Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Small Matter (Part 2)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   A Small Matter (Part 2)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sun Jun 07, 2009 @ 11:03pm
Location   Commander's Office
Timeline   SD9 06:45

"Excuse me." He said, leaning towards her and making his way towards the Major and Gabriel.


He turned sideways in between Chelsea & Petro, "Ladies." He said in passing, a smile on his face as he made his way to Dorian.

"Lieutenant Gabriel, can I have a quiet word?" He intervened in what was obviously an disagreement between him and the Marine.

Gabriel was about to respond to Darson's flippant remark when he was interrupted by Commander Davies. Gabriel decided to resist the urge to punch the Marine in the face and actually have a word with Davies.

Darson would have made a rude hand gesture at Dorian, but his hands were otherwise engaged. He settled for subtly moving towards them, at least as subtly as he could with an enormous crate balanced over his shoulder, in order to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Making sure he was out of clear earshot of the other staff, he asked in a hushed voice.

"Dorian, are you happy to take full responsibility of the security department?" David asked bluntly, even though he could order the man so, he would rather give Dorian the option. A day was not really enough to fully experience the complexities and depths of security, but he could see that as a intelligence officer, he was also a damn good security chief.

Gabriel raised a brow. "Why? Is the Nausicaan unable to perform her duties within her substandard abilities anymore?" Gabriel asked wondering why he had not seen nor heard from the looming creature today.

Petro overheard the comment and stormed up to Gabriel. "What would you know about standards?" she barked. "or manners for that matter."

Darson restrained a chuckle that was forming in his chest as he watched Petro step up to do battle with Gabriel. From what he had seen of her personnel records, she wasn’t exactly the confrontational type…but maybe hanging around with Rakka had rubbed off on her somehow.

Gabriel looked at the Enlisted individual standing before him. He recognized Petro immediately as Rakka's little friend that always followed her around. Without Rakka, Gabriel wondered what she would do for companionship. It appeared that she had found something new to occupy her time: Insubordination.

"Standards, Warrant Officer, the same in time of an emergency." Gabriel said as he narrowed his eyes. "Standards which are in place to save lives, Warrant Officer. Perhaps you should review those the next time you *think* about accepting such a daunting task." Gabriel said as he continued to observe Petro's response.

"Some standards need to be set aside." Petro said, feeling the lump rise in her throat. "Would you rather have had it unattended?" She asked. Before he could reply she added another quip. "Standards, I've heard, are something that seem to fluctuate to suit your own personal goals."

“Oh…Zing!” Darson thought to himself amusedly as he continued eavesdropping on the conversation. Petro was really holding her own. Gabriel looked defensive and Darson was certain that he had not anticipated this amount of fight coming from the lithe quartermaster.

Da`nal shuck his head slowly as the two sparred. Nothing had changed, but could he really expect any different from the day before.

Gabriel hesitated for a moment before responding. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Gabriel asked, with the demanding intent obvious in his voice. "Explain yourself, Petro. Go ahead, there's no rushing mob coming to attack you, nor is there a hulking Nausicaan to stand up for you." He said, crossing his arms.

Petro glared at Dorian. "I stand up for her." She said. "At least I don't arm prisoners and provoke them to attack another officer." Petro said, having heard of the incident from Rakka. "And don't pretend to deny it." She said, her gaze fixed on him, though the tension in her neck was growing.

“A knife…I would think,” Darson thought, casting his mind back several days to the interrogation of the interrogation of one of the Calina Consortium’s assassins, the one who had killed Lieutenant Riley. It was very interesting that she was accusing Gabriel of it though, especially since he had nothing to do with it. But he kept silent and continued enjoying the aural conflict while his eyes danced about the room cataloguing who was present.

"The hell are you talking about?" Gabriel said in a lowered tone so that nobody beyond Gabriel, Petro, or Davies could hear their conversation. "I've never given a prisoner any form of a weapon." He said, "Perhaps you should stick to your duties instead creating fantastic conspiracy theories." He replied.

David held up his hands in surrender. "Please!" He exclaimed a little too loudly as a hush came upon the room. It was not quite the way he had planned things, but now that there was a pause in the proceedings, he decided now was as good a time as any to spring his surprises, whether they were welcomed now or not.

"Being as I have you attention, I called you here to alleviate tensions, disparage the events of yesterday and promote a little 'joy' into the new day." His brow rose at Gabriel, then to Petro as he moved back across the silent room to his desk.

"I know you’re all wondering why I called you here," He swept around the decked desk, "some of you will have doubts and fears over reprisals and recriminations because of yesterday, but that was not the reason for my call. The events and actions of the attack, the battle and its outcome, made me see a lot of things differently on this station." David tugged at his tunic with one hand, as he pulled out the chair with the other casually eying each member of staff.

"As some of you know, a station would not be my first choice of Command, it fact, it's the first time I have ever commanded a station and though I am far out from my comfort zone, your actions spurned me on to recognize each of your actions. Please, each of you take a seat." Davies' hand waved to the vacant chairs that were currently tucked beneath the table and he waited for them to become seated before he continued.

Gabriel continued to eye Petro as he took his seat as commanded by Davies. He planned on having a long talk with Petro about what she had just accused him of. A long chat indeed. . .

Petro glowered at Gabriel as she took a seat a few paces away. What he had said about Rakka was unprofessional, unproductive, uncalled for and just plain rude. It wouldn't end here, not if the rumors about Dorian were true. He'd want justification one way or another and he'd retaliate in his own fashion in his own time. She just wondered how far he really would go to get what he wanted.

Having remained near the door keeping an ear open and barely able to keep the smirk from her face, Isha finally unfolded her arms and took a seat; if he admitted to his own staff, and whilst in the presence of outsiders that he was not at ease with his command, Davies could expect nothing more than continuing demonstrations of insubordination from them - it was basic common sense. It was also the first one that Isha had witnessed first hand and part of her had really hoped that someone would lose their control and hurt the man, she hardly though that it would be Petro who confronted Gabriel.

Isha sat upright and folded her hands in her lap keeping her eye on the room from beneath half lowered lashes; sometimes it was much more productive to remain unobtrusive and they seemed to have succeeded in making quite a scene without her assistance.

Ensign Opaka sat on Isha's other side out of instinct. She was really the only person other than Da'nal that he was very familiar with, and sitting on Da'nal's other side would have blocked his view of most of the other people at the table. As he minced bits of kava fruit into his raktajino, Jo'el made brief eye contact with the junior counselor across the table. His heart fluttered as he leaned over to Isha.

"That's her," The Bajoran said, "the Betazoid I was talking to you about in your office."

"The one who was so quick to find fault with your appearance?" Isha murmured with a sideways glance at Opaka. "Then she's blind or a damned fool," she could hardly help feeling a degree of partiality; Opaka had prevented her from being murdered at least once the previous day.

"No, no, that was her superior officer. We didn't really get a chance to speak..." Jo'el decided to file that one away for later. He pinched his nose nervously, avoiding eye contact with the counselor.

"Come on now," Isha said in a conspiratorial undertone as she reached for the coffee pot, "You were ready to gut my husband's brother, and you can't even look her in the eye - I didn't think you had a timid soul ... the worst she can do to you is say 'no'."

Darson gracefully moved off to the side to get out of the way of the numerous officers moving to take seats, and moved off towards his own designated seat at the table, but for the moment decided not to sit down, “Commander Davies,” he said in a lightly honeyed tone, “before we proceed, I request permission to share my report regarding the recent mission I embarked upon…I have a feeling that it will make the general mood in here a little less…moody.”

"Denied Major. Tales of fancy can be relayed after I have made my announcements." David said as he nodded to the chair for the Major, the jewellery and his case.

Darson lapsed into an unreadable silence for a moment, then bowed his head in polite acquiescence and said in a contrite tone, “As you wish, Commander,” He bumped the case off his shoulder, and with the aid of his foot lowered it gently to the ground. He then brushed off his cloak and took his seat without pomp.

Each of them sat and his eye mainly remained upon the Romulan Ambassador & the Klingon Lieutenant Commander, for it was he David wanted to publicly address first.

David watched as James gracefully took his seat, before the Commander continued.

Pulling open the drawer, he glanced down at the red felt covered boxes and the singular Purple one, before his eyes came back to study each of their faces, some looking back with apprehension, one with fear and the other with nonchalance.

