Unity – Just a game ...
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Just a game ...
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 5:11pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD16 c. 18:00
"I don't care if he's busy! I want to see him now!" Tharek shouted down to the Romulan female sat behind the reception desk of the Romulan Embassy. A grand place full of pictures and sculptures. "Right. I don't care if he's in or not, I'm going in. Now." He said, as he pushed past the desk and made his way to Rh'vaurek's office, or, what he thought, was Rh'vaurek's office...

He burst in. Only to see an attractive and somewhat stressed looking Romulan female. "Oh, I do apologize... " He tried to sound sincere with his words, but, being Tharek, the voice that came from his mouth was insincere and sinister.

Isha raised a hand, palm out, as she rose. "What do you think are doing, Vi'kar Gul?" this last she picked up with a flick of her eyes to his collar. Lips thinned she rested her fingertips on the edge of her desk; interruption was not on her schedule, and having recently overseen the execution of her late husband's brother at the hands of a klingon, deserving though it was, she was in no mood to entertain intruders. "I suggests you answer," she added archly, "I will not hesitate to have you shot."

With that she inclined her head to where two of her own guard stood at the doorway, disruptors trained on the Cardassian.

Tharek laughed under his breath. "Come now. I know from your reputation, and beauty, that you must be Lady t'Khellian. Correct me if I'm wrong."

She made no move to indicate that her people should lower their weapons, but she sat. "You are wrong," she said, without bothering to inform him that he was also partly correct, "I am the Lady Illialhlae. Before I have you shot, you might give me your name, Vi'kar Gul."

He took a flamboyant bow and a sinister smile swept across his face. "My apologies, Lady Illialhlae. I am Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal. At your service."

"Indeed. Sit then, Getal," she said, Isha flicked her hand to dismiss her people before turning her gaze on the tall Cardassian. "And be aware that my proxy, Raedheol might tolerate you marching in here without announcement, but I will not. What do you want?" she asked as she resumed her seat.

"I did originally come in to see your... Proxy, as you may put it. But, I think my mind has wandered since I came in and saw your beauty, mi'lady." Tharek stated, trying to shoot wave after wave of charm at her.

He then noticed a playing board of some sorts in the far side of the room. Tharek eyed it, then back to Isha repeatedly. "What's your game?" He asked, quizzically.

"If you allow yourself to be so distracted, Getal, you risk a diplomatic incident ... how would it be if it became widely known that a Romulan had beaten you at your own game?"

"It would put me to shame. But, that's only if the match consisted of something that the Galaxy wanted to hear. A game for leasuire? I doubt people will knock on my door attempting to kill me because of it." He said. He didn't want to get on the bad side of this Romulan... She seemed dangerous to annoy.

"... But, maybe you would like to play with me? A game to ease the stress from your shoulders. What do you say?"

Isha leaned back, the tips of her fingers still touching the glassy edge of the table; "I would never have dreamed to presume that simply becausae you are Cardassian, you play Kotra, any more than I would assume the Federation Ambassador was a chess master, or indeed that the Klingon Ambassador might enjoy a drinking competition." Isha's tone could not be described as flirtatious, rather it was measured, pleasant and with just a suggestion of invitation layed beneath its edge. "Why not," she added slyly as she rose and crossed the room, "shall I order some kanar too?" she asked flippantly assuming that he had followed her.

He laughed without opening his mouth. Just a smile to show his amusement. "My dear. I do love my Kanar. But, on such an occassion as this, it wouldn't be classed as proper... Manners." He stood and made to follow her to the board. "But, if you feel like drinking, I won't stop you."

"And have you report back to your superiors that the Ambassador of the Stelam Shiar is a sot? I don't think so, Getal, though it would provide an interesting, if unfounded rumour. Tell me, when did the Cardassians begin to take an interest in this sector?" she asked pulling one leg up beneath her as she sat on the sofa,

"Mostly the same reasons your here. But the Cardassian Union has certain... Interests, involving this station." He then sat alongside Isha. "What stakes do the Stelam Shiar have involving themselves with the Federation?"

Isha shrugged, "This station is close to unclaimed space, it provides a convenient outpost for exploration - establishing an equivelent outpost of our own would take time and expense. Our goal is exploration, one that I'm sure is compatible with the values of our hosts," Isha said, he offered nothing, but asked for information so she answered in kind.

"Exploration, or expansion?" Tharek asked, raising one eyebrow. "I'm sure that we could... Share intentions should that be." He said, gazing into her eyes. A trick Tharek used in the past to break prisoners. Isha was different though. She was strong willed, intelligent and above all; Beautiful.

The corners of her lips twitching Isha raised an eyebrow in return, "I'm sure I said exploration, and I only ever use the words that I mean to - perhaps the translator is inadequate," she suggested returning his gaze without a blink, "Should I call my deputy? He is fluent in Cardassian."

