Judgement – Crank up the signal
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon

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Title   Crank up the signal
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Fri Sep 09, 2011 @ 12:47am
Location   Operations (Ops)
Timeline   SD39 09:15
Looking down from the picture window in Tasha office over the Operations room below, Tasha sipped at the cool fresh orange juice that Yeoman Grant had kindly brought up from hydroponics. It was a rare treat, that had now become a weekly ritual, a half glass of freshly squeezed oranges. It was only 2 or 3 oranges but to Tasha, it was the best thing since warp drive and so welcome on any morning that he had the time to give her a treat.

There were several new officers on the floor, but Tasha was already missing Robert, his morning greeting was always a highlight to her day, but he had taken the opportunity to take the shuttle on some much needed rest and recuperation.

She watched the woman who was now in charge at the communications console and smiled to herself as she watched her push her chair between the three consoles needed to keep DS5 in open contact with both station and starfleet ships.

Tasha walked back to her desk and without sitting, tapped at her command console and searched the names of the operations officers and stopped at Lieutenant Junior Grade, Miranda Aeylon.

Her heart sank as she read her history and knew that this was not an ideal situation for anyone who had emotional baggage, but even she carried that. She continued reading and noticed that Miranda had served for nearly four years aboard the Caribbean. Why would she want to come to the ends of the universe and be stuck on a station.... The question was one she had asked herself more than once.
Her hand came to her comm as she paced back to the window.

=^= "Lieutenant Aeylon, report to the Captains office." =^= She signalled as she turned back to her desk and sat, watching the open doors waiting for Miranda to appear.

Miranda signalled to a nearby Ops Ensign to take over from her at her station "I'll be a few minutes", she then stood up and looked up to the Captains Office, which was located pride of place in Ops. Miranda swiftly paced up the steps to the cold steel doorway, of which the doors slid open upon reaching them. The receptionist was not present, so Miranda proceeded to the the open doorway opposite the main entrance the the reception, in hope that was the Captains office. She slowly walked to and stood in the door way and immediately looked towards the Captain. "Good morning Captain, I believe you wanted to see me?"

Tasha rose from her seat, smoothed down her uniform and beckoned the older female into her office. Subconsciously, her hand ran back through her hair, as if making sure it was neat and in place.
"Please, come in. The replicator is available if you care for a drink." She said looking at her own near empty glass and allowing herself a secret smile. "I wanted to welcome you aboard Deep Space five and was wondering how you are settling?" She enquired with an easiness to her tone.

Miranda walked further into the office "I'm settling well, I've already had an eventful time aboard. Things can only get better", she smiled and then looked to the replicator, she then sighed "Replicated stuffs not really my things after being stuck on a starship for most of my life", she then looked back to the Captain "I hear that hydroponics is quite the department aboard the station", she spoke in friendly tones.

Tasha dipped her head and smiled as if a guilty secret had been divulged. She looked up shaking her head from left to right and back again.
"You hear correctly, a fine trait for the Chief Communications officer!" She admitted somewhat ruefully. "We have some wonderful farmers working on DS5. I am sure you will also find the shops on the promenade extremely amenable." Came the advice as she picked up on the slight regret in voice. "Miss them?" She enquired pushing the glass across the desk towards the woman and signalled for Miranda to take the seat opposite. "You're welcome to try some. Fresh this morning."

Miranda slowly walked to the desk and sat down on the seat which had been signalled to her by the Captain, she then looked up at the Captain "The station is a lot more like a home, rather than an everyday Starfleet vessel.. Like I say, I look forward to spending time on here" Miranda looked blankly around the room, and then back to Tasha "May I ask, have you enjoyed your command here?"

"Absolutely." She replied immediately before thinking of the worst of times and added, "Most of the time. Odd question?" She voiced wondering what was meant by the enquiry, whether it was to judge an opinion or genuine interest. DS5 had seen it fair amount of both troubles and jubilations. The wedding yesterday was high point, the low point was the Boaoran battle, but that was now a part of the stations history. "Why do you ask?" She queried back as she folder her hands together with a partial cock of her head.

"Just curious" Miranda softly replied.

The reply was too short for Tasha, there had to be more to the question.
"Lieutenant, you have something on your mind, ask away. I would prefer openess and candour." Tasha advised.
Her folded hands rose to beneath her chin, steepling. "I mean anything. It is not a usual question, so I can guess as to what you're thinking but it's meaningless." She added.

"Well, the fear of living on the edge of federation space, open to attacks from alien races at any time.. It feels, strange." Miranda looked Tasha in the eyes, "Honestly, that's all"

Tasha grinned as her hands fell from underneath her chin.
"We tend to forget where we are and yes, we have been attacked on more than one occasion both from outside and within and we need to keep both our eyes and our ears open." Her hand signalled to the lieutenant, "You are one of the most integral positions on this station. Not only are you monitoring station chatter and internal requests but also Federation ship requests, alien ship requests and all the trade ships that come and go here." Her grin widened, "No pressure really." She said rhetorically as her hand ran freely through her hair.

Miranda chuckled upon hearing this, and then softly spoke "Well I'll enjoy every minute of it. Being at the pinnacle of where so many cultures collide has a certain... spark about it"

"As long as the spark doesn't start a fire." Tasha quipped easily. "Anything you need, just ask lieutenant." Tasha offered.

The Communications chief nodded as she stood, dipped her head in thanks and took the offer as a dismissal and left, returning to her post on operations.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Chief Communications Officer