Time is Fleeting – The project
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   The project
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 12:05am
Location   Cheif engineers office
Timeline   sd 15 1300
Jarred had spoken to a few interested parties but he was going to need an engineer for this next project, and the stations Cheif engineer was the best choice for the next person to talk to. PADD in hand Jarred walked over to bruces' office and poked his head in "Hey bruce got a couple of minutes?"

Bruce had been looking away from the door to his office and was scared by Jarred. "Holy crap don't do that. Who knows what may happen. Yes I have some time come in." Bruce added motioning to a chair.

"I talked with the CO about bringing a new ship to the station to replace one of the wallace class ships, I was looking through the bone yard inventory and narrowed it down to this ship, USS Thunder." Jarred said passing him the PADD.

"Hmm, looks interesting. Why does she want to get rid of a Wallace?"

"I think the reality that we might not be able to have a starship on hand all the time has set in, we were lucky the freedom was here when the romulans attacked, we might not be so lucky next time."

"Ah yes that makes sense. The AHDA's help, but they can't help much when it comes to offense."

"This particular ship is a prototype, it was a heavier version on the wallace class, it has a few extras that the original verson didn't have either."

"I noticed. Being able to get a prototype of a heavier class just like that doesn't seem right. Hmm, what is the hitch for getting it?"

"We have to goto Mars to pick it up." Jarred said "To be precise the Phobos bone yard."

"That easy?" Bruce said a little skeptical. "Who are the ones going to pick it up?"

"Right now its Rianni and myself, no support crew or engineering, we have a couple of days since its only being towed out of storage right now." Jarred commented

"Hmm, I may be able to swing coming if I can finish some things on the promenade. Some shops are having problems with some replicators and the crew that was supposed to get them fixed are having problems, and I'm stuck with it. My assistant should be back from his leave I gave him by then." Bruce said checking a PADD to really make sure Mr. Hiroshi would be back.

"Looks like the Bunker hill gang is going on alittle trip to my old stomping grounds." Jarred said with some glee.

"I just hope Mr. Hiroshi doesn't get too mad that I am going off on another adventure. I just hope I don't have to deal with two of you again." Bruce said laughing. "Wow your old stomping grounds? Now I'm even more anxious to go."

"I grew-up at Utopia Planetia, My Dad is now incharge of the Phobos storage yard." Jarred Commneted

"Nice, I'll be able to get some blackmail." Bruce grinned.

"That I don't doubt, All we need now is to see if John Elliot is up for this little adventure and we're set."

"I can't see him declining. Oh how are we going to get there, do we have a ship set up or are we taking a shuttle?"

"We're on a transport leaving in two days at 0800 on the transport ship Clark, its a priority transport that I was able to call in a few favors in and get us access too."

"Alright, a day to finish repairs and a day to pack. Sounds good."

"Alright Bruce, I'll brief everyone when we're on the transport." Jarred stood to leave


Lt. Jarred Wallace

Lt. Bruce Freeman