Judgement – Hands off!
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Hands off!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Mon Oct 17, 2011 @ 6:34am
Location   Systemic Guidence Chamber - Reactor 2
Timeline   SD39 - 15:00

Lt. Vincent Kramer and his engineering team made their way through the narrow passageways and Jeffery’s tubes to arrive in the Systemic Guidance Chamber for Reactor 2. On one walls of the small room was an interface/LCARS console stations. In the center of the small chamber in a straight line were 4 columns, each running floor to the 4 meter high ceiling. Each column was 60 centimeters in diameter. At one meter up from the floor around the column were access cowling. The cowlings extended 6 cm out from the column and was 20 cm high. Each cowling was covered with displays and lights. Actually, the cowling was just a cover over the Nextix Access Shields covering the Systemic Reinstating Noric Flux chips.

The Engineering Training Team today consisted of Ensigns Hanson, Drake, Walters, and Kimshawn, Ens. Kimshawn was actually was not an engineer, but the receptionist for the Main Engineering team, but very knowledgeable. Kramer thought it important to include her this time to better feel part of the team.

After the last man entered and closed the access hatch, “All right felllas . . “ Lt. Kramer began wearily, placing hands on hips and sighing. But after seeing a negative squint in Ens. Kimshawn eye, Kramer added, “and lady.” That got a slight smile from her. “We found out why Reactor 2 was having a rough time today. We have already gone through the drill on the training board.” Letting that sink in, “We will now access the 2nd Systemic column and replace the Reinstating chips.”

“Reinstating Noric Flux chips.” Ens Walters added excitedly to correct the Lieutenant.

“Yes, Mr. Walters,” Kramer said begrudgingly, “Thank you for that correction.“

Walking up to the 2nd column, Lt. Kramer pressed the proper access code and the cowling slide gently up to reveal the Nextix Access Shield. “As you know,” Kramer began,”the shield is there to protect against any pressure changes or particles that might cause contamination.“ The 4 Ensigns stood around him very quietly listening, but Kramer knew that a couple of them were just waiting for him to make another flubbed description, so they could correct him. Kramer was not really looking forward to this from ‘eager-beaver’ ensigns.

“Mr. Hanson, will you suspend the reinstating function?” Requested Kramer.

Ens. Hanson entered the appropriate sequence and a noticeable amount of energy and light faded from the Noric Flux Chips, though the exterior Nextix shield around the edge of the area was still active.

Lt. Kramer went over more of the guidelines of the procedure. As he talked he noted Ens. Drake kept getting closer and closer to the shield until his nose almost touched the shield.

“You really don’t want to do that Ensign.” Kramer said warily

“I know that.” Drake barked back just a little too cocky. “The Nextic shield is a micron thick and can slice through any material, however that’s only one of it’s uses. In this case . . .”

“Yes, Mr. Drake,” Kramer interrupted him, “You have already explained the Nextic Shield to us earlier.”

That did stop Drake from talking more, but now he had a beaming smile across his face.

Kramer continued, “With all energies being processed through the other Flux chips, we can . .”

“Systemic Reinstating Noric Flux chips.” Ens. Walters interrupted Kramer again.

Kramer just rolled his eyes, and just entered the override code that caused the shield to disengage. ”There. We can now replace the. .” he paused and looked right at Walters daring him to correct him again, “flux chips with the proper safety protocols.”

“The Nextix shield has an auto engaging, emergency override configuration.” Ens. Kimshawn piped in without hesitation.

“Thank you Ensign Kimshawn.” Kramer said with a slight bow of his head. “What she means is that the shield can reengage on its own. So, don’t . . “

Right then Ens. Drake reached in with his bare hand to extract one of the flux chips.

Everything happened so fast. Alarms initiated with flashing lights and sirens just a fraction of a second before the Nextix Shield re-engaged, and like a molecular knife severed Ens. Drake’s ring arm half way to his elbow.

Everyone was still frozen in shock for another fraction of a second. Then Ens. Drake screamed at the top of his lungs as blood and fluid squirted wildly from the end of his severed arm. Drake grabbed the stump of his arm and fell back onto the deck.

Kramer reaction was to first look at the area inside the Nextix shield, where the severed arm lay. He double check the readings to make sure there was not damage to the system. He then turned to see Drake on the floor with his mouth and eyes open looking at the ceiling. Hanson and Walters were on either side of him. “Hanson,” Kramer barked, “Put direct pressure on his stump. Walters fashion a turnicate 8 cm above the end.”

Kramer glanced over to Ens. Kimshawn who was standing there quite interested in what was taking place. With her arms crossed over her chest, she leaned forward to watch every detail.

Kramer leaned down on his left knee Near Drakes head and spoke encouragingly, “Ya know Drake, you are going to cause me a great deal of paperwork today.”

This odd line took Drake out of his shock for a second and he looked at Kramer above him.

“I think I got it sir!” Walters reported.

Kramer touched Drake’s Comm Badge. “Emergency Transporter System! This is Lt. Vincent Kramer. We have a medical emergency. Transport 1 to Trauma Care.” Before his very hands and face the body of Ens. Drake dematerialized.

They all stood up. This wasn’t over yet. Kramer didn’t hesitate, “Kimshawn I need a tray about this long.” Demonstrating with his parted hands how big it needed to be. “Filled with ice and I need some Poly-thermal sheeting. GO!” Kramer stepped over to the Systemic Column looking through the Nextix Shield.

“Ok boys,” Kramer began, “Don’t ever do this at home, cause your Mama isn’t going to like it.” And then under his breath, “Neither is the Chief.”

Kramer hit his Comm Badge , “Computer initiate sweeping protocol failure on Systemic Guidance Column 2 of Reactor 2. Emergency System Crash!”

Kramer grabbed the extractor from Walters. Other alarms went off. He knew that these alarms would not only be noted in the Main Engineering, but also in Main Operations. But it was the only way to get the shield down long enough to extract the right hand for Drake. He would be able to reinitialize the system in a few minutes.

When the Nextix Shield dropped, Kramer used the extractor and lifted the hand out. Kimshawn had perfect timing. When Kramer turned she was there. Kramer laid the hand on the sheeting and rolled it once and laid it on the ice. “I wont ask how you got this here. ‘Just glad you did.”

Kramer reached over the tray and touched. Kimshawn’s Comm Badge. “Emergency Transporter System! This is Lt. Vincent Kramer. Transport 1 to Trauma Care. Same location as before. Imperative. ” She too dematerialized inches from him with the tray in her hands.

Kramer stopped and looked around the chamber taking a breath. He and Walters and Hanson were covered in blood. Alarms and lights were still screaming and flashing. “All right team,” Kramer said encouragingly, “We still need to complete out task and then we can check on Mr. Drake.


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering