Judgement – Relaxed Greetings
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Damien Starr

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Title   Relaxed Greetings
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Karen Villiers & Damien Starr
Posted   Sat Jan 08, 2011 @ 1:52pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD35 18:30

Tasha had somehow found herself on the Prom after her meeting with Isha and her thoughts were entirely disassembled. She would have to go back to the brig and apologise to Dorian, but subconsciously, she must have wanted some Dutch courage and here was as good a place as any.

She eased the door back and stepped in and immediately found the air was electric as the bar was beginning to fill up with those who were either ending their shift or closed up their shops or restaurants for the day and looking to relax.

She ambled to the bar.
"Hello Yolanthe." She greeted the bar owner with a relaxed smile. "Can I get a quiet corner and some of your special tea?" She enquired.

"Sure." The statuesque woman was still the same charcoal grey she had been early, apart from the pitch black swelling around her left eye. The only thing that had changed was the scent of strong spirits on her breath. If it got any worse, she could probably set fire to her spit. "Why don't you take a seat over there, and I'll send Blake along in a minute." It was impossible to miss the slurring in her words.

She followed Yolanthe's (somewhat unsteady) guiding hand to the booth where she had sat earlier.

"Thanks." She acknowledged and forced her way between to burly Klingons and sat in the darker area and waited for her tea, not missing the sight of her being led away by some of the young people that made up the painfully pretty staff. Neither did she miss that it took two of them to keep the bokkai upright.

Lance made his way through the crush of people to the bar, and ordered a drink, sipping it he turned to survey the room for potential conquests.

Cameron entered the bar, looking for a place to unwind after a long day of training marines and running drills. As he looked around for a table, he spotted Lt Murdoch at the bar. "Lt Murdoch, Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne, Marine Recon Sniper." he said offering his hand to the Lieutenant.

"Good for you!" Replied the surgeon, casually ignoring the man's offered hand. "Why are you talking to me? Did I save your life once, and now you have returned to heap gratitude and riches upon me?"

"look here, I was fighting on the front lines while you were still in school." Cameron snapped "now if you will excuse me, sir, I've just seen a table open" he continued as he headed for a newly open table.

"I'll take that as a no then..." Lance smirked to himself. He saw a space at a darkened booth near the back and slid into the seat directly next to Captain Tahir, He peered at her through the gloom. "So what's a girl like you doing in a nice place like this?" He asked.

Tasha was wondering what was wrong with Yolanthe. She had appeared to be drinking earlier in the day and was in a sorry state as she was supported by some staff out from the bar. The discolouration around her eye was apparent and Tasha had done her best to avoid staring but her thoughts were disturbed as the medical officer slid into the seat alongside her.

She turned and offered a regal smile. "Is that supposed to be a chat up line, a compliment or an insult?" She asked lifting her cup of tea to her lips and sipping the hot liquid.

" 'Supposed to be a question..." Lance slurred slightly.

Robert walked in. His shuttle flight had been long, and sleepless. All he needed was a good stiff drink. He looked around, and tried to stay to himself as he approached the bar, noticing a Marine, and Doctor arguing off to one side, he readjusted his direction and headed to the end of the bar, well away from them. It wasn't a day to be around arguments! "Stardrifter please," Robert said to the bartender, as he turned around and gazed over the crowd.

The Bajoran man keeping the bar in action mixed the drink as requested. He put it down in front of the new officer, making sure it went to the side of him that meant he had to look towards the captain.

Robert looked over, and grabbed the drink, placing the proper payment down, he glanced up and saw the Captain. Robert turned and just ducked down. He needed to report, but didn't know if this was the time.

Tahir shook her head. "in that case, the nicest girls come to all the nicest places." She responded as she lifted her tea back to her lips, feeling a little boxed in by the man.

Lance slid closer to Tasha on the bench seat, "Can I buy you a drink?" He offered.

She eased her neck around. "Thank you lieutenant, I will have another tea. House special." She said with an easy smile as her eyes came back to the door at the rear of the bar where Yolanthe had been aided through earlier.

A stunningly good looking human man put a cup of tea down in front of Tasha with a wink. "We'll start brewing now. Would that be on your account, Lieutenant...?"

"Just charge it to Lieutenant Benjamin Kensington" Lance replied with a blank expression. The waiter nodded before heading back to the bar. Lance turned his attention back to Captain Tahir. "Hi I'm Doctor Lance Murdoch" He introduced himself.

