Judgement – Speaking to the Dead
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Speaking to the Dead
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Fri Oct 29, 2010 @ 7:56pm
Location   Sickbay, Morgue
Timeline   SD35 1400

The security officer had appeared at the Sickbay door with a padd, that he held out to the Medical Officer in Charge. "Its chain of custody, Sir. I need you to sign off on it before we can beam the body in." Five minutes later, CPO Nurse McBain was standing in a closed off room at the side of the infirmary, looking at the young orion woman lying on the examination table, eyes closed. She was still dressed, but missing shoes, bare feet flopping outward. Not just dead, but cut off in her prime.

Lance entered, scrubbed up in preparation for the autopsy. He took a quick glance at the orion girl, "I wish they'd get the bodies to us sooner, this one’s already turned green!" He quipped. There was no reaction but sombre looks from the others in the room. "Nothing?" He sighed. "Tough crowd."

"Perhaps it isn't the crowd," Lance heard from behind him. Coming out of another sterilization room, a tall Deltan who'd said it made his way towards the body, followed by another three people, two men and a younger woman.

"Good morning," Kaelin greeted the others politely as he passed them on his way to Klia's corpse. He motioned to it for the others. Taking out a holocamera, one of the men proceeded to take some images from different angles. After this he nodded to the other two. The young woman took out a scanner and scanned the body slowly, occasionally stopping to collect a sample or two of something. While the interns and forensics specialists work, Kaelin handed a PADD to Ed.

"Senior Nurse McBain, this is the deceased's most recent medical records. She's been identified as Klia, a partner in a business on the Promenade, by Security so I pulled it the minute I heard. It should help in the autopsy in case we run into anything. Would you please make sure Doctor Adams gets there?"

"Thank you Sir" Ed responded, taking the records to present to Dr Adams when she came on duty later.

"I'd like to take at look at those when you done," Lance said, eyeing the corpse with a distinct lack of interest. The cause of death looked pretty obvious, he was basically just going the motions. He hoped the deceased's medical records would reveal something interesting.

"Of course, Sir." Ed replied. He ran off a duplicate in an instant, logged one to present to Chelsea and handed the other to Lance.

Lance studied the documents for several minutes whilst the rest of the team proceeded with the autopsy preparations. After a while he looked up. "Just let me know when you are ready for me to cut." He said before returning to his reading.

The medical records were thin, with little of interest; arriving at DS5 the orion girl had given a blood sample in case replication was needed, and taken an STD screen along with a prescription for contraception and a spray that countered her pheromones. The brief history she had provided was within parameters for most female humanoids her age, slightly scrawny, but otherwise healthy.

Kaelin looked up from the body. "You?" Was he missing something here? "And you are?"

"Yes me," Lance regarded the Deltan with disdain "I'm Doctor Murdoch, head of surgery, and you would be?"

"Doctor Kaelin, Pathology," the Deltan replied, frowning at the hostility he felt from the human.

"I'm happy for you, now can we move this along, I've got a golf game booked in the holo-suite, and if I miss my tee-off time, there's going to be trouble." Lance announced dryly.

Kaelin raised an elegant eyebrow. "Then please, Doctor," he began politely. "Don't let us keep you. Feel free to leave now. I'm sure we'll live without your assistance," Kaelin told him before turning back to the body. The interns were taking off Klia's clothes and putting them aside for the further forensic analysis. The photographer began taking more images and Kaelin pressed the button to record.

"Stardate 63354.37, Medical Department log. Autopsy performed by Doctor Kaelin at fourteen hundred hours. Subject Klia N'shahdrah. Orion female, age equivalent to twenty three standard years. Previous medical records show her to be in average physical condition. After the initial scan and considering the circumstances in which the body was found, I would estimate the time of death to be approximately noon yesterday."

As he motioned for the interns to take samples under his supervision, Kaelin kept an eye open for anything on the body that was unusual.

Lance watched the proceedings with a bored sense of detachment. He had no intention of neglecting his duties. Although this appeared to be a pretty open and shut case, he was using it as an opportunity to get to know the dynamic in sickbay.

The interns turned over the body's hands, inspected the arms for defensive wounds, found none, not even bruises, evident on the surface. They scraped under the fingernails and took the detritus for analysis, then prepared to turn the body to begin again on the corpse's back.

"Anybody find the murder weapon?" Lance asked mildly.

