Judgement – Pilots Need Not Apply
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Pilots Need Not Apply
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Wed Nov 24, 2010 @ 7:05pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD35

The office of the Promenade Merchants Association was a masterpiece in hard lines and austere atmosphere that made minimalism look like roccoco excess. At the frosted glass desk sat a tall Andorian woman, short white hair cut into a severe, sharp, bob, and a face made out of sharp angles. A small plaque on the desk said:

Eris Tah, Secretary, Promenade Merchants Association.

He walked through the door and approached the woman's desk, taking in the clean look of the place. Nothing frilly or frothy here, either in the atmosphere or the employee, as he fixed his eyes upon her. She wasn't unattractive, but there was unrealized potential in her appearance.

Holding out a hand, he got right to the point. "Edward Stapleton. I'm new to the station and looking for a job."

She stood, and took his hand for a barest instant, with just enough pressure to be polite, firmer than a dab, but only just.

"And where do your talents lie, Mr. Stapleton?"

He considered his answer for a brief moment, as he watched her cold hand drop to her side. Looking back up, he gave her a steady gaze. "My expertise is in shuttle taxis. For the past fifteen years I've owned and operated a Terran shuttle service. I'm mechanically inclined and a quick study. Good with my hands." His voice was a deep, resonant bass, and he didn't waste words with it.

Her eyebrow raised a fraction, and she looked at his hands. "I'm sure." She replied frostily, before putting a perfectly manicured nail to the desk, and a padd materialized there. "We do not have many vacancies listed at this time." She gave the padd a cursory glance. "The maintenance crews are always welcoming new cleaning staff. The Klingon Restaurant requires a slops boy."

A silence fell between them as he looked down at the padd. Janitorial and bus boy weren't exactly challenging jobs. And he knew they were at the bottom of the pay scale, without looking at the cursory details. "I had hoped for something a bit more... mid-level than that," he said flatly, looking back up at her face.

"Well, there are some...unofficial" venomous distaste dripped from the word. "openings. From non-members."

The obvious tone in her voice raised his curiosity level. "How unofficial are they? I won't do illegal work."

"There is an evening venue on Level 2. The Box of Delights. It is always seeking fresh," She examined him frankly from top to bottom. "meat."

"Fresh meat. Fresh meat," he repeated, his mind flowing down a list of possibilities for that term. "Please explain." He hadn't intended on parsing out body parts for pay, either. Or stripping, if that was what she had implied.

Croupiers, waiters, and now," Tah said with the sort of smirk a black widow spider might use when looking at a mate, "I believe Ibalin will need someone to tend her holosuites. Any other arrangement you come to is purely between you and the rest of her harem."

~Harem?~ he thought, raising an eyebrow. ~Other arrangements... is this lady flirting with me, or what?~ As the silence lengthened and he considered both her words and her facial expression, added to her open perusal of his body a moment earlier, he decided that she was, indeed, giving him the eye. Fortunately he wasn't attracted to her, so this arctic tree of a woman held no forbidden fruit to tempt him.

"Where would I find this Box Of Delights and ... Ilbain, you said?" He kept his expression neutral, not giving her a ledge to hang her cold, blue fingers on.

"Ibalin, The Box is on Level 2, 144 to 158 East. Straight opposite the Turbolifts. Do tell her we sent you." Her smile turned positively nasty.

Reluctantly, he followed social protocol and held out his hand for a parting shake. "Thank you. You've been most helpful, Ma'am."


Eris Tah
Secretary, Promenade Merchants Association
NPC by Notty


Edward Stapleton
(NPC by Bridget)