Tasha smiled, placing her own cup next to the fresh brew on the table and held out her hand in Greeting.
"Hello Doctor Murdoch. I'm Captain Tasha Tahir."
As they shook hands, Tasha noticed his were dry but warm. "Doctor of what?" She asked with curiosity looking into his eyes and ignoring the slight slur in his speech, unsure if it were a speech impediment or the result of the strength of the alcohol served in the Box.

"I have several doctorates," Lance replied. Dropping the drunken slur abruptly. "But you would know me as head surgeon on this bucket of rust and bolts."

Back at the bar, Pel noticed Robert keeping his head away from the Captain. "Hiding from someone?" he asked the man as he mixed another order.

"I'm just trying to keep a low key right now. And the Captain seems to be busy. Its been a long flight," Robert said, turning and taking a seat.

An astonishingly attractive young man arrived at the bar, sliding between Robert and the Vulcan drinking a glass of port next to him. "More tea for the Captain, courtesy of the surgeon. "

Pel nodded and looked across, then turned back to Robert. "I doubt the captain will mind the disturbance in this instance. You'd probably be doing her a favour."

"Oh would I." Robert looked over at the buffoon that was with the Captain. "So she doesn't know him?"

"He's trying to pick her up," Blake said

"Ahhh, well maybe he will succeed." Robert said with a smirk. "Tell me something, what's her favorite drink of choice?"

"Cold sweet cider," the beautiful man said promptly. "At least, that's what she had the only other time she's been here off duty."

"Ok, how about a nice dessert. She's had 2 cups of tea already. I am sure it wouldn't hurt her to have something to eat with those." Robert spoke, glancing over his shoulder.

"You can't go wrong with chocolate," Pelin pointed out.

Blake nodded. "I know just the thing. I'll be right back"

A cheerful brunette in a scandalously short skirt that proved that trill spots went all the way down, and up, came up to Bourne, padd in one hand, a tray tucked under the other arm. "My we've got a lot of fleeters in tonight. What can I get you honey?"

Cameron looked up from a PADD he was holding "I'll have some Romulan Ale and a plate of Gagh and some Plomeek soup"

The waitress tapped at her order padd. "Soup and Ale we can do. But we don't have gagh." She wrinkled her cute little nose, as the if the word was just as distasteful as the Klingon dish. "Anything else?"

"How do I go about ordering holodeck time?" Cameron asked

The waitress looked slightly flustered for a moment, but rallied quickly, "just go on up to the spa, at the top. She pointed towards the stairs near where the captain was sitting. There'll be someone either in the office," she didn't sound too certain about that, "Or try the bar there,"

"Thanks, here" Cameron handed over several bars of latinum "for your troubles" he said as he got up and headed over to the captains table. "may I join you sir?" he asked

Tasha gladly welcomed the interruption of another member of staff. "By all means." She smiled with a little releif and moved away from the doctor to allow the man to sit. "And it's ma'am or Captain." She offered sliding her cup along the table to make room for whatever he was holding in both hands.

Blake returned to Robert Five minutes later, with a crystal bowl filled with a sphere of something that was surrounded by, and topped off with strawberries. "Individual Ktarian Chocolate Puff, and terran strawberries." He handed the bowl to Robert. "Break a leg."

"Thanks," Robert said laying down a few bars for payment, and walking with a drink in one hand and a nice Chocolate Puff in the other. Meandering through the people he arrives at the table. "Captain Tahir I presume?" Robert said with a slightly questionable look on his face as if he was wrong.

Tasha chuckled, she seemed to be attracting all the new members of staff but she was intrigued by the dessert dish the man held and interested to see what he was about to do with it, especially as she could see a single strawberry just above the rim of the bowl.

"Indeed I am. Please, join us." Her hand waved to the free seat opposite her and lifted her cup to her mouth to hide her girlish grin and the expectancy of sweet gift.

Robert sat down, and placed the delicacy down. "Lieutenant Robert Feinstein, Captain." Robert said with a nod of the head. He pushed the dessert forward towards the Captain. "For you ma'am."

She felt adequately rewarded as her tongue danced across her lips and she forgot her position momentarily.

"For me?" She squealed with an unhidden delight as her hand slid across the table to draw the dessert closer to her. Her eyes widened as she decided what to eat first and everything else and everyone blurred into the background. A strawberry or the chocolate. Then her smile dropped a little as her eyes raised aback to the presenter of the delectable dessert.

"Sorry, but it would be so unlady like to eat this with my fingers." She teased wickedly waiting for the offer of either a fork or spoon or in this case, a spork.

Robert looked down, he must of dropped the utensil on his way, and hadn't realized it. "Well Captain, looks like I lost the utensil," he said with a slight blush coming across his face. In all the hussle over he must of let it slip out of his fingers. *Wait, did I even grab one before walking over here?* He thought, as he just smiled back. Luckily he saw a good escape coming.