"Not according to this." An intern held up a padd with the evidence log. "I bet some poor guy in yellow is wading through the garbage now looking for it."

"That's a pity, it could have been useful here." Lance commented.

The interns stood back finally, one handing a padd with their observations to the pathologist for approval. "Anything else, sir?"

"You can bring me a cup of coffee and some biscuits" Chirped Lance. If he had to wait, he might as well get comfortable.

Kaelin gave Lance a look. "These are interns, Dr. Murdoch, not waiters," he told the human. As the body was turned onto it's back, Kaelin walked closer to examine the wound there as the photographer took some final images.

Lance scowled.

The wound itself was 2.5 cm wide on the outside. the epidermal had peeled away from the edges slightly, showing that both ends of the wound were neatly sliced. It lay neatly between the third and fourth rib, running parallel to the bones. A couple of fibres stuck to the gash, which were lifted away by an intern to show that whatever she had been stabbed with had travelled upward slightly.

Kaelin leaned down to take a better look at the wound before speaking. "Whoever stabbed her was taller than her. A lot taller. And with the lack of defensive wounds anywhere, I'm guessing didn't see it coming, so either she was ambushed, which doesn't fit considering she's been missing for a while, or she knew whoever did it. At least, knew them well enough to turn her back on them." The Deltan concluded.

"that doesn't narrow it down much," an intern muttered. "She's tiny."

"True, but, if we determine the angle of the entry wound, we may be able to narrow it down a little more," Kaelin explained before scanning the wound. The scanner beeped when done and he looked at the results. "Huh...this may appear simpler than we thought. There's two types of DNA in the wound. One matching the victim and an unidentified one. We'll need to check in the labs to see if it matches anyone. But we can do that later. Onto the actual autopsy," he said and the two interns got a little closer to be able to observe the pathologist's work as Kaelin took the proper blade to begin.

Lance Coughed. "I believe this is where I take over." The head surgeon said. Stepping forward and extending a gloved hand for the laser scalpel.

One was placed in his hand, and the interns all leant in, wanting to watch him work.

"Wait a moment," Kaelin halted his hand. "I'm the Pathologist, which means I perform the autopsy," he pointed out, sure that the human had merely forgotten his place in these proceedings and would gladly step aside.

Lance stepped forward enraged, and waved his laser scalpel under the pathologists nose, "I'm the surgeon. I cut! Otherwise what exactly is the point of my being here?" He demanded angrily.

Ed stepped forward firmly but without aggression and put a hand on Lance's wrist, lowering the blade away from Kaelin's face. "Gentlemen, please? This is a Sickbay but we don't need any more casualties. If you could 'discuss' who will perform which function without harming one another, I should be grateful" he spoke with a monotone and made no attempt to grasp Lance's wrist, simply to lower it by resting his own hand on top of it.

"I don't think there is anything to discuss." Growled Lance.

Kaelin looked at Lance, then over at Ed. It was obvious in the Deltan's gaze he didn't want to get into a 'discussion' with the surgeon and from the short time he'd been on DS5, most everyone in Sickbay had realised the Deltan seemed to avoid any type of situation that may lead to much talk with his co-workers, making people doubt the type of people Deltans usually were.

Kaelin took a deep breath. "Fine," he told the surgeon, his demeanour stiffening. "I will hand the autopsy over to you, doctor," he said, emphasizing the word to point out it wasn't a surgery for him to take over. "Be sure to collect the proper samples for my analysis," he said to the nearby intern. "I will go analyze this DNA sample," he told the room before moving passed Lance and leaving the autopsy room without a pathologist.

Lance began by placing a rubber brick called a "body block" under the back of the body, causing the arms and neck to fall backward whilst stretching and pushing the chest upward to make it easier for him to cut open.

He then began making a large and deep Y-shaped incision, starting at the top of each shoulder and running down the front of the chest, meeting at the lower point of the sternum. This was to allow maximum exposure of the neck structures for later detailed examination. This could prove essential to rule out strangulation. He then extended all the way down to the pubic bone, making a deviation to the left side of the navel.

Lance then selected a more heavy duty laser scalpel to open the chest cavity by sawing through the ribs on the lateral sides of the chest cavity to allow the sternum and attached ribs to be lifted as one chest plate. This is gave him access to the heart and lungs without damaging the pericardial sac. Switching back to a finer scalpel he removed some soft tissue that was still attached to the posterior side of the chest plate. Thus completely exposing the lungs and the heart. He set aside the chest plate to be eventually replaced at the end of the autopsy.