"That won't be necessary. Your translator is working fine." He said, appearing to have not been taken back by her comment. "Come now. I doubt the Romulan Empire would only use this station for exploration... There must be something you want nearby... " He leant in closer and lowered his voice. "Something of great value... "

Mirroring his movement Isha too leaned in. "Are you suggesting that exploration and discovery are not of great value?" she said, her voice almost a whisper.

"I'm not suggesting they aren't. Possessing something of great value, is more valuable than knowing about it." He said, still maintaining his position.

Isha fell back against the sofa, bringing her hands together in her lap with a clap, "I can assure you, Ambassador, that the aims of the Federation and the Stelam Shiar are aligned ; we wish only to explore ... perhaps we should play?" Isha suggested, "I have found that Kotra brings out one's more audacious tendancies. Let us assume that our battleground is the adjacent unclaimed sector - its only a game, after all."

"Of course." He said, smiling at her. "We shall see what would happen should we collide on the field of battle... But don't worry. After all, it's only a game." Tharek said, passing a flirtatious smile at her as he switched his gaze to the board.

"I will take the clear pieces," Isha said as she positioned them, "And this," she added, pulling into a position near the board a vase from which protuded a sinle flower, "would be Deep Space Five. Once you have established your opening strategy I invite you to take the first move, Getal," she blinked briefly, "or should I call you Tharek? I always forget the preferred form of address for Cardassians, once titles have been set aside that is." It was a lie, she knew exactly how to address him, but Isha wanted to see how he used the freedom.

"You can address me in any way, shape or form you like. As long as you remember what the name and title represent." He looked at the vase that represented DS5. Then to his and Isha's pieces. He then knew what to do. "I will move this piece, here." He said, moving a darkened piece very close to DS5.

"How could I possibly forget," Isha said circling her finger above a cluster of her own pieces on the side of the board furthest from the vase; the others were deployed more conventionally closer to the vase side - a routine manouvre in her mind indicating a distraction for the Federation and its allies wheras the seemingly random cluster was the true focus of events - would Tharek understand what she was indicating? It was the order of the conventional peices she altered first then with a whimsical smile tilted her head and gazed at Tharek. "Your move."

Tharek keenly eyed her pieces on the far side of the board. Her finger circling above them sparked numerous conclusions in his head. "I will move these... Here." He said, moving three pieces near the small cluster of Isha's pieces. Near enough to get a look, but far away enough not to make Isha feel threatened.

She made no defensive move. "Do you wish to appear to know something, Tharek," Isha asked tightening the formation near the vase, "Your absence here might be noticed rather more than your presence there. Of course I can accomodate others who come in the spirit of 'exploration and understanding'" she added.

"Knowledge is power, Mi'lady." Tharek said, compacting and tightening his large formation, far away from Isha's pieces or the vase. "Exploration and understanding is a common goal." He said, moving his three pieces a little closer to Isha's cluster of pieces. They were now, in Isha's territory.

"Indeed." Isha took two of her pieces and edged them closer to the Cardassian's larger isolated formation, "More explorers," she said, wondering how he would react to that; they might serve only as a sacrifice, but if they were, it piqued her interest in that area of their reconstruction of space.

Tharek eyed her pieces carefully. He then sent two pieces, to overlook the 'exploration' of the others. "Explorers get lonely. Company... And allies are required when 'exploring'".

Isha nodded, "Let us assume that we are on the same side, Tharek," Isha said rising to her feet. She crossed to a console and from a drawer fished out a small box before returning. In it were another two sets of pieces. "The red would be a party not allied with us, perhaps they are allied with the blue," she suggested placing one of each on the table beside the vase. "Why don't you take 'our' force, and I will deploy the others."

"With pleasure." Tharek said, smiling slyly. He took several of Isha's pieces, and several of his own and moved them extremely close to the vase, the blue pieces and the red piece. He then moved the remainder of his cluster to Isha's cluster.

For several minutes Isha studied the 'board'. The first pieces she added were blue and headed in the direction of the pieces currenly near the vase, she also added a single red piece to the formation. Next she sent a blue piece alone towards the distant cluster she had established earlier, where Tharek had joined her own 'explorers' She was not naive enough to assume that they might not think the other activity to be a distraction, but her supposition was that they would keep their investigation low-key.

The remaining pieces she placed near the vase. "I think that all sides are present," she said, "what fun! It can be so predicable when one limits the game to two armies."

"It is. So... Adventurous." He said with a smile. He then moved the small cluster near the vase around the red piece. Completely and utterly surrounding it. "Your move my dear."

"How fortunate I am only playing this side," Isha said making a futile attack that was the only hope for the lone red piece. Wondering what was motivating Tharek, she moved two more of the blue toward the red - assistance that would come too late. The Dominion war had left little space for understanding between the Cardassians and the Klingons and she surmised that one of his status might have a personal axe or two to grind. As the game suggested, an alliance with Tharek might prove interesting, but it was not over yet; first the risks had to be assessed.

