Beg, Steal or Borrow – A great disquiet follows my mind
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   A great disquiet follows my mind
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 1:13am
Location   Intelligence Office
Timeline   SD 8: 12:30hrs - 12:55hrs
Claire was alone for the first time since finding out that Jarred had left on his mission. She could still feel his presence but it was different now, strange and strangled. This worried her greatly. She decided to find his commanding officer. She walked as quickly as she could without drawing attention to herself. Claire had decided to leave her mind open so she could still sense Jarred.

She found his office without great difficulty. "Lt. Gabriel?" She asked.

Gabriel looked up from his padd and noticed the officer walking into his office. ~Great, the station hand-holder, just my luck.~ "Yes, how can i help you?" He asked as he studied her. ~ She had probably arrived to conduct her required evaluation according to T'Lan's orders.~

Claire rolled her eyes. "Hand-holder?" She asked. "No, I am not here for the evaluation." She added. "I am here to ask you about Jarred Wallace."

Gabriel narrow his eyes and bit down on his teeth to keep from saying the *first* word that came to his mind. ~ A damn telepath~ He slammed his hands on the table and stood up.

"Let's get one damn thing straight," He said curtly. "You stay the HELL out of my head, or I'll make sure that you never go walking inside of anybody else's head anytime soon." He said as he narrowed his eyes on the woman in front of him.

Gabriel took several moments to compose himself and begin his mental exercises designed to keep his thoughts from being clearly read. He kicked himself for not doing so from the second she had walked into his office, sadly he was starting to lose the edge he had during his early days with Starfleet Intel.

"No let me get two things straight with you. First, it is difficult to ignore thoughts that are literally thrown to me as yours were. I am not one to invade ones thoughts, I try and ignore as much of it as possible. Second, don't you dare threaten me like that again!" She retorted and crossed her arms.

Claire waited a few moments and when she had sensed that he had calmed down she said; "Now if you have calmed down, I need to know where Ensign Wallace is and what kind of mission he was sent on."

"He's not here, and in five minutes *YOU* won't be either." He said as he sat back into his chair. "Granted, you spent your formative years in the fleet going to 'Counselor' school, but I'm sure the even you all got the memo that matters of Starfleet Intelligence *WILL NOT* be disclosed to random outsiders." He added.

"I am not some random outsider!" Claire slammed her hands on his desk. "Listen to me! Something is wrong. You have to get information to him, warn him, make sure he is ok!" She pleaded and was near tears.

Gabriel smirked slightly as he leaned back in his chair. "Really now? Why is that? Why are you so connected with *this* man, Counselor?" Gabriel inquired. He knew that although mind-chasers could sense things that others couldn't, they particularly held a strong connection with those that were close to them. However, Wallace had only been on the station for a few days. Hardly enough time for them to fall in love, unless. . .

Claire was frustrated and she knew why he was dancing around the issue. "It's hard to explain Lieutenant, it would be easier if I show you...please open your mind. I promise not to probe your mind...I will just show you."

Grabiel put one hand up in protest as the other one reached under his desk for his phaser. "oh no you don't, you can just go ahead and draw me a picture, but I'm not about to let some certified hand-holder have free reign inside of my mind." He said

"Fine!" She finally sat down before she started the story. She explained the release of emotions, the agony that is had caused Jarred, the connection that they now shared, he unaware of it and she not understanding it

"Now do you believe me that I am connection to him?" She didn't let him get a word in. "What is wrong, I can't sense his presence like before, tell me!"

Gabriel sympathized with the woman to a certain degree, but he knew that Federation security took precedent over people's runaway emotions. "He is on a classified mission, a mission so classified that even I'm not aware of what its parameters are." he stated truthfully. "As soon as I know something, you'll be the FIRST person that I inform," He stated untruthfully.

"Liar!" She screamed, "Stop it! I know there is something going on...he feels different! What has happened?! I know you are hiding something besides where he went...just please...tell me..." She finished in a whisper.

Gabriel sighed in an annoyed tone. There was just no stopping this woman. He wasn't about to release classified information to a non-authorized individual, regardless of how deeply "connected" they claimed to be. "He is gone, Counselor, if he wanted you to call him then he would've left a # that you could reach him at." Gabriel said referring to the ancient human invention of telephones. "Until then, your time and effort would be much better spent dealing with the looming Romulan threat that this station is facing, not worry about some one-night stand." Gabriel said as he reached for a Padd and began to review it.

"Will that be all?" He added.

"How dare you suggest that I am some floozy!" She stood up her hands clenched ready to slap him.

She turned and left before she herself ended up the brig. Claire had to meet with Commander T'Lan and Melody.

Gabriel shook his head as the doors closed behind her.

---------25 minutes later-----------

Claire left her office and was on her way to meet with Ayren. When a familiar and distasteful voice came over the comm.

Gabriel sighed as the communications officer left his office with the report regarding Wallace's vessel.

*taps* "Lieutenant Gabriel to Counselor Kasikova, I've received information regarding Ensign Wallace. Reports indicate that his vessel was destroyed, and he is now considered dead. Gabriel out."

Claire stopped dead in her tracks and let out a scream of despair and loss.

Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security/Intelligence

Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor
NPC'd by Mandy