Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Marine XO's Entry
by 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   The Marine XO's Entry
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 7:57pm
Location   Docking Ring
Timeline   SD8 11:30

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady stepped off the silver striped and white painted shuttle craft. He shivered slightly at the thought of being on a Starbase like this as he had heard so much about them but had never been on one before. Picking up his rucksack and straightening his shoulders, Daniel proceeded to walk up to a random crewmember and ask where the CO of the Starbase was, only to get the reply that the CO was standing a little distance away from him in the observation lounge.

David had hardly finished with the 2 doctors, when a fresh faced young man rapped at the open door.
David waved him in.
"Come in, take a seat. You must be 1st Lieutenant Brady?" He asked, judging by the marine uniform he wore. "Major Darson is expecting you." David added, just to let the officer know he was not a forgotten soul.

Walking up to the CO, whom he noticed was ranked as Commander, Daniel lifted his rucksack off his shoulder and put it gently on the ground, saluting and announcing, "Sir, 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady, your new Marine Executive Officer, reporting for duty."

David eyed him for a moment, finding difficulty in finding fault with his dress. "Relax Lieutenant. Please, sit down. It will take me a minute to get transfer completed, so you may as well take the weight off." He said, pulling up a spare PADD.
"What made you choose DS5, or were you assigned?" David asked, tapping at the case, waiting for the orders to appear on the small screen.

"Sir, I chose DS5 for the simple fact that it is a Starbase and I had never experienced the feelings of being on one. Many Marines I have trained with have been assigned to various starbases and told me so much about it but I sort of felt out of place. Until now, Sir." Daniel took the seat offered and sat cautiously, ever weary.

"Well I hope you find what your looking for, but to blunt, though I appreciate your coming to me, you first call should be to your immediate superior, Major Darson. Have you been assigned your quarters Lieutenant?" David asked, scrolling downwards on the PADD, seeing that he had not, he tapped at the desk comm.

"Warrant Officer Petro, Commander Davies. Forgive this request, but do you have quarters allocated for the new Marines Executive officer?" He enquired, making a mental note to visit the J'Naii at some point during the morning.

Petro heard the call and brought up the information for the request. "Yes sir. I have a First Lieutenant Daniel Brandy assigned to Deck 73 Quarter number 156." Petro replied. She looked at the name and smiled. Brandy, like the drink so many humans were fond of. She had tasted it once but that was all. It was a taste that she deemed to be an acquired one.

David looked at the marine. "There you go Lieutenant. Drop off your kit and report to Major Darson, I am sure he is expecting you." Davies said, already moving towards the door. "If you 'll forgive me, I have very pressing meetings to get to and I am sure that the major will appraise you.


CO: David Davies

Marine XO: 1st Lt Daniel Brady

Quartermaster: Warrant Officer Petro