Lance began systematically removing the organs. He began by opening the pericardial sac to view the heart. He removed some blood for chemical analysis from the inferior vena cava. Before removing the heart, he opened the pulmonary artery in order to search for blood clots.

There were none. And the heart showed just the entrance and exit wound, in the right lower and upper left chambers respectively, confirming the blow had come from underneath, and pushed upwards between the ribs through the lung and into the heart. The blade must have been at least five inches long to go all the way through, and judging from the shape of the cut, the blade was double edged and wave shaped.

Lance then cut the inferior vena cava, the pulmonary veins, the aorta and pulmonary artery, and the superior vena cava and removed the heart. He left the aortic arch intact, which will make things easier if the body was to be embalmed. The left lung was now easily accessible and he removed it by cutting the bronchus, artery, and vein at the hilum. Lance removed the right lung in a similar fashion. Looking at the muscles of the back from the inside, it confirmed everything else to him, death from a clean single thrust that had passed through muscles, lung and into the heart with almost surgical precision.

The chief surgeon then removed the abdominal organs one by one after first examining their relationships and vessels. Lance examined the various organs, weighed them and took tissue samples in the form of slices. He even cut open major blood vessels for inspection. Nothing else was out of order.

Next Lance examined and weighted the stomach and intestinal contents. They were empty, even the digestive tract. She hadn’t eaten in at least 48 hours. He would give this data to the pathologist to firmly establish time of death.

Lance then moved the rubber block to elevate the victims head. He made an incision from behind one ear, over the crown of the head, to a point behind the other ear. He pulled the scalp away from the skull in two flaps with the front flap going over the face and the rear flap over the back of the neck.

Lance then cut into the skull creating a 'cap' which he removed, exposing the brain. He observed The brain before severing its connection to the cranial nerves and spinal cord. He then lifted the brain out of the skull for further examination, before handing it over to one of the interns for preservation.

Stepping back, he began pulling off his gloves. "I think that about wraps this up" He said. Leaving the others to clean up. There was nothing more exciting to find. A clean simple blow from someone with an double edged knife, the corpse wouldn’t have seen it coming. Almost boring.

As he was leaving, the skilled surgeon nearly collided with Kaelin on his way back in. Thankfully, the Deltan managed to avoid him, grabbing arm to keep them both steady. Letting him go, he spoke to both him and the rest of the room. "The DNA we got from the wound, the one that wasn't Klia's? Security has found a match," he told them all.

The others all looked around expectantly, waiting for the pathologist to reveal what he knew.

"So who's DNA is it?" Demanded Lance. Irritably pulling his arm out of the Deltans grip.

"Yolanthe Ibalin's!" Kaelin told them all. "She's her partner at the bar."

"Well done Sherlock, you've cracked the case" Lance replied with bored sarcasm. Now that his part was done, his enthusiasim for the whole proceedure was waning rapidly. "Now step aside so I can get to the holosuit and make my tee-off time." The surgeon made his way past the pathologist and out of the med-bay without even a backward glance.

McBain and the Junior officers carried out their duties in processing the samples and organs before returning the body of the victim to an external semblance of her original shape and construction, wrapped her respectfully in a shroud and slid her gently into a refrigerated body drawer.

Padds were completed and the medical data entered onto her file in proper order before the whole room was then duly cleaned up, containers sealed and stored and equipment sterilised.

It was some hours before the Autopsy room was returned to its original pristine state.

Ed then arranged a transfer of the file to Chelsea's office console, marked for her attention, routed in full duplicate to the Chief Surgeon's console and to the terminal in the Lab, designated for the Pathologist.

Returning to his other duties, Ed wasn't far off the end of his shift so he finished up the rest of his 'paperwork' and handed over to his relief. Sighing, he returned to his quarters. ~I could do without another day like this one!~ he told himself as he treated himself to a coffee with Scots Malt and a quiet moments' relaxation.


A JP Between:

Pathology Resident
(NPC'd by Maja)

Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon

CPO Ed McBain
Senior Nurse Practitioner
(NPC'd by Jools)


Klia's Corpse
(NPC'd by Notty)