Judgement – Universal Commerce and its Laws
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Universal Commerce and its Laws
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Jul 04, 2011 @ 7:25pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD 37
=^= Romulan Consulate, Deep Space Five =^=

Wearing a white skirt and brown top this time Rhiana took a seat at her desk she had several PADDs that were in need of being dealt with. Most of them were dealing with the regulations of certain goods moving between the Romulan and Federation border. "Ihhei i-Orinwen could you please send for Ilnetha Vaebn." Rhiana said using her intercom.

"Its just i-Orinwen," Nahir replied, the last thing she wanted to do around here was to give anyone the idea that she was seeking titles - the queen nei'rrh in the big suite would not take to that kindly. "I will relay the request."

Rhiana filed that information away for later use. "i-Orinwen also it may appear that he's being held and we may need to go to him." Rhiana said standing up and walking over to one of the shelves and pulling down a book.

It didn't take long for Rhiana to find what she was looking for using a device that scanned the pages of the book and transferred them onto a PADD she was ready to head out. "I-Orinwen I would like you to accompany me."

"Perhaps you would find one of Arrain t'Merek's team more appropriate," i-Orinwen said. "I am not a security operative, I am a receptionist," she said.

"I don't think coming in with a security force is the best way to approach this situation. I would rather use my intellect to solve it." Rhiana said with a cunning smile, "and seeing that you've been on the station longer than I have you may have some insight on whoever we might be dealing with."

"I will come," i-Orinwen said. She was curious, and never could leave an opportunity where she might learn something alone, "but if I am asked I will will say that you ordered me to accompany you, and I will thank you not to deny it."

"Of course." Rhiana said giving her a nod, "now this is going to be delicate situation usually when it comes to exotic plant life it's strictly controlled so it won't destroy the environment that it might come into contact with." Rhiana said leading the way out of the consulate and down to the customs detention center.

"Then perhaps a microbiologist would be a more appropriate companion," Nahir remarked ascerbically.

"Maybe...... but for now we just need to see what type of trouble he is in at the moment." Rhiana said nodding to a couple of people who stepped off of the turbolift. "security offices." Rhiana said as they stepped into the turbolift.

[Main Security}

"Computer, continue to analyze visual sensor from the Box of Delights, ladies restroom." Trellis said as he continued to pour over the scant information. He still could not understand how a person was able to slip in, murder a woman and then just walk away as if nothing had happened.

Rhiana walked into the main part of security she felt a little uncomfortable in this setting. Taking a quick look around she approached the entry desk, "I've been informed that a Romulan citizen has been taken into custody?"

"It would hardly be the first time," Nahir muttered beneath anyone's hearing. "This is Lieutenant Trellis," she added fully audibly. "Please accept our apologies for the distraction, Lieutenant, but my colleague has some concerns about someone she believes to have been incarcerated here."

Trellis nodded in response. It was not every day that the Romulan Ambassador made a personal trek to his department regarding an individual. "Well, how exactly can I be of service?" Trellis asked in response as he walked through the lobby towards his office.

"Please, have a seat." He invited as he took his soon-to be desk.

"This man," Rhiana said handing him a PADD with the arrest information of Vaebn a Romulan civilian botanist. "The arrest report seems vague. It says he was detained because of not having the right permits but the plants that he had with them do not require any kind of permits can you explain this?"

Trellis reviewed the Padd for several moments. There must have been some reason that the Romulan Embassy would send several dignitaries to his office in response to the detainment of a Romulan citizen. "Is this man of particular importance to the Romulan Government?" Trellis inquired in response.

"Mr Vaebn is a member of the Farmers Alliance within the Empire. This group of farmers keeps the Empire fed and in the most part happy. Does this satisfy your question?" Rhiana asked.

Trellis was taken aback by the curtness of her response. "I understand that role of a farmer within any society. However, I do not understand they expediency in having the individual returned." Trellis responded as he looked down at the padd once more. "It appears that he will appear in front of an Federation Justice Minister and his bail will be set within the next 48 hrs." he replied.

"Even if its an inadvertant violation, this should go through the proper channels," Nahir advised, glancing briefly at Trellis. "Forty eight hours is standard, and the Ambassador does not look kindly on ripples, particularly where diplomatic relations with the Federation services are concerned."

Rhiana just smiled at her associate even though she was just a secretary she knew the workings of the consulate and the Ambassador much more than Rhiana did. Give it time and Rhiana would be as well.

Trellis wanted to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. "Well, I will send a message to the Ambassador explaining the situation to her later on today. In the meantime, I can assure you that the Romulan citizen in question is being treated with fairly by my department." Trellis said as he stood from his desk.

Rhiana took a breath before speaking she knew there was no point arguing protocol was protocol whether or not your were in the RSE or Federation. "Alright we'll return when we hear from you again." Rhiana than stood up, "thank you for seeing us Commander."

"You are very welcome." Trellis replied happy to have avoided yet another diplomatic incident on the station.

Once they were outside of security Rhiana turned to Nahir, "I need you to keep on this while I deal with things from a different angle." Rhiana said frustrated that this wasn't dealt with this meeting.

Nahir raised an eyebrow. She would do no such thing unless the order came through the right channel, however she said, "As you wish. Now I must return to my post. Good day, t'Riuurren.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Nahir i'Orinwen
Romulan Consulate


Dip Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
ne'Lleifven (Jr Attache)
Romulan Consulate
Romulan Diplomat to Deep Space Five