Time is Fleeting – You are my #1 priority
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   You are my #1 priority
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 7:48pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 14 - 20:00hrs
It had been awhile since Gabriel had walked down these darkened halls. He never could figure out why Romulans preferred darkened passageways. It made sense to have a well-lit hallway in terms of protecting one's property. You can identify individuals approaching your territory with ease and would not have to fear being ambushed.

Perhaps the Romulans gained some sort of psychological advantage by keeping the lighting at a lowered level. Maybe it gave them joy to know that visitors were spooked for the ambiance that their lighting system created. Whatever the motivation was, it made no difference to Gabriel at the moment. He had decided to pay a visit to his old friend Raedheol.

Gabriel was also accompanied by three security officers just for this particular occasion. As they entered the outer foyer of the Embassy Gabriel noticed the remodeling job that had been performed. It makes sense that when they aren't spending time murdering Federation citizens, they are busy with decorations.

Nahir i-Orinwen was becoming used to the peculiarities of the various visitors that came to see the Ambassador; Klingons, Cardassians, Bajoran doctors, yet barely a single expatriate representative of the Romulan Star Empire - she could hardly blame them the acting Ambassador was not subtle about his status with the Tal'Shiar and even those who felt entitled to deal directly with the Ambassador seemed to prefer to deal with someone of lower standing than face up to Raedheol's appraising gaze. So a human security officer was not much of a surprise.

"What is your business?" she asked, they had no appointment, and she had not been informed by the consulate that they were expected.

"I'm here to see Raedheol," Gabriel responded curtly.

"Wait here." i-Orinwen gestured to the low seating that ran along the wall. "I will see if the erie'Khrein is available." With a swift backward glance at them she scurried off down the corridor.

She returned a few minutes later. "The ambassador will see you now, Lieutenant Commander Gabriel," she said, "Come this way, please."

"Raedheol! What a pleasure to see you again." Gabriel said as he and his group of officers approached the recently-promoted Romulan Agent. Gabriel signaled for the men to stand outside of Raedheol's office while he continued to follow the man into his confined area.

"What do you want Gabriel," Rh'vaurek asked, "What is so urgent that you cannot lurk in the corridor until I pass?"

"I wanted to come check on you, I was concerned about your recent 'run-in' with the good Doctor." Gabriel said as he sat in the chair and made himself comfortable. "I wanted to make sure that you are alright and to see if there was anything you wanted to tell me." Gabriel asked with a voice filled with concern.

"Tell you?" Rh'vaurek eyed Gabriel; what game was he playing? "I'm sure your concern is well meant," he continued without a hint of sincerity in his words, "but is it really efficient use of police time for the security chief himself to come and check on my state of health?"

Gabriel smiled as he leaned forward in his chair. "Raedheol, Raedheol. . .I'm hurt that you only see me as this looming authoritarian figure that you've come to fear." Gabriel replied smugly. "I'm concerned about the safety of everyone onboard this station, not just the Federation citizens." He added as looked the man in the eye. "Trust me when I say that you are my #1 priority" He said with a hint of seriousness in his tone.

Rh'vaurek chuckled softly, "Fear?" the single word gurgled with incredulity. "I think that you need to speak with a counselor, your delusions have grown to quite extreme proportions. A more inquisitive fellow than myself might be curious about why someone such as yourself might suffer from an overweening sense of revulsion when faced with a Klingon, or a Cardassian, or even a Romulan ... I find it a wonder that you don't hole yourself up on the planet you call Earth surrounded by nonthreatening mundane sorts just like yourself."

"Why would you think that? I mean, you are my favorite ambassador now that Isha has finally crawled back into whatever decrepit hole she was hatched from." Gabriel said with ire in his voice. "But none the less, I want to help you." he added.

Rh'vaurek's thin, insincere smile did not falter, though he noted the insult for future reference, "How do you propose to help me - by getting up and returning to whichever fetid cell you call home?"

"By offering you protection of course." Gabriel said as he made a gesture towards the officers outside. "Just to make sure that there are no more 'misunderstandings' between you and the Doctor, or any other Federation citizen, I am going to provide you with your own security escort. Free of charge." Gabriel replied with a smirk.

