Colonel James Darson’s Personal Log - The Musings of a Marine: 01

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Title   The Musings of a Marine: 01
Author   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 3:13am
Encryption Code: Black
Public Key: N/A
Private Key: D-Y98790

Colonel Darson’s personal log, Encrypted. Several disturbing events have transpired in the past couple of days. We were caught inside a gravitational anomaly, one that cut us off from the outside world. However, that is the least of our concerns.

In the past couple of days, this station has become home to several new parties…each with their own agenda. To that end, there are now several factions vying for control of this installation. I find myself wondering what significant tactical, political value the others believe this station possesses.

The answer of course, has a high probability of lying with the Romulans. They were the first to have a diplomatic detachment on board, and they have been behind numerous incidents on this station. The two main persons of interest include Raedheol, and Isha t’Khellian. Unfortunately, Ms. T’Khellian has been reassigned temporarily to the Freedom, and is enroute to Romulus. From what I have heard though she, along with the rest of the ship, have encountered their own problems.

Raedheol on the other hand…I have a plan in mind for dealing with him. I need however, only wait for the proper moment.

The Cardassians likewise represent a significant strategic threat. In my opinion, immediate action should be taken to limit their involvement in any schemes with the Romulans.

The Klingons on the other hand could prove useful. I have formed a secret alliance with them, and will use their connections with the others in order to glean information, while at the same time acting in such a fashion as to drive them closer to the others.

None the less, I believe that we are standing at a very volatile cross roads. With all these factions involved, great caution must be taken to ensure both the safety of the station’s inhabitants and Federation Security. To quote Colonel Santiago from the Marine Battle Manual section on psyops: “Against such unseen dangers, and formless tactics, we organize our defenses on the principle that one strong and able mind can shield the many.”

I am that one mind. Commander Rakka is gone. Commander Davies has done nothing to intervene. Commander Villers likewise is more interested in following procedure. Lt. Wallace is incapacitated in sickbay following the incident on the Bunker Hill, and Commander Gabriel…the one person who might be able to help me, has gone completely off the deep end.

He apparently has been detained in the brig for assaulting Lt. Tan. Not only that, but his behavior has been increasingly erratic, and I fear that he may have suffered a mental breakdown from the stress of his new position. But I am no counselor, nor a therapist so I cannot pass judgment.

I suppose I should go check on him though…see what I can do to resolve this little mess.

I doubt he would extend me the same courtesy.

End Log.