Beg, Steal or Borrow – Transfer of Personnel
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Transfer of Personnel
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 18, 2009 @ 11:32pm
Location   Davies' Personal Quarters
Timeline   SD9 08:30

The clerk at the Intelligence Offices on Earth opened a channel to Deep Space Five. She had been given order to relay to the Commander of the Station and, after running through several personnel that either didn't have a clue or didn't care, she was finally transferred to Commander Davies. Captain Tahir was also to be informed but that duty fell on someone else.

As the screen changed from the Deep Space Five Logo and Motto to the kind yet tired looking face of Commander Davies, she put on a smile.

"Greetings Commander." She said, "I'm Intelligence Officer Kasandra, Office Clerk at the Intelligence Offices here on Earth in San Francisco. How are you today?"

Davies felt cheered by her smile and the gaiety in her lilting tone. It was buoyant and he felt that he needed to talk to someone so many miles away who did not have an hidden agenda, even if she were an intelligence officer.

"I am very well, thank you for asking. It's been a busy couple of days on Deep Space five and I am just feeling a little pressured by the needs of such a gigantic complex." He smiled back in the same manner as her.

"I can certainly understand that, Commander. I'm sure that you're doing the best you can with what you've been given." She replied.

"We're trying." His smile widened. "So what can I do for you today, as much as would love to chat, I have a multitude of paperwork to mill through." There was no slight on her, he was just giving her facts.

"Of course sir." Kasandra said, "I'm to inform you of a transfer of an Intelligence Officer from the USS Missouri to the USS Sarek. Though the Operative has not been informed of her destination, she will be coming to your station for the transfer. The higher ups have instructed me to tell you that she is to receive the utmost respect due to her and that when she arrives she is to be introduced to the Captain of the Sarek as soon as feasibly possible. Should the Sarek arrive prior to her arrival at the station, they are to be detained until her arrival."

"Utmost?" He queried, "May I ask who she is?" He coaxed, wondering why the 'Higher Ups' would give such an instruction and what she had done to deserve the merit.

Kasandra looked away from the screen for a moment then back to Davies. "It's a Lieutenant Commander Davina Hauf." She replied. "I'll transfer her information to you. It seems that she's played an integral part in several venues that have assisted the Intelligence Department and Starfleet as a whole. The specifics, at least at my level, are classified."

David chuckled. He had also heard of Davina Hauf, the name was familiar, though he did not think that they had met. "I look forward to reading what I can, but I suspect the specifics will be omitted to the casual reader!" He remarked.

"It seems that there are very few that are aware of the specifics or that she's even being transferred. I'm sure somebody knows something but no one is saying anything." She said, almost with a giggle.

"And of course you may or may not know anything but does that stop people asking, or are you always being asked that?" His own grin widened.

She laughed. "I've gotten used to it."

David laughed with her. "I'm sure. Very well, transmit over the orders and I shall see that she is treated accordingly." He leant forward to the monitor, enjoying the small game of cat and mouse.

"Of course sir." Kasandra said. "Transmitting orders and the personnel file." She turned from the monitor a moment before returning.

Greetings From Starfleet Intelligence. As I am sure you are aware, Deep Space Five has become a point of interest in this quadrant, not only for Starfleet but for the myriad of races occupying this portion of space. I have transferred one Davina Hauf to the USS Sarek and she is being taxied to your station as we speak.

Divulgence of her arrival is not recommended, however I trust that you will handle things with the utmost discretion considering the circumstances. She has proven herself to be an asset on every vessel she has served on and may offer insight to the current and ongoing pirate situation.

Despite the recent 'victory' by Major Darson, there are factors which may affect future missions. Her Transfer to the Sarek should take place as soon as feasible and without delay.

Further inquiries to the matter may be sent to Starfleet Command Intelligence Division.

Rear Admiral Jimineth Deschenko
Starfleet Intelligence

"I believe she should be arriving in the next day or so, sir." Kasandra said after sending the message. "She's received orders to speak with you when she gets there."

"I shall greet her personally." He replied with a feeling of apprehension. Too much was going on around DS5 for Davies to feel relaxed with anything, but the chance of female company always swayed him. "Thank you for the advice and for the chat. I hope we can talk some more at a later date, maybe you can get a transfer here?" He quipped with his smile widening.

Kasandra could feel herself blush. She smiled at the Commander. "Good clerks are hard to find." She replied, "but requests by the right people are seldom ignored."

It had been a while since someone had flirted with her, and since he was a considerable distance away that's all it really could have been. After all, he was a Commander and she, well, the flirting made her day at any rate.

"If you ever need anything from SI, just ask for me." She added.

"Kasandra, I shall ask for you personally." He winked as he closed the channel, savouring the moment before issuing a report to flight to advise him when Davinia Haufs craft was near the station.


Commander David Davies

SI Clerk
Played by Petro