have."

"So urgent, that there has to be something that a man of my resources can do to help expedite the process." He said intently.

She laughed, "No need for such obvious measures, Mr Raddon, merely register with the PMA, pay your subscription, and we will swing into action as we do for all our members. I can guarantee that you will see how well we at the Association takes care of our members needs. Your success is our business, afterall."

Raddon was prepared for such administrative necessities. He had used them against countless competitors in the past. It was a bit refreshing to see that even a far-off station such as Deep Space 5 did not have a protectionist mentality when it came to new business.

She held out the padd. "Our terms and conditions. Just sign, and we will do everything in our power to remove any barriers to your success." The self satisfied smile froze hard, "Any," the emphasis hung in the air, "at all."

It was without hesitation that Raddon extended his hand and signed the necessary forms within the padd all while giving the woman a calming smile. "Oh, I hope to hold you to that promise." He said.

Tah looked down to the Box of Delights. "Mr Raddon, it will be a pleasure."


Eris Tah
Secretary, Promenade Merchants Association

Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corp
Newest member of the Promenade Merchants Association
Soon-to-be Owner of a NEW entertainment destination on DS5