Interlude – Babysitting
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Babysitting
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Jun 04, 2010 @ 5:57pm
Location   Romulan Consulate/ t'Khellian's quarters
Timeline   SD21/ Night

Exchanging a few words with Maiell at the door of t'Khellian's quarters, Arrienye finally handed him a padd with the security assignments for the other officers. "Remember, no one is allowed in here, no matter what," she repeated. "Unless there is a full blown assault coming through the Embassy doors, I don't want to hear this chime ring once."

Maiell nodded, "Yes, Arrain," he said, understanding.

"I'll see you in the morning," Arrienye told him. "Good night," he said back before taking up his position at the door of the Ambassador's quarters as Arrienye retreated inside. With a beep, the doors locked.

Isha had emerged from the cool bath, toweled herself dry and wrapped a robe loosely around her body. She had been raised with body-servants and felt no concerns about 'modesty' as she padded back through her bedroom and into the living area.

She froze then, her hand around the corner of the wall and her eyes fixed on the nearest couch.

Arrienye turned as the Ambassador came in. She followed her gaze over to the couch before looking up at t'Khellian. "If you wish, I can have it removed. And another brought in its place," she offered. She had calmed a bit since learning of the incident, but it only drove her to treat the security situation with more urgent care than she had before. And she couldn't help the thoughts of what she'd do to the intruder from creeping up into her mind every so often.

"Do that," Isha said, "and have the rug replaced. I think I will retire, t'Merek," she said as she let her hand fall and turned away.

"Try to rest well, Ambassador," Arrienye said with a respectful bow of her head, feeling that the usual term of 'good night' and 'sleep well' were inapplicable at this time. In fact saying them would've felt like distasteful to her.

Isha glanced back at t'Merek, her expression wavering between smile and frown and grimace as she retreated back into her room.

Left alone in the Ambassador's living area, Arrienye glanced at the couch in distaste before taking a seat on one of the armchairs in the corner. After a few moments of sitting in the dark, she felt unrest rising in her legs and stood up again.

Isha did not bother to screen the windows, the unblinking stars had observed everything that had occurred so they might as well know who it played out. She slipped off the robe letting it slip to the floor and reached for the flimsy nightgown that her invisible serving staff had laid out for her, shrugging it with some discomfort over her head.

If there was no chance of her regaining her honor Isha's actions would be very simple, there were blades in her office, and with any of them in her gut her Houses and the Empire would know why she could not go on, but Isha was a child of complexity. It was not over, she could fight, she just did not know how, she thought as she slipped beneath the sheet.

As her head hit the pillow Isha still saw Getal's bloodied angry face but it shifted as she closed her eyes. Suddenly it was he who wanted her to stop and she would not do that, not while she had a breath left ...

Isha lapsed into sleep.

Checking the chronometer, Arrienye silently walked over to the entrance of the Ambassador's bedroom and glanced inside. Seeing the deep, even breathing of the woman under the sheets, she couldn't help the feeling of relief that swept over her. Watching her for a few moments in silence, that anger for Getal began to rise again so Arrienye turned away, back to the living area.

Walking around the room for what seemed like half an hour, wanting to make sure the Ambassador was sleeping soundly, Arrienye mulled through her thoughts, once again coming to the conclusion that her decision was correct and more than necessary, especially in this troubled time at the Consulate. With a deep intake of breath, she reached beneath her tunic to retrieve a metal cylinder, it's metallic shine glistening in the starlight that lit the room.

Making barely a sound as she walked, Arrienye moved towards the Ambassador's bedroom once again, glancing to make sure she was still sleeping before entering the room. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, Arrienye opened the cylindrical object and tilted it. Slowly, a loaded hypospray slid into her hand and she put the cartridge back into her tunic.

Her breathing deathly silent, she waited, carefully watching the older woman sleep in front of her. As the Ambassador shifted in her sleep, Arrienye's breathing stopped and she got ready. Tilting her head on the side, the woman on the bed finally gave her a window of opportunity. Moving quickly but carefully, the Security Chief didn't hesitate for a moment before pressing the hypospray against the woman's throat. Finished, she quickly took two steps back from the bed while putting the empty hypo out of site.

Isha's eyes flashed open, unseeing, and a hand went to her throat. "I was aiming for my gut," she mumbled, "how did I miss so far?" before her hand fell back again, the fingers of her other hand hand tracing over the minute wound.

Arrienye watched her quietly from the door, unsure if she would wake up completely or just continue mumbling in her sleep.

She gasped slightly. "t'Merek, are you here? Someone just tried to kill me," Isha rationalized, half conscious.

Arrienye walked up to her quickly, resting her hand on t'Khellian's shoulders. "I'm here. You're perfectly safe," she assured, her voice holding a surprisingly soothing tone to it.

Part sleeping, part not Isha rambled; "better if you bring my sister's blade ... the lowest one from the office, I must have missed. Send the others to my daughter, she will make them understand., and my mother, well she will be ..."

Isha lapsed into sleep again.

Arrienye sighed, gently patting the Ambassador's shoulder with her fingers as she sympathetically watched her troubled slumber for a few more minutes before leaving the bedroom.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek