Judgement – Getting to the bottom
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Getting to the bottom
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 7:41pm
Location   Main Security - Office of the Chief of Security
Timeline   SD 38 10.00 (back Post)
[Inside Trellis' office]

Si'Lar sighed inwardly as he took another sip of the brown liquid that filled his glass. In actuality, the glass was nowhere near filled at this point. Its contents steadily leaving the cool confines of the glass and ending up on the slow wavering lips of the acting Chief of Security.

"Do you really think that's going to help you?" Lieutenant Debrah Kato asked as she sat in the chair across from the Chief's desk.

Si'Lar looked at the Investigator as he took another sip from his glass. "I have a serial killer on the loose, I've been forced to shut down one of the most popular establishments on the promenade while I've placed its owner under arrest for ANOTHER murder." he said as he interrupted himself long enough to take another sip.

"My tactical officer is fighting for his life in Sick Bay, I have a brig filled with former Maquis terrorist that attempted to take over the station and send all of us back in time, oh. . .and did I mention that bastard of a Security Chief is sitting in the brig twiddling his thumbs while all of this is going on?" Trellis said roughly as he sat up in his chair.

"Deb, you have no idea the stress that I have balancing on my shoulders." he sighed.

"Si'Lar, you've forgotten that I had to watch my entire family being wiped out during the Cardassian Occupation." Kato said, still maintaining her calm demeanor. "While I may not have been on the front lines during the Dominion War, but I was there when the Breen attacked Earth. So I do have experience with stressful situations." Kato responded.

"I know enough to recognize that drinking yourself into oblivion will not ameliorate any of your ongoing issues." She said firmly as the chime to his office rang.

Trellis downed the remainder of his glass before he stood and straightened his uniform. "Enter!" he called.

Alexia slipped inside and waited until the door had closed behind her before explaining who was outside. She might have had her prblems with Trellis taking over from Gabriel but she was still a team-player and in the face of the monstrous Cardassian, Getal she was defensive of her new boss. *She* could criticise and argue with him, but she wasn't going to help anyone else do the same. She didn't consider them *family* as the departmental staff were.

"The owner of the Box of Delights is here, and she has that *Ambassador Getal* with her, wishing to speak with you Sir" she rolled her eyes. "Shall I tell them you're otherwise engagaed?" She had heard that Ibalin had been attacked in custody which was shocking, but Getal was still *the enemy* to the security staff.

Trellis took a deep breathe to prepare himself for the upcoming frenzy. "Very well, send in Ambassador Getal and Ms. Ibalin. Tell the escort to remain in the Main Foyer. " He instructed, referring to the armed Starfleet guard he was assigning to her on a permanent basis from now on.

Ordinarily he would have just met with the prisoner inside of her cell. However, He also had to speak with Ambassador Getal at the same time. Trellis figured it would be best to have both of them around one another for the time being.

"Yes Sir, but if you press your button, I can have a whole squad in here in seconds." she offered quietly. It was a novelty to be showing solidarity and concern for him.

Trellis placed the glass underneath his desk out of the view of everyone in his office just as the pair walked into his office.

"Please, have a seat." Trellis said to the two as the door closed behind them.

The bokkai sat, ramrod straight, the three lines that had been carved on her face brilliant black against the pale mist grey of her skin. She glanced at Getal once, but said nothing, then looked expectantly to Trellis

"I'll stand." Getal said, as he strode fully into the room. He stood himself directly next to Yolanthe, and their combined presence made the room seem full all of a sudden.

Trellis took a deep breathe as he remained standing. He turned slightly and gestured towards the uniformed Bajoran.

"This is Investigator Debrah Kato, she will be handling the investigation into the man Ms. Ibalin claims attacked her." He said, making formal introductions as he reached for his chair.

"Hello," Kato responded to the two added civilians. She knew that any investigation would certainly not be easy, but one involving the Cardassian ambassador was guaranteed to try her patience and mental resolve.

Yolanthe turned her head sharply to the bajorran and her hair and skin turned various shades of lime green. "Is that necessary? Its not as if I'm pressing charges."

"It is most definitely necessary!" Trellis said in a surprisingly loud voice. "You claim that a non-starfleet officer entered my security department and attacked you and simply strolled away?" Trellis asked incredulously.

"Yes, Investigator Kato is necessay." he concluded

"But he's long gone, and no real harm was done." Yolanthe appealed to Kato, ignoring Trellis.

"Ms. Ibalin, I can understand your desire to move past this traumatic situation." Kato began sympathetically. "But his assault upon you and his violation of station security poses a grave threat, not just to yourself, but to many other people." Kato replied calmly.

Yolanthe sat back, and as she did so the green faded to a swampy grey. "Very well."

"Now, what do you know about the man?" Trellis inquired. "More importantly, what does he know about you that made him want to kill you?" He continued.

"Nothing." She said , shrigging and ignoring the feint orange tint trying to lift her skin tone. "No idea. Never saw him before."

Trellis groaned in frustration. He was tempted to put her back in the brig just so the man could get a second shot at her.

"Now is not the time for games, Ms. Ibalin. We cannot help you if you do not cooperate." He replied.

She shifted uncomfotably in her chair, "I'm not asking for your help. And if he wanted me dead, he had plenty of opportunity. I was paralysed, and he had all the time in the world. But he didn't. As to how he got through your security, I can't help you. All I've seen for the last two days is the inside of the brig."

Trellis was becoming increasingly frustrated not just at the victim's lack of cooperation, but his unavailability of options. He merely pursed his lips together as he sunk back into his chair.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation at a later time," Kato suggested, obviously aware of the frustration that had permeated the room. Nothin of any benefit was going to be accomplished today and she knew it.

The bartenders skin and hair became shades of misty blue, and she gave Kato a grateful smile. "Thank you." She turned to Trellis, "Look, I know you're concerned about your security, but I really don't think he's going to be a problem again. He did what he came to do. And I'm not going to be blaming you for it. He got lucky, slipping in using the visit Madam T'Khellian arranged for me. Thats it. End of Story, nothing to worry your -" She broke off, consider her words, "self, about."

Trellis did not immediately respond to the woman as he watched her begin to leave his office. He stood as the Cardassian Ambassador began to join her as they exited the office.


"This is pointless," Trellis said as the doors closed behind the two. "We have a potential killer stalking the halls of the station and our prime witness REFUSES to cooperate! What is wrong with her!" he said wearily. "What doe she think the attacker is going to do? Just give up and walk away!?!" He asked rhetorically.

"Getting angry with her will not help the situation." Kato replied in a sympathetic manner. "The only thing we can do now is just observe and react." Kato said in a more soothing tone than her superior officer was articulating.

"You're right, you're right." Trellis sighed. "I guess we'll have to wait to see what happens next." he said.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator


Ensign Alexi Jackson
Administrator - Security Dept.