Judgement – Always Read the Smallprint
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Always Read the Smallprint
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Nov 19, 2010 @ 9:11pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex
Timeline   SD35 18:00
Karen had barely sat down when her door opened and the ambassador swept into her office.

News travels fast she thought. Karen had hoped that she would have time to concoct a good story, because, as she had pointed out the seemingly minor change of arrangements for Gabriel was not going to sit well the Romulans.

"Ambassador," she said with a nod as the woman walked past her and sat down. This display of entitlement grating on Karen's nerves. "Do come in. Take a seat," she said pointedly as she made her way to the other side of her desk and sat down.

Karen was given the immediate impression that it was she who was the visitor to her own office rather than the Ambassador. She recalled the maxim that no-one can make you feel inferior without your consent; something that the woman's manner seemed to be able to extract on demand.

"Villiers, we appear to have a problem," Isha said as their eyes met. She wondered just how forthcoming the JAG was going to be about this matter. They had negotiated the agreement together under Rihannsu law but it was Villiers' responsibilty to understand the rules, not Isha's to explain them to her.

"How so?" Karen replied. She had no intention of playing word games; if t'Khellian wanted to know something she could get to the point and ask.

"Am I correct in understanding that Gabriel has been relesaed from custody?" Isha enquired, her annoyance at the fact concealed by her calm tone, even gaze and the slight smile that played about her lips.

How in hell did she find out so quickly? Karen wondered just how much classified information the Ambassador had unofficial access to.

"He is under supervision," she replied simply.

Isha's gentle smile widened, masking her displeasure, "Which means what, precisely?" she asked, her eyes hard and steady, like a hnoiyika about to strike its prey. "Are you taking it in turns to stop by and hold his delicate little hand or is he under house arrest?"

The peculiar mix of sarcasm and contempt in her tone irked Karen, "It means that he is under supervision," she repeated, aware that she was not telling the Ambassador what she needed to hear to satisfy the terms of the agreement.

"The terms my government presented were non-negotiable," Isha said, "Your government agreed to those terms, one of which was that prior to the trial Gabriel was to remain in custody. I recall that you gave me your word that all provisions would be satisfied."

"Ambassador t'Khellian, the Captain gave an order that he was to be released from the brig and escorted to his quarters. If you object you'll have to take it up with her."

"Oh, and I am sure that you did everything you could to remind Tahir of the promises the Federation had made to my government," Isha said despite her smile her tone was one of utter derision.

"You gave me your word, Villiers," Isha repeated as she tilted her head slightly to one side and observed the JAG for a few silent, and for Karen, uncomfortable moments. "but, now that I understand what your word is worth I find that I must reassess the value of mine."

That benign smile still on her face the Ambassador rose and departed withtout another work.

The only word Karen said as the door finally closed was f -


Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Commander Karen Villiers