Beg, Steal or Borrow – Objections
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Objections
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Apr 29, 2009 @ 6:48pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD8 15:00

T'Lan approached the Ready Room with a PADD in her hand. She was carrying a formal protest to Starfleet Command and a request for a inquiry into Lt. Dorian Gabriel's recent activities. She finally pushed the door chime.

"Enter!" Davies bellowed at the door, sealed to give him a few minutes of solitude.
The door swung inwards and T'lan strode with a purpose to his desk.

T'Lan presented the PADD. She then stood calmly.

David took the PADD and looked at it without reading. "Another damage report?" He sighed.

T'Lan spoke. "Lt. Gabriel's appointment to the position of Chief of Security undermines the Articles of the Federation. Lt. Gabriel has proven in the past to have no respect for the Federation Legal system nor the Federation itself. I cannot approve of a Chief of Security that regularly performs acts of insubordination and displays a callous demeanour toward this crew."

"Not a damage report as such then!" He tried to be flippant with a semi smile, but was feeling totally drained and didn't really want this now. "Can this wait T'Lan? I have more important things to see too right now and Dorians demeanour is one of the lesser concerns on my mind." He admitted, sliding the PADD across the desk back to her.

T'Lan nodded, "Very well." She turned toward the door. Obviously she was going to have to go to Starfleet Command herself and have Gabriel dealt with.

David closed his eyes and nodded his appreciation at her understanding. "Good." He replied simply.

T'Lan turned back. "I know what will happen with Dorian Gabriel as Chief of Security. And it is entirely logical that he will misuse his authority. I cannot approve of his racism and insubordination. Prisoners will begin to disappear, Unauthorized interrogations would be preformed. Gabriel does not respect my authority, and so I must act in whatever way to preserve individual liberties on this base." She was not the fan of the ideology that desperate times required desperate measures.

"Thank you T'Lan, your objections are duly noted, now lets discuss it later." The reply was brunt and gruff. He was tired and all he wanted was a little peace and quiet to contemplate what the Romulans next course of action would be and how many more casualties they were about to suffer.

T'Lan was internally frustrated. "I sense you do not consider this to be serious."

His eyes flickered open and looked directly into the Vulcan females. He wasn't quite sure how to respond, so drawing on his inner reserves, he stood making a gesture of importance as his hands lay flat on the desk, as if pushing himself to full height.
"T'Lan, without sounding contrite, I don't take it seriously. What has happened in the few hours has a darn more serious overtone, with death and destruction raging around us and me trying to hold myself, this crew, the station and all its civilians together, " Stepping around the desk, he motioned himself towards her, "you think for a single moment, the narcissistic bravado of an officer who clearly has a dislike for authority, bears heavily upon my mind?" He was a few inches from her, the few inches in height gave him an advantage and his own burdens of command surfaced.

"Commander Davies. It is the duty of the Executive Officer to advise the Commanding officer on Critical Situations. You're ignorance of this matter is not logical."

He chortled, laughing at her condescension. "Logic! You call three Romulan ships that have sat peacefully at our door like a cat at its home, suddenly baring its fangs because somebody trod on its tail because it was not seen, turn about and attack us, killing several people whilst a conspirator rages on our decks and the man you so despise is doing his best to find and capture him, logical? Find me the logic in that!" His voice quivered as it raised in anger, but he caught the feint odour of her scent, whether perfumed or natural, he didn't know.
Her eyes had glistened as her sight fell to the floor.
He reached out, placing his hands on her upper arms and she didn't pull away. His anger turned to passion as he gripped her arms tight and pulled her towards him and he leant down, his breath held and placed his lips upon her own.

It was sudden, but Davies had kissed her. Anger began to well up inside her and she forced him away from her in her Vulcan strength and gripped his neck with her two fingers and her thumb. Commander Davies just became the victim of the infamous Vulcan Nerve pinch. "Consider yourself relieved." She stated while regaining her composure. She then tapped her Commbadge. "T'Lan to Sickbay, Medical Emergency, Commander's Ready Room."

Off :

CO: Commander David Davies (Relieved of Duty)
XO: Commander T'Lan (Look but don't touch)