We All Fall Down – Before the Storm
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Before the Storm
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Jul 18, 2014 @ 6:33pm
Location   Ready Room
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 12:00
The meeting had gone surprisingly well, but Isha's thoughts were preoccupied with the demonstration scheduled for that afternoon. There were so many things that could go wrong - not least her own actions.

Still, one has to polish the Brass occaisionally she concluded as she sat at her desk.

The chair did not so much as creak beneath her weight.

Is it worth it? she mused, rolling her lower lip between her teeth, but it was too late to change things now.

She exhaled as she pressed the inlaid button to raise the screen from the desk. There were messages waiting.

Unbending she skimmed through the missives, leaning forward slightly as the newest came in.

"Well, well, well," Isha said. "Computer, please summon Lieutenant Wallace."

Jarred had just finished a frustrating conversation with Admiral Edwards and was on his way back to ops when he got the page, he'd been dealing with some final arrangements for the system testing, the stress was starting to show on him too, a rare thing to be sure, he stopped long enough to grab cup number nine of coffee before meeting with the CO, pressing the door chime he took a powerful sip on his coffee.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," Isha said as he stepped into the room - she was wearing her 'prefessional' face, the unmoving one, regardless of what was happenning within her.

"You may take a seat, or if you would prefer to stand?" Isha left the question hanging there. This should have been done earlier if what to be done at al.

Taking a seat Jarred commented "I was on my way back to ops, this platform test seems to have a few people watching us just makes me want to run another round of testing before we start, but time doesn't seem to be on our side."

"Do as much as you can in the time that we have," Isha replied, "I will not be so arrogant as to suggest that I would have a better grip on overseeing preparations. But that's not why I asked you here."

"Oh?" Jarred wondered what this was about.

"You have a somewhat chequered record, Mr Wallace. Unusual in an Executive Officer."

"That says the least, I never thought I get the chance after everything but somehow here I am." Jarred added.

Isha raised an eyebrow, "One can never be certain how things will turn out," she said. From the pocket of her tunic she lifted a small box very similar to the one she had presented earlier, "With the position comes a new rank," she said as she placed the box on the table.

"With rank comes more accountability." Jarred said picking up the box "I can assume I've been fully pardoned at this point?"

"Mr Wallace, I cannot speak for the Shining Hats of Starfleet - I must assume that you have indeed been pardoned. More likely they hope you to run headlong into trouble with an alien CO. I would very much appreciate it if we were not to fail."

Jarred contemplated the box, "I think we should watch any arriving admiralty for the next few weeks, I think something is up." he said with some air of suspicion.

"Your paranoia is almost Romulan in its magnitude," Isha reflected, "but your suspicion is correct. Commodore Talla H'Rhar is due aboard to observe this afternoon's test. I think perhaps we are drawing an unusual amount of iterest."

"Just because your paranoid doesn't mean something won't happen." Jarred said as he added the new pip to his uniform.

"It usually does, Commander Wallace, "it usually does."
