Incommunicado – Arrival
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Jul 29, 2012 @ 7:05pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD58. 1130 hours
David walked out of the turbolift in his new uniform and saw the Commander. He said, "Ensign David Straggard, reporting for duty Ma'am!"

Karen stepped back, new arrivals usually made an apointment, but she was not going to be thrown by the unknown. As her weight hit her back heel she straightened, and in that movement glanced over the new arrival. In the split second it took her to straighten she had made her preliminary assessment.

"New aboard, Ensign?" She phrased it as a question, but it was more to lead him into taliking about any experience he might have encountered on his journey as he neared DS5 and the 'anomoly' asserted itself. "Commander Villiers," she added giving herself a name, "welcome aboard Ensign Straggard."

"Glad to be aboard ma'am, I'm sorry if I may have intruded. I assumed that because of the nature of this mission and the assignment of this station. You might've wanted to see me soon and brief me on the status of our mission. I got a general idea and have some ideas to test when I get to work. Also with the method I was contacted of this assignment it seemed important enough... I'm sorry again ma'am."

David seemed awkward as he felt a bit out of place having caused the commander to step back. "I guess i'm overreacting to the whole situation. Anomalies like this can sometime be unpredictable and I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt as I'm sure you understand as well. A rookie's nervousness I guess. My studies on forms of spatial and subspace anomalies have gotten to me perhaps..." David rambled on. "I'm sorry ma'am, I'm talking too much..."

He didn't stop talking!

Karen nodded, "well, I can hear that you've done your background reading," she remarked, "though we're far from finding the cause. We're lucky enough to have a Klingon vessel that has just come through the anomoly, and fortunate that her pilot has been willing to let us have access to the ship as well as the data reads. There's a cross department team going over the vessel at the moment."

"Sounds good, I'll get on it as soon as possible," David continued, "by the way, Commander, which shift will I be reporting while I'm on the station?"

Karen pasued and extracted a padd from her pocket. A few taps and the relevant information was provided, her lawyers eye assessed the nervous engineer as she spoke. "You've been assigned to Beta Shift - that's 14:00:00 through to 20:00, though subject to review by your department head, Commander Freeman. That leaves you some time to settle in and find your quarters if you haven't done that already. Our Quartermaster, Lieutenant Petro will be able to assist you," Karen chose not to add the Petro was also the Chief Communications Officer, she felt no inclination to further add to the engineer's stress level.

"Thank you, ma'am." David started to walk out the the door. "I'll get working as soon as I can."

"Ensign, you might not yet be on duty, but I am and you haven't been dismissed."

David stopped in his path. He turned around and stood at attention. "Sorry, ma'am." Being fresh from the academy he was still new to the whole chain of command...

"Just be mindful," Karen advised, "the regime here is far from that on a Starship, but as you'll know from your cadet cruise, there are some who put more stock in protocol than others. Err on the side of caution until you've got to know people a bit."

Inwardly Karen shook her head, beers with Dunham appeared to be rubbing off on her, or at least some of the Squadron Leaders' positive attitude appeared to be. A month ago she'd have had the Ensign demoted to Delta Shift for such a breach. "About your business, Ensign," she finished.

David heard about the Commander's style of leadership as well as discipline. He turned around and walked away in an orderly manner trying not to seem disrespectful or anything. As he went into the turbolift he said to himself, "well, this will be fun..."


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialst

Deep Space Five