Incommunicado – Drop in Trill.
by Lieutenant Rex Mett & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Drop in Trill.
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Rex Mett & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Wed Aug 29, 2012 @ 5:51pm
Location   Lieutenant Mex's Quarters
Timeline   Present
Rex had been on board for know less than an hour before several ensigns, yeoman and diplomatic corpsmen had produced case after case of current affairs, issues and disputes to be solved. Mia was busy unpacking her belongings in her room as Benji scurried around the large family quarters, attempting to comprehend his new domain.

Rex took a seat on the large green leather sofa that dominated the living section of the quarters. A female lieutenant no more than 50 had already swung by, introduced herself as Angela Fletcher, Rex's number two and already begun to arrange and unpack his quarters. Despite the initial confusion he was relieved to not be unpacking his belongings.

He grabbed the nearest data PADD left untidy on the coffee table, skimming the title "Storage disputes over the BRI and DYR?" Rex muttered to himself as he read the curious dispute between the two main institutes on board DS5. The door chimed as Rex moved to stand up and adjust his uniform, Angela had already gone to open the doors.

Saria looked up when the door was opened. She noticed the woman at first, and then the Bolian in purple uniform, behind her. "Thank you." She smiled toward the woman, and stepped forward. She shocked a little bit, when she heard the barking of a dog. There was a small dog with a Bolian girl on the left of her in the room.

"Lieutenant" She began, "We're glad to have you aboard. It's always good to see some new faces around." Saria smiled, and extended her hand toward the Bolian. "I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science."

Angela sighed to herself and returned to unpacking the various books onto the shelves above the desk, often checking in on Mia and Benji who had taken quite a shine to her, sort of a foster grandmother figure.

"Lieutenant, it is a pleasure to meet you, Starfleet were gracious to allow me access to command staff and department heads records before coming aboard!" Rex said taking the hand of the young Trill woman, he gestured for her to come take a seat next to him. "Can I offer you any refreshments at all Lieutenant?"

"Refreshments..." She mumbled thoughtfully, "Andorian Ice Water, please. It's been a while since I had these particular shivers of coldness while drinking it." Saria looked and walked around the room, inspecting the furniture and decorations with a gracious smile. Eventually, she came across Mia, which Saria studied carefully. "You have a sweet daughter, Lieutenant." Saria said, while she smiled at her.

"Angela could you arrange some refreshments for us both please?" Rex asked politely as not to overstep any mark. "Thank you Lieutenant, she has he mothers eyes and my nose unfortunately, Mia why don't you show Benji to our guest?" he said nodding at Mia to bring Benji to them.

"Okay daddy!" and Mia shortly returned struggling to carry the small white terrier, Mia gently tugged on the Lieutenants uniform as Angela placed the drinks on the table. "Excuse me Miss, this is Benji!" She said rather nervously.

Saria looked at the white terrier, held in Mia's arms. She let Benji sniff her hand, as it became less nervous, and eventually stroke it's head. After that, her attention was fixed on Mia again. "Sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Lieutenant Rex, the scientist or the worm lady, whatever you like more." She smiled. Saria walked over to the table, and grabbed her drink, her eyes still fixed on Mia and Benji.

"Mia why don't you and Benji go and help Mrs Lansbury with daddy's books please?" Rex asked as Mia and Benji bounded over towards the startled Angela who led them into Rex's sleeping quarters.

"Sorry about that, but Mia rarely trusts anybody unless Benji does, the two became inseparable when Mia's mother sadly passed away." Rex said trying not to lower the conversation tone.

"So Lieutenant, what can I do you for, aside from sharing commonality with our names?" Rex said with a chortle and a sip of his drink.

Saria had to hold her drink inside when she also noticed the commonality of their names, from laughing. She eventually managed to swallow, and laughed shortly. "Lieutenant, I'm glad you just told me, otherwise I'd have burst out in laughing when I would enter." she said, putting her drink back on the table.

However, she became serious short after. "I think that you might already be busy with something I could use help with. The local repair yards here. Since DS5 can't offer enough storage space for both at the moment, they've been "fighting" all hoping to get hold of the offered storage."

"Yes I recieved a report between the Dyson Repair yards and the Border Research Institute had come under some conflicts regarding storage, as CSO you work with the BRI perhaps some closer investigation will reveal the truth!" Rex said as his diplomatic tact began to emerge.

"Perhaps you would like to join me for a little cocktail reception I'm throwing soon for the various Ambassadors, CEO's and Starfleet personnel?" He asked politely.

"I'd be honored, Lieutenant." Saria smirked. "I can help you with some valuable information regarding the BRI. I haven't worked with them yet on a large scale, but we usually help each other out of problems. Especially with the current situation on the station. However, neither I will side with any of the parties right now, since the DRY has helped my as well." She said, glaring partially at the report.

"Excellent, I'm sure a simple solution will present itself after a few glasses of my Bolian Brandy punch!" Rex said with a hearty chuckle. "Sorry to appear rude Lieutenant, but as I am sure you are aware I have several errands to run today, medicals, Mia's schooling, Veterinary sciences want to clear Benji for DS5 also!" Rex sighed with the amount of work he had to do, standing up he placed the glasses back onto the tray.

"I see, Lieutenant." Saria said, looking at Rex. "Don't you need someone to help? I'm having some spare time, and as I say, many hands make light work."

"If you're sure, I don't suppose you and Mia could get Benji registered at the vets?" Rex asked politely, digging out a data PADD containing all his information from Earth. "It would be a great assistance to me!" He added.

"I'll do nearly anything to help a fellow colleague." She smiled.

Lieutenant Rex Mett
Chief Diplomatic Officer


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

Angela Fletcher (NPC)
Mia Mett (NPC)