So that was it Rh'vaurek thought, "Unnecessary, their time would be better spent arresting doctors who cannot keep their hands to themselves. If I require security, I have my own." Rh'vaurek was not a green young stick to be provoked by such a suggestion, he could turn it to his advantage easily enough.

"Oh, I'm sure they are quite capable in their own Romulan way. However, this escort will be on-call whenever you step foot outside of your embassy and onto Federation soil. But don't worry, you don't have to thank me." Gabriel said with a grin.

"I wouldn't dream of it. They will, however, but for this time not step foot inside my Embassy, they do not have clearance to violate sovereign territory, nor will they accost or hinder anyone wishing to visit. They may wait by the external turbolift. Wouldn't it have been more interesting to have me followed?"

"Followed'?" Gabriel asked in mock surprised. "I wouldn't dare of ordering any Starfleet officer enter this . . . area." Gabriel said, not wanting to dignify it with the designation of foreign territory. ". . . at least not without sufficient cause." He added.

"Nevertheless, I'd prefer that you think of your escort as more of a guide or constant companion during one of your many trips down to the promenade for one of your many lunch appointments with Dr. Adams." Gabriel said, making mention of the Romulan's relationship. A relationship that was transforming from a mere oddity into a situation that needed to be addressed. It was becoming apparent that Raedheol possessed the belief that his position within the Tal'Shiar had caused him to forget his place.

Gabriel leaned closer to the man, "As long as your Embassy minds its P's and Q's, I don't think your escort will have any problems doing its job. Isn't that right, Raedheol?" He asked rhetorically.

"AH!" Rh'vaurek snapped his fingers as if something revelatory had happened, though really he had just been waiting for the right moment. As he leaned closer to Gabriel, mirroring the man's action the right moment came, "How could I have failed to make the connection," he said thoughtfully, "the irrational loathing, the barely controlled temper and the general demeanor of a man who thinks he got away with it ... Dorian Gabriel, still wanted on Romulus for the murder of one Doctor Kur'ann and ... oh yes, a Nausicaan. If I were an unreasonable man, seeing that you are currently in Romulan territory, I would have my staff detain you until I could arrange for your extradition - but that would be no way to treat a guest, would it?"

A series of emotions raced through Dorian's mind: Surprise, curiosity, guilt, sorrow, but the most paramount was one that Dorian had grown accustomed to throughout that entire situation: Anger. Not just anger towards the Doctor and what he took from him, but now anger towards this Rihanha in front of him. How did he know. . .it didn't matter, he was Tal'Shiar, they knew everything, even if it wasn't true to begin with. No....he had another purpose for dredging up the past, but Dorian was not about to become a slave to his agenda.

Gabriel quickly rose from his chair to Raedheol desk, slamming his hands onto it and making a noise loud enough to be heard by the various individuals outside the office.

Rh'vaurek leaned back easily in his chair, a smirk widening across his face, "If I were guilty of a murder, even one supposedly motivated by revenge, I would be very careful whose doorstep I chose to piss on. Don't interfere with me, and I'll not cause trouble for you." Rh'vaurek paused and after a moment he spoke again. "This is the part where you accept that you've been out-maneuvered and you take your self and your goons away and promise to stay out of my hair," he added with a dismissive wave.

"No...this is the part where I give you your one and final warning, Romulan" Gabriel said with obvious contempt. "Stay out of matters that don't concern you." He said as his chest continued to rise and fall in obvious agitation.

Keeping a straight face Rh'vaurek asked, "Was she worth it?"

Gabriel chose not to respond verbally. Instead he tossed his hand to the side angrily and knocked several objects off of Raedheol's desk and turned to leave his office. As he crossed into the main foyer he signaled for the officers that escorted him to follow him as they all left the Embassy towards the Federation portion of the facility. In his mind, he knew that this was just the beginning of something that he had chosen to lock far far away.

With an amused sigh Rh'vaurek stretched out his legs beneath the desk and linked his fingers across his stomach, taking care to add a loud and carrying laugh that would accompany Gabriel and his friends out of the embassy.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador
An NPC by Louise