"Firstly, I am sure that you will all join me in wishing, now, Commander Da'Nal a safe journey as he takes command of the USS Freedom."

He leant forward, his hand snaking into drawer to retrieve 2 inconspicuous boxes. His mind raced, deciding who was to receive the first accolade and a smile came to his face.

"Lieutenant Chelsea Adams." He saw her redden and it made his smile widen.

"You worked tirelessly in sickbay yesterday, not only healing wounds, but minds as well. I was inspired watching you and even received a few words of comfort and guidance from you myself." The Commander now made his way towards her as her head fell.

"For your actions and wisdom, I hereby promote you to Lieutenant Commander." He paused, handing her the box and this time, he said nothing as she opened it and her head snapped around to him.

Chelsea stood up to receive the box and allow him to position the pip that had been inside. Then she shook David's hand and saluted him.

"Thank you Sir" was all she could say although there were a thousand words in her head all at once, those three were the only ones she could put together into anything that made sense. 'Made Up' didn't cover it.

"I think Dr Milarno will be a little mortified!" He teased.

Petro found herself smiling at the promotion. Though she didn't know Chelsea well, it was always good when a person who deserved something received it.

Chelsea blushed again but she found her smile at this. "I think you may be right Commander, he may be just a *little* put out!" She joked too, but remembering how pleased Ryan had been for her when she had made Lieutenant and how proud he had been. She couldn't wait to see him, it had been a very long week in which they had passed like ships in the night almost the whole time.

Casting a glance across the table as she sat back down, Chelsea was proud that Isha was here. This was an amazing moment for her and having her friend there made it all the better. She gazed at the box and ran her fingertip around the edge, a myriad of thoughts racing through her mind.

"Congratulations," Isha mouthed but kept her silence. So Davies was a bit of a showman, she mused still not quite sure why she had been asked to attend the meeting unless he wished to demonstrate first hand to a Romulan that despite everything they were still functioning and largely in one piece.

David's head bowed towards Chelsea and he noticed Isha mouth her own pleasantry as he took a step backwards before turning around looking at the rest of the crew, who were now expectant as he held the second box.

He stopped behind nurse MacKenzie. He looked directly at Dorian, who held his eye as cool as ever. David could not begin to penetrate the cold exterior of Dorian and he had no intention of doing so.

"Lieutenant Gabriel, I started to ask you just now, if you wanted command of the security department, do you?" Davies asked, his face serious, though he could not contain his own feelings of excitement and content, but he idly swayed the felt box knowing that it would have absolutely no affect on the officer he was addressing.

Gabriel stood as Davies addressed him. He pulled on his uniform jacket straightening it out before responding. "After the events of yesterday and the work that remains to be completed today, I see that the Security department is in need of firm leadership." He said while casting a glance towards the assembled officers.

"Yes, I will accept the position as head of this station's security department." He replied.

Darson leaned back in his chair slightly as he rubbed his armored chin with his good hand in a quietly introspective fashion. This was troublesome…Gabriel as a security officer? He gave a small mental shudder. He didn’t know if Commander Davies knew the ramifications of what he had just done, and made a small mental note to talk to him after the meeting. As the Chief of Security on a station such as this, that person would have to deal with all the complaints given by the general populace. Rakka was not the best choice for the job, but Gabriel would be much worse.

Suddenly, the door hissed open behind him. Even with his disabled arm, Darson was still the most imposing and combat capable person in the room, and as such had taken the seat closest to the door in order to act as an unofficial vanguard. As he turned in his chair to observe the newcomer, his hand dropped smoothly to his hip inside his cloak, where his sidearm waited.

Darson shouldn’t have worried though. As soon as he saw the person entering, he smirked to himself and kept turning, making a full revolution and ending up facing the table again.

"I hope you enjoy your new job, I know I'm going to enjoy mine." Jarred said as he walked into the room.

Claire looked up and saw Jarred standing there, her heart skipped a beat, she was completely speechless. Claire simply stared at the man she loved.

The entrance of Ensign Wallace was unexpected, but Davies just looked as the Ensign pulled out a chair.

"That Ensign, depends on whether we believe you to be the right candidate for the position!" He replied with a severity to his tone. David held forth the box to Dorian. "Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel, you are hereby promoted and re-assigned." David said, wanting to smile but with Dorian, it would have been misread so he offered his hand.

