We All Fall Down – A Recquaintance
by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)

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Title   A Recquaintance
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC)
Posted   Sat Nov 22, 2014 @ 9:02pm
Location   Deck 12 - Commander Soran's Office
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 - 1030 hours

Mikaela Locke strode purposefully back through operations.

Following her meeting with Commander t'Vaurek, Mikaela decided that her next encounter should be with the station's strategic operations officer and, given the current staffing situation on the station, the acting XO. She had debated spending some time on her own, to process the conversation she had just had, but, after a few moments thought, she felt that she might get a better picture of the overall command structure on the station if she had the two meetings back to back.

Aside from that the officer she was about to visit was familiar to her. Commander Soran had served on the Regent at the same time as her. Although they hadn't gotten to know each other particularly well, she recalled that the commander had a somewhat prickly personality - which was absolutely no problem for her at all.

Main operations was soon traversed and Mikaela was soon pressing the chime on Commander Soren's office door. This time there was no hesitation, nor did she feel that nervous pang that had snuck up on her as she approached the station commander's office. Here, she was all business.

Soran was busy sorting through the padds and and files that had all been lost in the bermuda triangle that the Strat Ops office had become in the year since it had been mothballed and combine with main OPS. And on top of that she was juggling the immediate duties of XO that had fallen to her with Wallace's sudden departure.

The doorbell ringing was not the first, and she much doubted it would be the last that morning. "Enter!" she replied without looking up.

The doors slid open and Mikaela walked into the office, pausing after a few steps to allow the doors to close behind her. "Commander Soran," she began, her voice steady and formal, "Do you have a moment?"

"Not really." It was a matter of fact statement rather than a dismissal. "What do you need?"

"I am Lieutenant Locke," Mikaela continued, as if the previous answer had been irrelevant, "the station's new chief of intelligence. I thought it appropriate to make your acquaintance, again."

Soran looked up sharply, "Mikaela Locke?"

"Yes?" Mikaela responded.

"You served on the regent a couple of years ago?"

"Indeed, I did?" she smiled a little, secretly pleased that Soran had recognised her.

Maritza looked at the woman in front of her, clamping down on the wave of mixed emotions that flooded through her at the reminder of that posting. "Small universe. How is the Regent?"

"It's currently in for refit," Mikaela replied, matter-of-factly. "Captain Hamerskjold resigned his commission and Starfleet have yet to assign a new commander."

"I didn't know that." Maritza hadn't looked back to the Regent, too many uncomfortable memories. "And now you're here. By choice or by command?

"A bit of both, I guess," Locke smiled. "When I discovered that the station was looking for a new intel. chief, I made a fairly persuasive argument as to why I should be the one to go. I always preferred the stability of a station assignment over a ship-based one," she added, "Somehow it feels more like home... If you prefer that sort of thing," she finished quickly, suddenly aware that she was lowering her defences slightly more than she usually would.

"I'm glad its by choice." Soran gave a half smile. Locke was a reminder of a happier time. "It's nice to see a familiar face. I suspect we will be working much more closely together that we used to."

"Indeed," Mikaela responded warmly, "I'm looking forward to it." She paused, aware that, perhaps, the two ought to turn their attentions to more professional matters. "I've just come from a brief meeting with the commander," she continued, "but I wondered whether there was anything that you considered a priority at the moment?"

"Actually, yes. Have you been briefed on the friendly fire incident yesterday?"

"Not yet," Locke said, "The commander told me about it just now, but I've not had time to catch up on the details yet."

Soran picked up Colonel Darson's preliminary report and handed the padd to the Intelligence Officer. "Some suspect foul play. The problem is Darson and Wallace did such a number on the main core that its going to be out of commission for some time, and the Operations department here do not have the skills or the capacity to run the forensic reconstruction of the data. I want you to take over that side of things. Find out what happened, and if it was malicious."

Mikaela took the PADD from Soran, with a raised eyebrow. Starfleet Marines were not best known for their subtlety. "I'm on it," she replied. "Although my department is still woefully understaffed." She thought for a moment. "I'd like to requisition a CSI from the security department, if that's possible?"

"You'd have to ask them. If they have something suitable and they give you grief tell them to come to me."

"Thank you, sir," Locke replied with a respectful nod, "I'll keep you up to date on my progress."


Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran
Chief Strategic Operation Officer


Mikaela Locke
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five