Things Past – Bajoran Sunset
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Bajoran Sunset
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Mar 11, 2012 @ 9:10pm
Location   Terok Nor/CUS Vera
Timeline   2368

"Imanil, are you ready?" Tharek said loudly, as he scuttled around their quarters looking for his left boot. Although asking the question, he himself was not ready. They had to be at docking pylon two within the next few minutes, but after their extensive tour of Terok Nor, and there more private matters, they were now running behind schedule.

Imanil paused in the doorway. "Of course I'm ready, Tharek," she said his name with a peculiar softness that negated the need for frivlous terms of endearment. Imanil would not diminish him with such anyway.

She watched his search for a moment then smiled and extended her right arm, the item he sought dangling from her hand.

He kept his quest up for several more seconds, before he turned to his wife and noticed his sought treasure. "Thank you my love." He said, as his smile showed his relief. Tharek relaxed slightly, as he sat on their marital bed to fasten his boot, and prepare himself for the daunting trip planet-side.

"What are they like?" Imanil asked, "Really I mean." She had seen Bajorans from a distance as they had looked down from the promenade but had never come close to one. To Imanil they looked rather wretched creatures, no pride and no standards - how else would they allow themselves to look that way.

"I could read you the State approved brief on the Bajoran race, but that would be a lie to how they really are. Having met them in person, I can tell you now my love, that they are a violent, arrogant species led by a false religion. They want nothing more than to praise a wormhole in space, and kill us Cardassians." He said with a solemn heart. This was what Getal, and nearly the entire galaxy-wide population of Cardassians, believed with all their heart.

"Odious creatures," Imanil said. They obviously couldn't see what was good for them. "Surely if some of them will listen to us they will be able to persuade the others that we only have their best interests at heart." As she spokem Imanil rummaged in her bag checking that she had everything that she thought she would need for their excursion.

"Some of them do. They are called 'collaborators' by their fellow Bajoran. Although, these collaborators are a prime example of what we try to achieve with the species. If the entire planet followed in their footsteps, this would be a much easier process."

"Well, let us hope that such occurs ..." There had not been any major incidents on the lower levels since they had arrived, but if there were, Imanil expected to be called upon to 'help' with a solution. She might be here purely as the wife of an officer, but if called upon to aid the Union, even in an outpost such as this then she would, as long as her husband did not object. Imanil knew that even Cardassian dissenters had to be dealt with firmly, made an example of, as to Bajoran ones... "To collaborate merely shows advanced intelligence as far as I can tell."

"I agree my love. Let us just hope that the people will too." He smiled at her lovingly, and gave her a tender, love filled kiss. "Come my dear, the Vera awaits us."

Imanil smiled, her entire face brightening as her lips parted. "Of course, Tharek," she said.

As their breath seperated, Tharek stood with the widest grin on his face. He picked up both his and Imanil's bags, and made for docking pylon two.


Professor Imanil Lemarrev Getal

Gul Tharek Getal