Judgement – New Blood
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Damien Starr & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   New Blood
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Damien Starr & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Sun Nov 07, 2010 @ 9:39pm
Location   Sickbay - CMO's Office
Timeline   SD35 - 09.00hrs (before the Autopsy)

Chelsea had literally *bumped* into the new Research Intern at 08.00 but she'd left him in the capable hands of Ben and Ed who were showing him around. She went back to her office and started on the paperwork that had been piling up, the Padds threatening to topple off her desk if she didn't move some of them along.

A while later, the gravitational balance of her desk somewhat less alarming now, she looked up as Ben, Ed and Damien all came in, their tour of Sickbay completed.

"Hey guys... how did it go?" she asked.

"Everything went great." Damien said, walking toward the desk. He was relieved to be getting along with the staff so well. "I'm really excited about working here!" Just then he tripped and started to stumble... but managed to catch himself from falling just inches before hitting the stack of PADD's on Chelsea's desk.

Chelsea flinched, reaching out both hands to catch the Padds but was equally relieved when Damien just missed them. Ben too had lurched forward with the intention of catching some but sighed a loud 'phew!' when the moment passed without damage to the new Intern, or the Padds, or the CMO's nervous disposition.

"Great, well, according to this Padd" Chelsea held one aloft, pretending nothing had happened - or even 'nearly' happened.

"There are two new doctors coming to us today. I almost didn't get to this Padd in time as she's due any minute. Good news Damien, you'll be able to show the next new doctor round, now you're such an expert." she grinned and winked at Starr.

Ben moved towards the desk again. "Two? We've been understaffed for *ever*" he exclaimed, "now, two at once! This is AWESOME!" Chelsea gave him a wide smile.

"It is! It's bri........" she didn't get to finish when Sally came to the open doorway and peered in. "Excuse me Commander?" she said, indicating a person not far behind her. "Doctor Stapleton to see you?" Sally opened her arm in a gesture that guided the new doctor into the somewhat busy office.

Chelsea stood up and came swiftly round her desk, careful not to upset the already endangered, neatly stacked Padds. She held out her hand in a warm welcome and smiled broadly.

"Welcome aboard, Bridget" She thanked the Prophets she'd just been reading the new doctor's bio and had at least memorised her name before she was already there. ~That was close!~ she thought, making a resolution to keep up with her paperwork better in future.

"Thank you very much Lieutenant Commander, it's a pleasure to meet you," Bridget grinned and accepted the CMO's offered hand, clasping it warmly, but using Chelsea's rank out of a sense of caution. She noted the welcoming atmosphere of the office and the use of her first name instead of her rank, so she hoped that the department was run casually. As she released the CMO's hand, she told herself that it was better to hedge on the side of caution when first meeting a superior. If the department was relaxed, she'd find out soon enough.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too. Allow me to introduce everyone. This is Lieutenant Ben Kensington, my ACMO...."

Ben held out his hand and gave Bridget a wide, warm smile. "Pleased to meet you." he shook her hand.

"... and our Lead Nurse Specialist, CPO Ed McBain.... " Chelsea went on round the room.

Bridget shook Ben and Ed's hands each in turn, including them in her smiled greeting and murmuring her pleasure at meeting them.

".... and last but by no means least, Damien Starr who is our new Medical Research Intern, just starting today too." Chelsea introduced the two new doctors to each other finally.

"Good to meet you Bridget. Glad I'm not the only newbie here!"

Bridget smiled wider, and let out a chuckle as she shook Damien's hand. "I was just thinking that same thing mysef, Mister Starr."

Lance came sauntering into the CMO's office. Looked around at all the new arrivals and smirked. "Fresh meat for the grinder?" He asked Chelsea. He looked at the new arrivals closely, "Either that or word of my exceptional skillls as a plastic surgeon has spread to the desperately ugly in the quadrant."

Chelsea drew in a breath. She had promised herself she wouldn't let Lance shock her into a reaction again. Ben bristled visibly but Chelsea shot him a look and Ed stepped quietly forward.