"Excuse me waiter," Robert said to the passing man with a tray. "Can I get a spork for the dear Captain?"

"Give me one second sir, I will be right back." The gentleman said, scurrying off towards the kitchen area.

"My apologies Captain." Robert said.

Tasha waved her hand. "No need to apologise Lieutenant." She responded guarding her dish of sweetness as she cast a look around the table at the gentlemen who surrounded her. "Waiter, make that four!" She yelled across the filling bar.

A few moments later.... "Pardon me Captain," the attendant said, handing her the utensils.

She reached up and took the offered cutlery and laid them on the table.

"Gentlemen, help yourselves." She offered politely, taking the first sporkful of the dish before her and savoured the tastes that danced delicately upon her tongue.
"Doctor, don't you want any?" She questioned.

Murdoch shook his head. "It is for you Captain." He replied.

She shook her head and took another smaller sporkful and then lay it on the table and reached for her tea to wash down the chocolate, feeling that she had eaten enough to appease.

"Thank you one and all, but I must leave you to attend to something." She said as she rose and squeezed between the legs of the officers as they made room for her.
She nodded her thanks and headed to the bar and the waiter that had just left them and beckoned him closer.

"One round of whatever they want, on my bill and please, ask Yolanthe to call me tomorrow...anytime." Her tone was serious.

Blake nodded, "yes, Ma'am. As soon as she's able to."

Bridget entered the Box and stood just to the side of the door, looking over the crowded main floor of the casino. A note from Edward had brought her here; she'd been to her quarters directly after leaving Sick Bay, and found a message on the computer. He said he had gotten a job and was on his break, but he didn't tell her what the job was. He just said to come and meet him there after she got off work. In the recorded message, he was wearing some sort of fluffy-looking shirt with ruffles, open at the chest, making her wonder just what kind of place that casino was.

Now that she was here, finding him in the crowded establishment would be harder than she'd initially thought. She couldn't see very far into the room, so decided to ask if the bartender knew where to find Ed. As she approached the bar, she noticed a female officer in the red command colors, talking to a young man with hair that came down to his waist. A look at the pips as she got closer, and she realized it was the station's Captain. Bridget looked away, so as not to appear to be staring. Curious though, she did take surreptitious glances at the woman as she waited for the busy bartender. Captain Tahir was an attractive, dark haired woman, with fine facial features and expressive eyes. She wasn't smiling, and Bridget idly wondered if there was something wrong with the food, or the service, or whatever. A voice interrupted her thoughts, however, and she startled slightly, realizing the bartender had seen her and was asking what he could get her.

The young Bajoran took her order and started mixing, observing that she kept scanning the crowd. "Meeting someone?"

"My husband, Edward Stapleton. He said that today he got a job working here. He's wearing this... white shirt with ruffles. Could you point me in his direction?"

The young man actually blushed as he put her drink in front of her. "On the House." Then he raised his arm and pointed towards the dabo tables.

"Why thank you," Bridget said. She raised the glass in salute, then she looked the direction his arm had pointed, and nodded her head. "Thanks again."

Tasha turned to leave and noticed the woman glancing at her and assumed that this was one of the doctor's new staff. She paused, allowing the woman to finish talking with the bartender before approaching.

"Hello, welcome to DS5." She simply said as she extended her arm to greet the doctor.

Bridget smiled and shook the offered hand, pleasantly surprised to be acknowledged by the senior officer. "Thank you, Captain. I'm Bridget Stapleton, one of the new physicians assigned to the station."

"Pleasure." She smiled in return surprised at the relaxed handshake of a woman which made a pleasant change. "How are you finding our little menagerie?" She asked pleasantly not failing to notice Bridget's eyes focussing across the room.

"I'm still too new to form an opinion yet," she said with a shrug. "But thanks for asking. So far, it's big, busy, and fascinating." Her grin was wide. She hadn't intended on waylaying the Captain, and so she paused and said, "I know you're busy and I don't mean to keep you; but thank you for introducing yourself. It's very nice to meet you, ma'am." She meant that sincerely.

Tasha smiled in response as she semi shrugged her shoulders. "Big and busy, nicely described." Tahir's grin widened at Bridget's analogy of the station. "I won't keep you, I can see you need to be somewhere." She nodded in the direction of the Dabo tables.

"Right. My husband. Well, have a good evening, Captain."


Commander Tasha Tahir

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights (& NPC staff)

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner) - DS5

Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein

Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Chief Surgeon

Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne
Recon Scout/Sniper