Interlude – Peeling back the layers
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Peeling back the layers
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Mon Jul 19, 2010 @ 7:33pm
Location   Counseling and Security Office
Timeline   SD 26 - 12:35
[ Main Counseling Services ]

Gabriel came to a stop after he walked through the doors into the main reception area. He continued to walk through the foyer as he came to the receptionist's desk he merely stopped without making the effort to introduce himself.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Adani Haravan manned the desk for the next five minutes while Petty officer Jani was on break. She had done something like this in her days as a non-com. "Yes?" She asked as the figure approached the desk.

"I'm here to see the shrink." He said dismissively.

Adani returned to work after his request. "First door on the right." She said blatantly.

Gabriel walked through the doorway and tossed the padd in his hand across the counselor's desk and waited until it came to a stop in the center of the desk.

"I'm here for my mandatory evaluation" he stated to the station's counselor. "Let's get this over with. Sign the document certifying the necessary documents so that I can return to duty." He said in an irritated manner.

Kreallia looked up from her work and while wanted to scower at the commander instead gave a slight smile. "Commander don't just think that barging in here like that will make me just hand over the forms." She said, giving a slight mischievous grin. Now she had something he wanted, this should be fun. "After all, there is something called due process, that means that you sit down and we actually have an evaluation."

He wanted to throw the padd in smug little face. He would to if he thought it would end his suffering. He looked around the office and grabbed the nearest chair and sat down while looking around impatiently.

"Fine, I'm not crazy and you know I'm not crazy, so let's just get this over with." he said.

Giving a wide grin, Kreallia laid back in her chair. "So Commander, who ordered this one?" Kreallia asked, giving a mischevious smile.

"I'm here because I've been ordered to come here as a condition of my being relieved of duty by that desk-jockey." He replied flatly. "Not to mention that some asshole reporter filed some assault complaint against me." he responded.

Kreallia laughed. "So he did go and see you per my instructions," She laughed softly. "But you hit him?"

"That is besides the point. The important question is what is the point of having this session? You don't have the ability to solve any true problems that a person could be experiencing." he replied.

"Oh?" Kreallia asked. "Coming from a man who thinks the whole of one species fits a certain stereotype. And not to mention is a patron of brute force, so then who can solve someone's problems besides the resident Station Counselor?"

"Somebody who actually has a clue." He responded pointedly.

"Really? So I don't have a clue about anything? Medical school is nothing more then a diploma?" Kreallia continued.

"No, I don't think you do have an idea of what is going on. You have the luxury of sitting in this little enclave of yours without having to actually deal with any of the bastards that populate this station and elsewhere." he shot back.

"So I'm not a real Starfleet officer is what you're saying?" She asked. "You're saying that because I sit behind a desk all day and judge other people on their conditions that I'm in no position to be dictating the standard in which you should be judged by." Kreallia paused. "Interesting, now could this be the cause of a traumatic childhood? Always looking for Adult approval?"

"My personal life and childhood don't have a damn thing with me being able to do my job effectively!" He said defensively. He wasn't about to let this Romulan know more about him than what his service filed reported.

"Fascinating! I've never been Pyscho-analyzed by a security officer." Kreallia fired back calmy.

Dorian leaned closer to the woman's desk and spoke in a low tone. "I don't need anybody's approval, least of all some Romulan half-breed hand-holder. Now are you done wasting my time, yet?" He asked with obvious tension in his voice.

Kreallia sat back and put her hands behind her head. "Interesting...." She nodded, and quickly changed her stance at the look of disgust on Gabriel's face. "So Dorian." Kreallia said, using his real name. "Are you aware your assistant is following you around, hopelessly in love with a man who can't love her back because he's a self absorbed narcissist?"

Dorian was caught off guard by the question. "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

"You heard me." Kreallia said sternly. "Do you even care, or does it flatter your ego?"

Dorian blinked several times as he comprehend what the woman had said.

"That's a lie, I barely speak to the woman. my relationship with her is strictly professional!" he responded professionally with a hint of doubt in his voice. The last thing he needed in his life was to worry about such an uncontrollable element as infatuation or anybody else's feelings.

"So you don't care about her." Kreallia said softly.

"I don't have time for this crap!" Dorian said angrily as he shot out of his chair and headed towards the door.

"Computer seal the door, Authorization t'Jay Jourani, gamma tango sierra counselor." Kreallia said as she walked toward him. "Add medical underlock to the seal." She instructed as she moved closer to Gabriel. "You've forced my hand, I'm no longer playing games, tell me why the hell you're so antagonistic towards me and every other alien on the station."

Dorian walked away from the door since he knew that overriding her code would be pointless considering she would just run to that damn J.A.G. officer again and demand that I be returned to her office. He sat for several moments in silence as he steepled his fingers before him.

"Ask Ensign Michael Derwitt and Crewman Stacey De'Shuan." He replied evenly.

As he saw her bring up the crew manifest he waited until he saw the recognition register in her eyes. "I believe that will be very hard considering they both are dead. In fact they died during the attacks on this station by the Romulan Empire and the Boarans." he said calmly.

"You have the briefings, count the number of lives that have died because of your kind." Dorian replied. "To be 'antagonistic', I would have to actually give a damn about you or any alien on this station. My only concern on this station is the protection of the Federation and its citizens." he said as he looked directly into her eyes.

"What does it matter to you, anyhow?" he shot back.

Kreallia slammed a PADD down on her desk, she was just fed up with this, games, games, games between the two of them. "I am sick and tired of people like you questioning my patriotism!" She yelled. "So what if I carry these god damn ears and green blood! I am still a Federation citizen just like the rest of you god damn human bastards!"

Dorian smiled. ~. . .and we come to the center of the shrubbery maze~ he thought to himself.

"You are just as sad as that second-fiddle in the Romulan Embassy and Isha's mutt of a niece." Dorian stated, referring to Raedheol and Rianni. "Always struggling to fit into a society that doesn't want you because they recognize you for what you really are." he said coldy.

"Everybody else can see it plain as day, why can't you?" he asked in the same serious tone. "You are a Romulan serving on the wrong side of the Neutral Zone. I could respect the Tal'Shiar, at least they don't try to hide in plain sight behind our uniforms." he added.

Kreallia swallowed those words hard, maybe he was right after all. While society did seem to allow a Romulan on there shores, maybe the people didn't. She turned back to Gabriel as she loomed over her desk. "Dorian." She said, using his first name again. "You won't be returning to duty anytime soon." She explained softly.

Dorian stood up slowly and looked down into the Romulan's eye as he loomed over her. He could tell by the steady resolve in her eye that she meant every word that she had said, even if it took a significant amount of courage to say it.

"I guess we'll see about that, won't we. . .Counselor" he said in a less than courteous tone.

Kreallia might have blasted back a smart response if she wasn't so shocked and just simply nodded it off.

He turned without another word and proceeded to exit through the unsealed doors.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel

Lieutenanf Junuir Grade
Kreallia t'Jay

Deep Space Five