Intermission – Professional Collaboration
by Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Professional Collaboration
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Mark Dexter & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Aug 12, 2013 @ 10:43pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Earlier that day and 3pm
Drs Gregory and Rachel Dexter ignored the amenities of Deep Space 5. Yes, they were on vacation, but it was a working vacation. Gregory especially was interested in speaking with Doctor Dunham about her genetics research. It had always been an interest of his, and he had greatly enjoyed the young doctor's papers on the subject.

"I have a tour scheduled of the auxiliary sickbay." Rachel informed her husband. She was far more interested in the hardware of medical care then in genetics, so was happy to let Gregory have that discussion alone. Gregory just nodded, then left his wife at the turbolift.

Gregory was 84 years old, and as such did not walk with quite the speed he had in his youth. He was in moderate enough shape for a man his age, and still held his 6 foot 4 frame proudly. He took no measures to cover his stark white hair, his wife had told him it was one of his best features. This was the career doctor who walked to Dunham's office door and sounded her chime.

"Enter" Chelsea said without looking up initially. So many staff, patients and visitors trawled in and out all day that she struggled to get anything done sometimes but she was polite enough to put down her PADD and when she looked at the white haired man in the doorway, she realised he was not familiar. "Good Morning. How can I help?" she asked, coming around her desk and approaching the gentleman with her hand out to shake his. "Chelsea Dunham." she said by way of introduction.

Gregory took the offered hand and shook it, his grip firm but not overly so. "Doctor Gregory Dexter." He introduced. "I wrote to you a few weeks ago" He mentioned, to jog her memory. "My wife and I are on a working vacation, and I'd love a chance to talk to you about your research paper, when you have the time of course." He asked politely.

"Ah, yes, welcome Doctor Dexter." the CMO smiled at him. "I am about to go into a meeting but I will be free for an hour this afternoon.... about 3 ish? Is that convenient?" she asked.

"That would be fine. Thank You Doctor." Dr Dexter replied.

* * * * * * * * * * *

As agreed, Chelsea was back in her office by 15.00 hours and had some research files pulled up in readiness when Dr Gregory Dexter returned

Dr Dexter returned promptly at 15:00 and sounded the CMOs chime.

"Come In" she called, rising and coming around the desk to meet the man entering. "Good of you to come back, Doctor. Do come in. Can I offer you some refreshment?" she asked with a pleasant smile.

"Water would be fine, thank you."

"Would you like it with ice?" she asked as she moved towards the replicator. As she waited for the reply she pressed a LCARS panel to order her usual before requesting the water next.

"No, room temperature is fine."

Chelsea brought the glass of water and her own tea to the coffee table and the comfortable chairs at the end of her office. It was away from the desk and where she would sit with guests or colleagues if a meeting or chat were to take place. She offered an arm chair to Dr Dexter and sat after he did. "So what can I tell you Doctor?" she opened.

"Thank you for your time Dr Dunham. I have been following your genetic research closely, so it's a pleasure to get to speak with you about it."

"The pleasure is mine, Dr Dexter. I always enjoyed my research and becoming a parent has enhanced my interest in its application on a more personal level too." she said with a smile. "Was there anything in particular you were taken with? Or is the whole field of interest to you?"

"Well your paper that won the 2375 Pallanski Prize was especially interesting." Dr Dexter commented. He asked a few pertinent questions, then their conversation veered off onto other papers, and related fields within genetics. Before either realized, quite a bit of time had passed. "I'm sorry Doctor, I seem to have taken up more of a junk of your afternoon than I planned. Thank you so much for the conversation though, it was fascinating."

"I have thoroughly enjoyed our chat Dr Dexter. It's been fun going back to my early Medical research and discussing the work I did back then. I know that dusting the cobwebs off that will assist me with my current, more personal projects......" she smiled and then rolled her eyes. ".....when I get time to do them, that is! Parenting is fascinating but it takes more time that Research, I have to say. Do you have children Doctor?"

"Yes, parenting is quite time consuming. Which is why my wife and I chose to focus on our careers." Dr Dexter answered. He hadn't thought of Marcus in years, and while now that he was older he sometimes regretted not taking a part in his son's life, by now his son would be nearly 40, and it seemed a frivolous gesture at this point. So he answered the good Doctor's question, without actually answering it, as he wasn't interested in discussing the topic. He then stood. "Well I won't keep you any longer Doctor, again thank you for your time."

Chelsea raised one eyebrow just the slightest bit but said nothing and the rest of her face took on the *doctors'* standard rigor. "As I said, it was my pleasure. Thank you for coming to see me." she replied and saw him to the door. "Please give my best wishes to your wife." she added politely as he left.

A JP Between:

Dr Gregory Dexter (pnpc)
Civilian Practitioner


Commander Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2nd Officer, DS5