Small Things – Lonely Hours Seem So Long
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Lonely Hours Seem So Long
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Nov 06, 2013 @ 2:17am
Location   Rianni's Quarters
(I figured this way we could set up for Rianni's wish! :) Missed you :-* )

Rianni had dragged herself home from celebrating with her crew, barely able to stand, "Chasing Romulan Ale with Ouzo is not a good idea, Monteros... err, t'Khellian." She muttered to herself, "Or, you know, whoever, whatever....." She placed her thumb on the door lock and it slid open to allow her entrance to her quarters, Isha's old quarters; how she missed Isha. For some reason, they just connected, ~Just my luck, meet an awesome woman who's smart, funny, attractive, and actually understands me, naturally she's my aunt. Back in the day, I would've been an internet meme in a plaid shirt.~

Stumbling from the foyer into the main living room she called out, "Honey, I'm home....." Then laughed, "Who are you talking to, stupid? No honey for you!" Her eyes fell on her knives in the kitchen, a gaping hole, in reality just a slot a few millimeters wide, where her large butcher's knife should've been, ~Where did that.... oh, yeah.~ She flopped onto her couch and looked around into the big empty that was her home, that was her life, and sighed deeply, "Wish I had someone to come home to. Hell, at this point I would even settle for a kitten." Pushing herself off of the couch she finally made her way into the bathroom to begin cleaning herself up, wondering where her life had gone so damned wrong. When she finished she stumbled straight to bed, not able to face another second without some rest.


"A kitten?" The question was posed by a blonde headed Bajoran who stood behind the counter in "Fuzzballs".

"A kitten. May I see some?" The way she looked at him Prin wondered if perhaps one needed a cat licence to buy one. What on Betazed would she have thought if he had asked to see some fish.

"Sure, this way."

She led him to a small pen which contained several real live kittens ... no mechanical simulcra here.

Prin peered at them all. The thought he had picked up was so lonely and desperate, she did not even have anything he required. This was one simple kindness he could do for the woman.

He looked at each one by one -

The striped one had an independant spirit and would almost certainly leave for a new home once it was bored. Prin ruled that one out.

The orange one which sat alone was haughty and aloof. She would grow frustrated with its demand. No, that would not be a good relationship.

His eyes then fell on a deep brown fluffball with white paws and a bushy tail. Gently he probed its feline mind. Prin raised an eyebrow as it tilted its head slightly and peered back at him through golden eyes.

"You can feel me, can't you," he muttered under his breath as it continued to watch him. "I'll take that one," he told the assistant.


Rianni woke to a strange sound coming from her living room, it seemed familiar, yet totally out of place. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stumbled into the other room where she found what at first appeared to be a brown tribble on her couch, but, when she looked at it closer and it lifted it's tiny head, was a kitten. It looked up at her through these beautiful golden eyes and gently mewed, "Well, hello, little guy." She smiled, wondering if she was still asleep and dreaming this, ~I wished for someone, or something, to keep me from being lonely. This morning I've got a kitten... A kitten from out of the blue. Where the Hell did it come from?~

Picking the kitten up, she walked over to her replicator and found over a hundred recipes for cat food, picking the one she thought would have the best taste and nutrition, almost choking on the irony of the fact it was designed by Lt. JG K'Riol, a Klingon pilot in the wing when she first took command, "Never figured him for a cat person." She laughed, the kitten laying in the crook of her arm and purring contently as the food came into being from nothingness; if she lived to be a thousand, she'd never stop being amazed by replicators. Setting the food and it's replicated dish on the tile floor of her kitchen, another beautiful leftover from when Isha owned the place, she poured the new kitten, who was, upon closer inspection, a girl, a saucer of fresh milk, "There you go, sweety." She cooed, already enraptured by her new furry companion, ~And later we'll figure out where you came from.~