"The Chief Surgeon is such a card!" he smiled, playing along with Lance's joke, softening the effect tactfully.

"Yeees!" Chelsea held the syllable just a fraction longer than normal but kept her fixed 'impenetrably neutral' doctor's professional expression.

"Lance, how opportune that you're here. We were all just meeting our newest recruits. This is Doctor Bridget Stapleton" she paused to allow Lance to greet Bridget and for her reply before introducing Damien next.

Bridget had noticed the change in atmosphere when the newest team member entered the room. Inwardly she snorted at his impropriety, but watched the others closely for clues to mimic in responding to him. It seemed a mixed reaction. The CMO was obviously displaying a practiced patience, so it wasn't the first time this Chief Surgeon had behaved in such an immature way. The ACMO, however, had a much less neutral response, which made Bridget curious. And then there was the Lead Nurse, who struck a middle ground and did his best to soften the blow for the new recruits. Hmmmmm. Interesting.

Lance looked at her critically. "Ahh you would be the nose job, quite frankly I'm amazed you've been able to live with it as long as you have. Don't worry I'll be able to fix natures terrible terrible mistake."
He ignored her indignant expression and turned to the other new arrival.

"And..... Our new Medical Research Intern, Damien Starr."

Damien began to walk over to Lance to introduce himself, "Nice to meet you! he said, extending his hand.

Lance crossed his arms and regarded the interns hand with disdain. "Of course it is." He replied by way of greeting. There was an awkward pause as Damien stood there with his hand extended and Lance stood looking bored.

"Well, we mustn't monopolise Damien, I understand he's to report to the Chief of Science this morning too, so, if you'd be kind enough to show him where Jana works please Ben, I'd be grateful." Chelsea separated Ben and Damien out from any danger and despatched them safely off to the Science Department with a sigh and a wish that she'd been more diligent with her prayers to the Prophets so they wouldn't have sent her this Pah-Wraith of a surgeon.

Damien looked back at Chelsea and Lance with a confused look as Ben lead him out of sick bay.

Lance flopped onto Chelsea's couch, and immediately put his feet up on her coffee table. "Well they look useless" He commented. "Mind you that Damian kid looks like he could carry a golf bag..." The surgeon pondered out loud. Reclining futher onto the couch and clasping his hands behind his head.

Chelsea blew out a disgusted breath and went back to her Padds, ignoring the ignorant behaviour and simply added with disdain of her own. "What is your deal Lance?" She asked, genuinely wondering what made the guy such a jerk. "Did you have a difficult childhood or something? Did someone dissect your pet snatworms or pull the legs of your prize pedigree arachnid and now you have to get your own back on everyone you meet just to get back at the whole universe?"

Lance shot her a smirk. "You people couldn't even begin to understand the levels at which I function" He grinned "For the record my childhood was great, I had a wet nurse till I was 19." He sat up yawning lazily. "To be honest you people bore me. Page me when something interesting happens." He swung his legs off the couch and stood up.

"Well your 'Nurse' should have spent more time teaching you how to behave like a civilised being and not with such an ignorant lack of manners or decent propriety." Chelsea felt herself losing her cool so she shifted her attention away from the pest and across to Bridget, deliberately giving Lance a taste of his own medicine by excluding him with the same rudeness that he had used in ignoring the new doctor and speaking about her while she was still here.

"Bridget, I am *so* sorry. Please allow me to show you around the facilities and take no notice of the skeleton in our cupboard." Rolling her fingers softly in a dismissive indication of Lance as the skeleton she meant, Chelsea took Bridget by the arm gently and steered her out of the office into the main Sickbay where she began to introduce her to random staff and to show her around.

Lance watched them leave with bored disinterest, Bridget wasn't pretty enough to attract his attention or interest, he made his way over to the OR and began prepping for the afernoons surgeries.


A JP Between:

Lt Ben Kensington
ACMO - pNPC by Jools


Doctor Bridget Stapleton


Damien Starr
Medical/Science Research Intern


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
DS 5