Beg, Steal or Borrow – In Retaliation
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   In Retaliation
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Mar 18, 2009 @ 12:25am
Location   Bridge Romulan Warbird
Timeline   SD8 13:30

“So you killed the monk.” It was not really a question. Nniol tr’Illialhlae ran an appraising glance over Taibek ir-Elahu, the Tal’Shiar Enarrain who was at the centre of this enterprise. Nniol did not really care one way or another about the death of the man, except maybe a twinge of regret that had he remained alive someone would have had the good of his soul in mind.

“He knew too much,” Taibak said, not adding that his continued existence would have meant he was forever threatened with his own carelessness being exposed. “Its almost time … a few hours more and we will both have achieved our goals.”

“Remind me again what the Tal’Shiar hope to gain,” Nniol said taking a seat.

"Integrity!" Taibak exclaimed. "We have been invaded by a criminal harboured by that station." His hand waved toward the front viewer displaying DS5. "Their Captain eludes us, by disappearing in the early hours and despite her promise to give us the required information as to whom the culprits are, we have nothing to show for our patience!" He remarked, raising himself straight.

Nniol snorted, "You're sticking with that story are you? I'll just ignore the fact that this incident will prompt civil unrest and give due cause for a crackdown on the increasing strength and influence of certain religious cults in the Empire. The senate will have no choice but to formally recognise that these so called reunificationists are dangerous cranks using the cover of religion to muster sympathy from the populace and to review their policy of co-operation with outsiders."

Taibak’s eyes narrowed. "Ignore what you wish, but there are nefarious personnel aboard that station, who find it amusing to steal from us. We have sat here for nearly 3 months, watching and waiting for Starfleet to welcome us in. They sit there in their 'etrehh', assuming that we are subversive whilst we have been monitoring them. You have allowed them to do this to us. You sit and whine about pacifists and civil unrest, when we need to take action! You speak words, we need actions, a call to arms!" He stared at the man sitting before him, his frustration turning to anger.

"Yes, yes I'm sure I could be shot for telling you the truth. I'm a politician, Taibak, and I've waited a long time to cut that susse-thrai off from what was my brother's House. You brought me into this, Taibak, and here is another truth; you are part of a faction which does not have popular backing, you needed my wealth to make this happen, and my help dupe the cultists. The senate are watching and waiting as they always do, when we are successful you will find that they were your friends all along, and should we fail you will be the first to face charges of treason for acting against the express interests of the senate." Nniol folded his arms, "I happen to agree with your faction, and when I am in my rightful place as head of the Illialhlae you will have my support and the support of my House, be content with that and save your accusations of subversion for those who are likely to be afraid of you."

"Pah!" His brow furrowed as his hands slapped at the desk top as he leant forward, staring coldly into Nniols eye. He could see the man held no fear of him, he knew him too well.

"If that is possible, then I will be at your side, but we still need to take a firm stance against the fugitives on that station. We must retrieve what is ours and take recompense. We must take action!" He stood again, folding his own arms across his chest, burying his own confusion and inadequacies.

"Everything is in place. I have paid for the best."

A grin crept across Taibak’s lips. "Money is an asset, loyalty is a different issue altogether!" He remarked, his hand now came to rest under his chin. "What is it you have planned?" He snaked forward, easing himself into the seat across from Nniol.

It was people like Taibak who made Nniol fear for the future of the Empire, he was young and his anger was directionless. "What you could teach me about loyalty I could write on the nail of my little finger," Nniol said, "Just you remember that my family were guiding the Empire when yours were scratching a living from muck. That uniform does not change who you are and it is the office you hold that I am negotiating with, not the man." Ignoring the furious expression on the man's face Nniol leaned back and linked his fingers over his stomach.

"Our patience has given us time to disable the station's defences, and to mask the fact that they are offline. What damage can a warbird do, you might ask, and I would reply that they will be relying on their defensive platforms which will not function, secondly a co-ordinated set of explosions will reduce their shield effectiveness by 60 to 80% depending on the scenario - that is just the beginning. Need I go on?"

His hands unclasped as the information came forth. "If there is more I should be aware of, the please do enlighten me." He responded, the grin widening as a feeling of overwhelming pleasure enveloped him.

Taibak was not the easiest person to get along with, his temper and curiosity made for a bad match. If his curiosity was not sated, his temper would flare, giving rise to his many failings, that somehow seemed to correct themselves before his record had become tarnished. Some called it foolhardiness, others luck and some even said that the 'Lord of the otherworld' was looking after him.

”Well,” Nniol said, “the property will also be recovered, that is why you are now on the Vrelnec that D’deridex crate can take whatever damage the station can achieve then we will tidy up. The ship in which you sit is the most recent to emerge from the production lines, it isn’t even yet officially finished. If it was, my sister in law might be wondering why it hasn’t been delivered,” his speech punctuated by an unpleasant chuckle, “she’ll see it soon enough, and I’ll give her one last chance to stand down … how do you like this, Taibak, a real dilemma for a woman who clings to mhnei’sahe like a cloak. I will tell her that if she steps down and appoints me as her successor that I will spare the station, and I’ll give her all of a minute to balance the worth of her own pride against tens of thousands of lives.”

"And I doubt that she is likely to do that, so I think we can safely make our plans for an assault." The grin had dropped from his face and he didn't even realise he was a pawn in Nniol’s game. "I can not contain my eagerness to see this ship put through a thorough shakedown and teach the dogs that we are a force to be reckoned with!" He exclaimed.

If he noticed the change in his companion’s demeanour he did not acknowledge it. ”I’m relying on her refusing. So what about tr’Rehu,” he mused bringing up the commander of the Rhianndhaell. He needs to be made aware of his part, but I don’t think we need to share every detail with him, do you?”

The grin re-appeared, switching off and on like a lighthouse beacon. Taibak was not sure what Nniol’s plan for Rhianndhaell was, but by the tone of his colleague’s voice, he knew it was not going to be precisely to his liking. Taibak stood, his shoulders thrown back as he spoke.

"A dog needs a bone and I am happy that he has the softer end of it! Now, we must make final preparation for our attack on the station. Is there anything further we need be aware of?" He enquired, pulling at his tunic.

Nniol leaned back in his chair, resting the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, “When we decloak I expect they will scramble fighters – they have already been running patrols in this area as you are aware – but I don’t expect them to fire on us. The Aylhr will make the first pass, while we hold our position; I’d pay a lot of latinum to see my sister in law’s face when she recognises the insignia on our hull, once that has had time to sink in I’ll give her the option of saving the station,” a grin split Nniol’s face. “When that fails we will hit them again; this is when I expect they will discover that those defensive platforms they are so reliant on are not operational, quite a time to learn that really! The shield generators are due to fail at intervals and then … well I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

Taibak laughed aloud. "Rhuissa (excellent) I think our retaliation for the theft of our religious artefacts will quell any ramifications from our Starfleet allies." He started to turn and head for the door, when he turned his head back to Nniol. "Shall we begin in 30 minutes?" His brow lifted with his question.

Nniol nodded; as if religious tat meant anything, still, it served his purpose to be involved. “thirty minutes,” he agreed, “then everything will change.”


Nniol tr’Illialhlae NPCd by Louise
Enarrain Taibak ir-Elahu NPCd by Mark