Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Other Side of the Coin (pt. 2)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   The Other Side of the Coin (pt. 2)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Sat Aug 29, 2009 @ 9:28am
Location   Sickbay - DS5
Timeline   SD10 - 23:30 hrs

One stolen moment, that was all (Nora) allowed herself. Then she began to creep out again, softly so as not to wake (Ryan).


Ryan in fact had woken to the feel of soft lips on his own, but he didnt want to let on to her that he knew, not yet, he couldnt. He waited a few minutes and quickly sat up and woke up a little. He stood and headed to the replicator on the far wall and came back a few seconds later with a very strong coffee. He stood at the desk with his mug in hand and looked out seeing her lying on the biobed. Now, everything had just gotten a little more complicated.

If only he knew how much so! Somewhere, not too many decks away, his trophy cabinet disintegrated into shards...

From the side of the shadowy room Rh'vaurek had watched as the dancer left her bed, and returned to it, he had seen through the window what she had done, and he stared at her now, very much as he could see Milarno doing from the other side of the partition.

On silent feet he made his way around the edge of the room and pressed open the door to the doctor's office.

"You have one minute to convince me why I shouldn't cripple the pair of you for life," he told Milarno, his voice as hushed as the night.

Ryan was looking at Nora as he heard the hushed voiced of Rh'vaurek closely behind him. Ryan turned around and started chuckling and placed his mug on his desk. "You just don't give up do you?" he asked. "Yes I'll give you a god damn reason" he replied angrily but quiet. "I'm not the one who has being seeing someone else" he answered.

Rh'vaurek stretched the fingers of one hand in front of him, "Meaning what? Be precise, Boy. My respect for the lady is the only thing that stopped me from cracking your skull. It seems to me that you're the one who couldn't keep his eyes where they should be focussed." To emphasise his point Rh'vaurek let his gaze slip over to the sleeping Nora and back again.

"You know...." Ryan began. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you...never call me a boy, I warned you last time and then look what happened" Ryan smiled. "But anyway yes...back to the point at hand...Chelsea has been the one going off with another person not me...Lieutenant Richard Dunham...I'm sure you'll have heard seen as though you are such good friends with Chelsea these days..." Ryan glared at him before picking his mug up and taking a drink from it.

"I wasn't taking you seriously last time, boy. You have a bad temper, one I don't want my v'Rinam (adopted sister) exposed to," Rh'vaurek said with an emphatic jab of a finger at the doctor. "She is not the one who has been cavorting about the station with a rather cheap looking tart whose dancing career is hardly going to be damaged by her slip."

"Leave her out of this, it has nothing to do with her. It's between me and you. Yes I have a bad temper, who wouldn't after having to put up with the likes of you...tell you what...get out of my sickbay....NOW! You're only pi**ing me off even more by being here and frankly what happens in mine and Chelsea's relationship has nothing to do with you!!!" he shouted. "Get out, I have work to do, you have five seconds or your gonna see my fist launching for your I make myself clear??"

"GO for it, Boy," Rh'vaurek said as calm as a Vulcan noon. He had tried to be reasonable, and he owed Milarno one.

"Three seconds..." Ryan announced. As the seconds counted down Ryan was ready for a fight with him, he couldn't stand the man. Hate was a strong word but he did hate him. He walked closer to him and when Rh'vaurek didn't make any move to leave Ryan lunged forward and punched him in the face and pushed him to the door, following him into the lab so that the occupants of Sickbay wouldn't witness what was going to happen. "I warned you"

"You really are a worthless sack of shit, Milarno," Rh'vaurek said as he spat a gob of blood and spittle to the floor. "First one is free, you're a friend of a friend after all." He shrugged, then without warning drove Milarno against the partition wall with his shoulder before cracking his fist into his jaw. "Oh dear, I lied," he said, "which no doubt is what you will do when you come to explain this later - blame the Romulan, that's your tactic, isn't it?"

Ryan was forced up against the wall, his head hanging after the punch. He lifted it up and looked at Rh'vaurek. "Blame the Romulan? Ha! Yeah I might just do that, afterall, I've never liked Romulans, you all are worthless scum, well maybe not all, but you're hardly representative of the year are you?" Ryan spat out angrily before lifting his leg and kicking him away from him. "Come on then get up, show me what you've got..." Ryan pushed him and pushed him and just waited to see what he'd do.

"I'm sure you can give better than that..." Ryan told him.

Rh'vaurek did just that. "Luck rarely strikes twice, I rarely have to. I gave you a chance, kid." He moved rapidly forward, the technique he chose was one known as kormorek, brutal and often deadly it has its roots in the sort of street onto which Rh'vaurek had been born.

He went for the body; placed well a strike could rupture an organ or cause significant nerve damage, his fist meeting flesh with comforting ease.

After Rh'vaurek hit him, Ryan fell forward, one of his hands placed over where he was just hit and the other keeping him from falling onto the floor. He let out a deep gruntled breath of air, trying to cope with the pain inflicted upon him. A few seconds later he stood up. He chuckled a little. "Good one...very good" and seconds later he lunged towards Rh'vaurek and grabbed him by the neck with both hands and spun him around and pushed him against the bulkhead and started to punch him in the stomach. He then stepped away and his fist struck his face.

It gave Rh'vaurek enough space to swing a leg into the side of Milarno's knee, not enough to crack the joint, but enough to unbalance him and to allow Rh'vaurek to follow through with an elbow hard in the solar plexus before he seized the doctor with both hands and threw him across his own desk.

Ryan slid across his desk and landed on the floor hard. Ryan grunted in pain but managed to slowly lift himself up. He felt like the energy he had, had just been took from him. "That's not enough" Ryan began to laugh. His cheek bleeding and pain from a few areas on his body also giving him pain.

He was insane, Rh'vaurek thought as he rounded the desk. Milarno was not quite on his feet and Rh'vaurek knocked them out from beneath him. For a moment he watched as the doctor fell again, then he kicked him again and again, not particularly caring where he struck. Eventualy, and seeing that he was no longer moving Rh'vaurek left the room. He paused and looked briefly at the sleeping dancer before continuing on his way.

A JP between:

Lt. Ryan Milarno


erie'khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador
NPC played by Isha