Her own choice, to play the other set of allies was a challenge to Isha, but having spent so long recently in the company of both Klingons and the Federation she felt that she was equal to it, she did not spend time with others without observing them; know your enemy, the saying went.

Tharek's pieces quickly eliminated the red piece off the board, and quickly retreated from the intercepting blue pieces back to Isha's cluster."I do believe thats the end of our red friends." He said, adding a very sly smile into the fold.

"Until their re-enforcements arrive," Isha said, rattling a pair of pieces in her hand. "I do believe that you are using my pieces, my original pieces that is, as a cloak; how appropriate," she said as she gave a moment to thought. They would regroup, the blues, and the other reds were too distant to make an reprisal and had to come via the vase anyway ... with three little clicks she added more reds to the board together with the blues at the vase. "I think the odds are less in your favour now, Tharek," she said.

"When have the odds ever been in Cardassia's favour?" He asked rhetorically. He then rubbed his chin in thought. "I think, that we should go here." He said, pointing to an empty sector of the board. "The reds and the blues would surely not notice us here, we should let things die down before resuming 'exploration'." He then eyed the vase. "I think we should keep one each of our pieces here, for appearances. We tell the vase, or Deep Space Five, that we had nothing to do with the attack on the first red piece, and that the attack was by renegades." Tharek was now getting into a lot more depth in this simple game of Kotra. "Your move, Ambassador."

"What a revelation you are, Tharek," Isha remarked as she mentally calculated what would be in the area to which he chose to take there joint forces. She nodded, "Nothing but the greatest expression of outrage would suffice, indeed if htis were not all a game you would no doubt receive a strongly worded communique from my own embassy, to which I am sure you would respond with an equally strongly worded reply explaining what trouble your rebels are causing both within and without Cardassian space. Given that we are on the margins of claimed space and proximal to the Neutral Zone, I imagine that I might be moved to offer assistance," she said, losing interest in the pieces on the board for a moment.

"I'd be touched. And I think I could accomodate your needs of assistance too, should you have any. Mi'lady." Tharek said, bowing his head with respect.

"One always appreciates the attention of friends, Tharek," Isha said with a slight incline of her head, "be it official, or otherwise ..."

Tharek looked at the board, then back to Isha. "Official or otherwise, how would you suggest we proceed?"

"As we have already begun," Isha said twisting a strand of hair around her finger. She reached out and plucked up one of the clear pieces placing it next to the vase, "My own ship remains here. I must appear to be neutral as I have a rather interesting task to perform," Isha paused. "Tell me Tharek, have you yet encountered the inimitable Agent Gabriel?"

"Gabriel. I know him all too well. The scoundrel that imposed rules and regulations of unimaginable restriction on all embassy's. He only imposed them when the Cardassian Government esablished itself here." He said, pausing for a breath regularly.

"Complaints about his behaviour have been made by embassy staff, not myself, though I certainly have grounds." She paused, "Can you keep a secret, Tharek?"

"I'm a big book of secrets." Tharek replied with a smile on his face.

"You may find that Gabriel ceases to be a problem sooner than you think," Isha said. "Did you ever hear of the case of Doctor Kur'an? A prominent Romulan scientist who was murdered ... back in 2376 at the Privus Prime Research Development facility."

"Ah yes, I read one of the Order's reports on that particular event. Our infamous agent Gabriel murdered the Doctor. As I recall Gabriel got away with it. Or, so far anyway."

"Indeed," Isha said, her tone thoughtful. People quickly forgot that Isha had built a reputation on the Senate floor and in the courts representing her House and its members interests before she married, "I have returned to bring the case against him in the light of new ... evidence. I thnk, Tharek that the Empire would be most grateful if the Order were able to share their reports on this event," she suggested with a gleam in her eyes.

"To put Gabriel away? I'll gift wrap them for you." He said, putting both his hands on his knees and smiling, smiling like a child in a sweet store.

Isha returned the smile, her eyes glittering like ice, "What an agreeable fellow you are, Tharek," she said, "You must allow me to return the favour of course, when an appropriate juncture occurs."

"Of course. Such an act would be most apreciated." Tharek said. Mimicing her cold look.

She allowed her gaze to pass over the kotra board before returning to meet the Cardassian's, "I think we understand each other very well, Vi'kar Gul Getal," she said softly, "Only next time, do make an appointment - I prefer to plan my surprises, don't you?"

"Of course, mi'lady." Tharek said, standing. "Well. I foresee that we will be spending a lot of time together."

"As friends should," Isha said picking up the piece that represented her own ship, cloaked and ready in the internal docking bay. "I am rather tired after my journey," she added. "Good day, Tharek."

"Good day, Lady Illialhlae." He said, bowing regally and turning out of the embassy.


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dignatary