Incommunicado – Room
by Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Room
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat May 19, 2012 @ 7:27am

=^= Lieutenant JG Sullivans to Lieutenant JG Petro=^=

=^= This is Petro. =^= The J'Nai didn't recognize the voice right away and could only imagine what they might be calling for. The communications have been spotty at best and since she was released from sickbay everyone on the station seemed to be wanting to talk to her.

=^= Lieutenant Petro ; Recently arrived from Star Base One Eighty Five, Need quarters that could have the gravity to about three G normal please.=^=

Petro nodded, though she knew Sullivans couldn't see her. Off the top of her head she couldn't think of any quarters that met those requirements. The quartermaster usually took care of that. =^= I'll see what I can do. =^= she said. =^= Could you meet me at the Quartermaster's office? =^=

Lyhse replies =^= "Yes Lieutenant Petro, will meet you at the Quartermaster's Office shortly=^=

Moments later....

Petro had arrived a little before Sullivans and brought up the computer on the desk. The rose, now withered, still stood on the desk. Its vase dry and dusty. She looked up as a figure approached the door. "Lieutenant Sullivans?"

She replied; "Yes; Lieutenant Petro, Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans, Manufacturing Productions Officer." As she steps forward she looks some what puzzled, "Not certain what your customs are Lieutenant JG Petro, do they 'shake hands'?"

Petro smiled. "I've learned to accept the custom's of others." She gestured to the chair across the desk from her. "Please."

Lyhse left eyebrow arches slightly, she sits in the offered seat. "Lieutenant Petro; Captain Tahir indicated you were the one filling in to find quarters." She pauses, observing the Lieutenant briefly before continuing "My home world is Hellios, a two and a half G world."

Petro nodded and began searching the database. "I believe we can accomadate your request." She continued typing into the console. "Yes, here we go. There's a fully modifiable quarters on Deck 32, Section D, Suite 136." She looked up from the console. "There is a control panel near the entrance that will allow you to make whatever modifications you need. I think we had a Gorn set up there for a while but she's been gone since before I came."

Lyhse replies; "Deck thirty two, Section D, Suite one hundred thirty six. That will be fine, Thank you Lieutenant Petro, any suggestions of 'Unsavory' areas that I should stay away from?"

There were a few places that came to Petro's mind but she wasn't sure how much had changed in her absence. "Honestly, I'm not certain. I had been away from the station for some time and since my return I haven't the opportunity to explore much. I think security could probably answer that question better than I could. Or perhaps some of the shop owners on the promenade. They tend to hear about those kinds of places."

"Ah; thank you for your time Lieutenant Petro, and your advice." Lyhse stood up; offered her right hand " Deck thirty two, Section D, Suite one hundred thirty six."

Petro accepted the offered hand. "You are most welcome Lieutenant. And welcome to DS5."


Lieutenant JG Petro
Quartermaster/Communications Officer

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Manufacturing Productions Officer