Judgement – What's in it for you?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   What's in it for you?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Feb 01, 2011 @ 2:53pm
Location   Security Detention Center
Timeline   SD 36 - 0830hrs
". . .because I am still a free Federation citizen and until a jury of my peers renders a verdict otherwise, I am going to do everything in my power to defend myself." He said defensively as he remained seated at the table. For the past ten minutes he had been engaged in a protracted verbal battle with his defense counsel over his decision to schedule a meeting with the Cardassian Ambassador. . .without telling her ahead of time.

Adaya stared at him in complete shock. She shouldn't of been surprised, he had threatened to do it before and he simply made good on that threat. This man was making her temper flare more than she had ever known it flare. "I can't believe you went behind my back and did something like this! At this rate you are going to completely derail everything that I have tried to do for you!." She began to pace back

"He is going to play a part in this trial, I know it. There is no way that whore of a Romulan would not try to gather all of her little friends together to engage in this half-bit conspiracy." he spat back. "Besides, this will give us an opportunity to perform our own discovery and figure just what else is out there in terms of evidence and information." he said in a more reasonable tone.

"Our own discovery? Have you gone mad? We need a court reporter, their lawyer...any 'evidence' that may or may not come from this will not be admissible in court!"

Dorian was prepared to say a scathing response when the outer doors opened and the Cardassian Ambassador was led into the meeting room.

Tharek strolled in, hands behind his back and a smile across his face. Everything was finally turning in his favor. This station was his, whether anybody knew it yet or not, his only real potential threat had yielded to him, and Gabriel was behind bars soon to be extradited. Life couldn't get much better.

"Well Cardassian, I knew that I would live long enough to see you brought in here, I had hoped you would've been shackled and gagged instead." he said whimsically.

"It seems that our roles have been reversed then haven't they? I'm here, free and happy, and your there, charged with the murder of a Romulan doctor and the grievous bodily harm of a citizen of the Cardassian Union. Great going." Getal said calmly, pulling his armor down slightly.

Dorian smiled. "You just don't get it, do you Cardassian?" he asked.

"I get it very well Human." Getal retorted.

"I would've figured that your time spent on this station draining the Federation's resources would've taught you by now." He said as he stood and walked towards the Cardassian.

"You are a pawn, a pawn to everybody around you. Before, it was amusing to see you try to regain your dignity after having it destroyed along with a quarter of your species by the Dominion. But now I see that you didn't learn your lesson the first time, now you've allowed the Romulans to add you to their collection." he said as he leaned closer to speak in a low whisper.

"Between me and you, did Isha at least let you cop a feel?" he asked

"Oh believe me. I don't need to 'cop a feel' as you so elegantly put it. I am a predator of the highest degree, prey comes to me." He said, leaning in closer to almost whisper.

"A predator you say? That surprises me, because from all intents and purposes you have been nothing but a pawn for the Romulans." he responded. "I'd just like to know what did they offer you for you to give up your manhood so easily." he asked.

"I don't get offered. I take. The Romulan's are mine. Not the other way around. t'Khellian is breaking down more and more every day and Raedheol is in my back pocket. Explain to me. How am I the pawn?" Getal wasn't phased by Gabriel. He should've been. But Tharek was too busy soaking up every moment of this.

Dorian laughed as he turned his back on the Cardassian. "I knew your people were short-sided, but I didn't know that blindness was also another ailment." He responded.

"They are playing you, and you are going along with them." He said. "Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, but now you two have managed to suck me into your sick little power-play." he said as he turned back around to face the Cardassian.

"I highly doubt that you have committed the resources and time into this matter over the insult suffered by a *known* Cardassian pirate." He said. "What is in all of this for you?" he inquired further.

"You." Getal stated clearly. "I want you, dead. But t'Khellian wouldn't settle for that. So, when she yielded to me, she also brought up the idea of both of us committing evidence against you. That way, we come off as the good guys, and make you look like a racist pig that needs putting down. Either way Gabriel, you die."

Adaya had been sitting quietly listening to the conversation but still fuming at what Dorian had done but Getal last comment got her back up. "That is enough. We are done here. There will be no more talk such as this." She eyed him carefully.

"Fine. . .you're right. . .we are done here." he said, heeding the advice of his defense counsel. and backing away while still maintaining eye-contact with the Cardassian before him.

"What? No violent outburst? No racial slur or abusive comments? You disappoint me Gabriel." Getal said, smirking, as he turned on the heel and left, before Gabriel could retaliate.

Adaya looked at Gabriel, "I hope you got what you wanted out of this....interlude. I know I did, even if I want to put my hands around your neck and squeeze."

"Right, I'm sure they spent an exhaustive amount of time training you desk jockeys in the fine art of close quarter combat." he said flippantly as he took a seat and began to drum his fingers.

She put her hand up. "No, do not mistake the fact that just because I am a woman...and a defense attorney today, doesn't mean that I do not have other skills that have been called upon."

"Well then, counselor, why don't you use those skills to prepare for the preliminary hearing we have coming up. I plan on putting an end to this farce once and for all." he said determinedly.

"If you would stop going behind my back with these...games then perhaps I could finish preparing for the preliminary hearing." She replied coldly and got up from where she sat.

Gabriel didn't respond. Instead he began to think about what Getal had said to him. His hunch was right that Isha and the Cardassian had conspired together to bring back the horrible memory that he had tried so hard to forget. Knowing that, he knew exactly how the rules for this game were to be played.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Ensign Adaya Talloc

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador