Unity – A little heart to heart-Romulan Style
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A little heart to heart-Romulan Style
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Mar 16, 2010 @ 10:26pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   Right after Lux et Veritas

Kreallia's shadow once again marked the halls of the Romulan embassy and her heels made an unerving clank against the floor. She approached the receptionist and smiled. "We are going to try this again." Kreallia said. "Only this time I need to speak with EVERYONE." She stated firmly. "Including you and the Ambassador."

"I have admitted you because you followed protocol and made an appointment," i-Orinwen said quite firmly, "We are just out of lockdown and on high security, as your station fails to provide adequate measures. If you have come here to grandstand turn around and leave. If you wish to confer with the erie'Khrein then I will admit you." Nahir had grown overnight now that she knew what she was capable of, it was her dream, and the first real step toward achieving it had been made. "Which is it to be, counselor?"

Kreallia smiled. "First, I want to talk to you about Dorian Gabriel." Kreallia explained.

Nahir i-Orinwen opened her mouth to say something then slowly she closed it again. Her gaze was drawn beyond the Starfleet visitor to the woman who had just swept into the reception area swathed in a stately gown of grey silk embroidered with silver; the living image of Rihannsu grandeur.

Their betrayal of her - Rh'vaurek, i-Orinwen, Getal - had shaken Isha from her torpor where kind words had failed. They were not going to get away with it. Isha had the might of the Empire and the weight and wealth of two Great Houses at her command and she was going to use them all to take revenge.

"If you have something to say, you will say it to me," Isha said without so much as a glance at her former personal assistant.

Kreallia turned around slowly to both address the woman, and to see who i-Orinwen had suddenly backed off at the sight of. "Ambassador." Kreallia gave a slight bow of modest respect. "I'm Lieutenant Kreallia t'Jay, Uni t'Jay's daughter if you can remember, I just need to talk to the embassy staff and your self about Dorian Gabriel." Kreallia explained politely.

"Nothing you have to say is of interest to my staff, t'Jay. They hold one view, mine," Isha said. "Follow me, some matters may not be borached in public." It was not exactly an order but delivered in the tone of one who would accept no arguement.

Kreallia followed Isha to her office down a dark green hall and took the seat opposite the Ambassador.

Isha sat and waited until the door closed. "Now tell me what you wish to say about Gabriel."

Kreallia nodded. "I am conducting an investigation in Dorian Gabriel's hostility against Romulans, Cardassians, the works." Kreallia explained. "And I know there have been several incidents where he has harrassed the embassy staff, including your self I believe, and I just want to know if you know anything about him."

The uniform was the same as the one Chelsea wore, Isha noted. "Are you a doctor, t'Jay? Or perhaps a scientist?"

Kreallia nodded. "A physciatrist."

It was not a field that Isha had any respect for, the discipline being uncommon among her people, "Why would a Counselor be conducting an investigation ... ah, to assess his mental state," Isha said twisitng the glittering ring on her little finger. In good time she would reawaken those charges and see him die for his crimes, but until then it was for Isha to seed the way, "Gabriel, I believe, has a long history of hostile relations with other species, anyone less than human seems to elicit quite an extraordinary response from him. He was once arrested on charges of murdering a Romulan scientist in cold blood, though I am sure his antipathy toward aliens predated that event. It is true that he has often been an unwelcome guest within these walls," she said.

"Interesting." Kreallia said. "Do you know why?"

"Why do you choose this life?" Isha enquired resting her fingertips on the edge of her desk. "You have a choice, and I cannot understand why given such a choice, one would choose Federation over Empire; I am quite sure that your mother would not understand the choice either," she spoke softly and without emotion.

"I didnt know my mother well." Kreallia said. "But in her diaries she spoke foundly of you and the time you two shared in the Galee, among other things." Kreallia said, her voice trailing off. "But I had little choice, Starfleet saved my life, not the empire, and there is a question about that statement that i will ask you later." She replied.

"Why did the Federation make no effort to reunite you with your family?" Isha asked, "They took away your choice, left you presumed dead or a captive of Klingons."

"I dont know." Kreallia stated. "The first contact I had with my family was when I was fourteen, my Grandmother came to visit Earth and was naturally curious of Rear Admiral Ventres' Romulan daughter, and when she found out I was her long lost Grandaughter of her estranged daughter who got married with a boy from a Zorek clan. Who she supposidly never wanted to see again because she had disgraced the Jourani beliefs, wanted me to come home to Romulus with her, live out my life in the halls of the senate representing the great noble house of t'Jay." Kreallia huffed.

It took more than blood to understand the complexities of Rihannsu society, Isha knew, "The perceived sins of one generation are not necessarily transferred to the next," she said, House traditions varied significantly, of course. "Likely she saw it as a way to mend a rift, even if your grandmother could never reconcile the differences between she and your mother, she would be obliged to extend the support of the House to one of its members, mhnei'sahe would require nothing less. I'm sure it stung her deeply when you refused her," Isha said.

Kreallia shook her head. "I didnt actually, I spent a summer on Romulus, with her and my cousins, it was nice, but..........not for me, and the "Ruling Passion"...... just didnt fit me either." Kreallia explained.

"A very narrow interpretation of the philosophy, a very human one, but not surprising as you have spent so much time among them," Isha said in that same detached tone, she was not interested in making conversions, rather in using the young woman in her own project to secure Gabriel's conviction. "What of your experiences with Gabriel? I'm certain that he considers you an affront."

Kreallia smiled. "When I first saw him in the brig he said I was a dupicitous Romulan spy and unworthy of the uniform, and the second time he was less............imaginative."

"My niece reports that he said similar to her," Isha said with a nod. "Why were you in the brig?"

"Evaluating him." Kreallia said.

As Isha's gaze traced the delicate embroidery that edged her fitted sleeve her lips twitched into a slight smile, "And was he in the brig in the course of duty, or did he find it necessary to have himself arrested?" she asked t'Jay.

"No he decided to strangle Lieutenant Tan because he thought he had tipped off the Romulans about the Romulan doctor he had supposidly killed and then come back to life." Kreallia said.

"How amusing," Isha said though her tone suggested anything but. "I wonder who these Romulans are that have supposedly been tipped off. Does this Lieutenant Tan intend to press charges," she asked.

Kreallia shrugged. "No idea, but then just because I'm a shrink doesnt mean I know everything." Kreallia said smugly.

"Indeed I am surprised that in your profession you know anything," Isha replied - if any 'Romulans' had been 'tipped off' it was in Gabriel's imagination.

Isha rose, "Lieutenant t'Jay, it was a delight to meet your mother's daughter," she said. "You will be shown out."


Isha t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador

Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five