Gabriel shook the man's hand as he accepted the box. He opened it slowly and examined the black pip that was to be added to his collar. The promotion itself signified a form of recognition of his sacrifice to Starfleet and to the Federation as a whole. She would have been proud of him. . .

Jarred looked at the Commander then at Dorian "unlike Mr. Gabriel who has only had one Chief of Station assignment in intelligence, I have had several and want the job, I didn't come here to be second forever." Jarred only told half the truth, he was going to apply to return to command when he got back up to full Lieutenant "So if there is going to be a new Chief of Intel I think it should be someone whose paid a heavy debt for his service " pointing to the fresh scaring on his face,"and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty."

Gabriel looked up from the box and focused his eyes on Wallace as he entered the room. "Debt? You've barely been on this station long enough to accumulate any debt. When men and women were sacrificing their lives in defense of this station, you were off gallivanting who knows where. Anyone serving in a leadership role on this station has to be here full-time, not just when it suits their fancy, *Ensign*" Gabriel said smartly.

~So, he's thinks everyone is beneath him~ Petro mused, doing her best to refrain from making eye contact with Gabriel. Sadly, she couldn't quite place the Ensign to figure out if Gabriel had any grounds for his disfavor - not that he really needed one, she thought.

Jarred had the sudden urge to reach over and shatter the mans neck, the only thing Dorian knows is political ambitions are getting in the way of his duties, then again, internal affairs is going to have a proverbial field day when they find out he'd been promoted.

Darson cocked his head to the side as he waited patiently and silently for all these tedious proceedings to end. He stared discretely at the furious Ensign and started working on a plan in his head for how he could use him. He then turned his attention to the Commander at the head of the table. He couldn’t help but feel as if there was some double standard going on here.

Davies ambled back around the table. "Yesterday was a horrid day. Trouble flared and you all acted with the utmost professionalism and not only did you make me proud, you made Starfleet proud." The open drawer still held a few more boxes. "Some of you went above and beyond the call of duty." He looked at Ensign Opaka then to Isha. "Ensign Opaka. You were one such officer and I am sure that the Romulan Ambassador would do you the honour of handing you the correct insignia." He looked at Isha. "Ambassador, would you?" He asked, holding up the small box, containing a single black pip but as yet unopened.

Isha plucked the object from between his fingers as she rose; it was not quite what she had in mind - being made a spectacle of, but she could hardly refuse. "Opaka, you began today an Ensign, and a friend, you will end it still a friend, but also a Lieutenant," she said, Davies could correct that later if she had misunderstood the Federation hierarchy, "I owe you and your Prophets a debt, I think, that will not be marked by pips and baubles. Thank you, and congratulations."

The freshly-minted Lieutenant Opaka felt his face flush. He grabbed his nose by the ridges to partially hide the blush. His purple eyes teared up a little.

"Thank you, Madam Ambassador. And thank you, Commander Davies. I wish the captain were here as well, but..." he stammered. "Forgive me, this is a little overwhelming." He felt at the new pip on his collar.

"This represents the fruits of three years in service with Starfleet. I promise you, Prophets willing, I will not give you reason to regret your faith in me." His blush subsiding, he nodded to the commander and sat down. Something to distract me from the scenery... he thought, glancing back at Counselor Mackenzie.

Petro watched as Isha presented the new rank. It was hard to believe that this was the same woman who talked her into wearing that red dress at what seemed to be so long a time ago. A smile crept across her face unable to contain the swelling of happiness for Opaka.

As she looked around the room at the various reactions to these promotions and position changes, Petro couldn't help but miss Rakka all the more. Her eyes fell on Dorian Gabriel and though she had a dislike for him and knew beyond a doubt that he was the kind to bend the rules to suit his needs, she wondered if her accusations were accurate. After all, it wasn't the facts that were speaking but her emotions in reaction to what he had said about her friend. Perhaps, and now it would be pushing it, she owed him an apology. If for nothing else not having the facts presentable off hand.

She shrugged inwardly and continued looking around the room. All these people were ranks above her and she was clearly out of place. She lowered herself in her chair, even more so than she already sat, ashamed to be here. Gabriel was right, 'standards that should have stopped an inexperienced Quartermaster from being in control of the station's tactical systems'. There were standards and she had allowed her emotions to override them. 'Perhaps you should review those the next time you *think* about accepting such a daunting task' His words echoed in her mind. She had challenged him and if he was what she thought him to be then she made a serious mistake. As it was, she had challenged a superior officer and now, even as the meeting took place, she wondered how long it would be before he created a problem for her.

Darson looked quietly upon the now gloomy Janaii. He could use her too, he thought. Just like Wallace, she would be mouldable, instead of pure anger though, fear and her lingering feelings for the departed Rakka would be the catalyst…maybe Dorian becoming CSO wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

~Still we argue amongst ourselves ~ Davies thought as he placed himself back into his chair. He had refrained from answering Wallace, he didn't want to descend into an argument when he had so wanted today to be a peaceful and harmonious day, especially when there were still so many pieces to be put back on the station.

"Thank you Ambassador," Davies began and nodded towards the Romulan Ambassador, "but that was not the only reason I asked you to attend today, though it was fortunate. Late last night, I was reading through the logs and at first, I believed you had simply abandoned DS5 in a time of need. It was only this morning, that I heard more of the facts that had befallen you and I felt ashamed at my own thoughts, but it was the message I received from Romulus that I have really asked you to attend here this morning." David reached into the drawer and took out the large purple covered box and the PADD that accompanied it.

"You will have to forgive me, I do not know what is contained in this," David apologized as he stood, "the replication order was in Romulan as apparently, spoken in English would not replicate this medal correctly." He said, handing her the box and PADD, "but I do know that your government has offered an apology for the attack to the Federation and that you have awarded some form of medal of valor." He explained with a smile.

She had been about to resume her seat. Instead Isha found herself the centre of attention once again - a spot she often liked to occupy, but right now as she extended her hand and took both the box and the PADD, she rather wished that the eyes of the station were not upon her because though there were some that were friendly, others would no doubt view this as an affront.

Isha skimmed the PADD before she crooked her thumb and flicked open the box. Had she been less well trained she might have dropped straight back into her chair, but years of breeding had put her where she was – an apology without admission of culpability, and … she placed the PADD and the box on the table before she lifted out the little gilt star with its blue enamel heart winking from the centre. “The Ranam Valassa,” she explained to Davies, “The Shining Star … not something I would ever have expected to receive – it is given for service beyond the call of duty.”

Someone in the government wanted to register their approval of her actions and to be sure that she knew that she had one powerful backer at least.

The Commander could see that Isha was full of restrained emotion, but what really amused him, was the way that Da'Nal had put his arm around her in congratulation and some members of crew found it quite disconcerting.

Gabriel wanted to vomit. Federation citizens lose their lives because of some family squabble between Isha and her misbegotten tribe and all her government has to say for it is, "Sorry." To make matters worse, she is given a damn medal for her "bravery". It took every bit of his self-restraint to avoid flipping the table over and storming out of the meeting in disgust.

Darson resisted the urge to comment on the medal, remaining uncharacteristically silent as he basked in Dorian’s rage. While in this particular case he agreed with the dark-skinned man, Dorian had no idea just how much Isha now had to lose, “Oh Ms. t’khellian, he thought with just the slightest hint of humor, “This almost makes me regret having putting out a hit on dear old Raedheol…almost.”

Still smiling to himself, Davies retook his seat, holding back on the 1 certain promotion he held and the offer on his mind for Petro.

He allowed the general hub-bub to settle, watching the quiet and unobtrusive J'naii, who seemed to be trying to push herself back into her seat whilst still watching those around her.

Finally, he took the last but one red box from his drawer and laid this one on the table, leaning forward for the mixed juice and topping up his glass. The room was starting to get a little stuffy from the body heat and exuded hot air, so seeing that Darson was nearest the door, he called to him.

"Major, would you be kind enough to open the door and then you can recant your report." Davies said with a nod and the faintest register of a smile.

[End of part 2]

Commander David Davies

Commander Da'Nal
CO: USS Freedom

Ens. Jarred Wallace

Lt. Cdr Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Warrant Officer Petro

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt. Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor

Ensign Opaka Jo'el