Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Reflections
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Reflections
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 9:37pm
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   SD5 18:25 (Backpost)

Tasha watched as the new ensign left and the door closed itself behind him. She took a light breath as she waltzed back around the table and sat back in her chair, Ayren watching her.
"Do you really think he would make an admirable VIP bodyguard?" She asked earnestly, without giving away her own impressions of the man who had just left.

Ayren gave her a little smile. "Do you want me to be diplomatic or blunt, I can be both," she said as she sat
down as well. Before Tasha could answer, Ayren waved her hand and continued. "I'll give you both anyway. I think he should be given the chance to prove himself, but we will need to work on is presentation. Or I can say it this way: he has no experience and would need training and supervision and of course, a makeover,' Ayren concluded with a perfectly straight face.

Tasha couldn't help but chuckle as she nodded her own agreement at Ayrens' candid report on Jo'el.

"I have to agree. He has the makings of a fine officer. His record is impeccable, as is his manner and though outwardly he appears a little, um, how shall we say, ..."

"Fashion challenged," Ayren finished the sentence as they both laughed like a pair of schoolgirls.

"Precisely." Tasha rounded as she rose from her seat. "A drink?" She offered as she made her way to the replicator.

"I thought you would never ask," Ayren said, trying to regain her composure. "A glass of dry red wine would be great thank you. I heard you almost got yourself killed by an assasination attempt..... How are you doing?" she asked. " And tell me the truth," came the warning from a half Betazoid.

Tasha ordered two red wines and carried the glasses back to the desk placing one directly into Ayrens waiting hand, unbuttoning her own collar as she sat back down.

"Mmm. I owe my life to Riley." She said bitterly, taking a sip of the wine that dried her mouth with a passion. "I will never be able to thank him." Tasha added. "I have played that scene over and over and if I could change it, I would." She held Ayrens gaze for a moment. "I am not good with it to be honest. Sometimes" She placed the glass on the desk and cupped her hands around the goblet, watching the red dancing light reflecting inside the glass for a moment, contemplating how much she should should recant. "sometimes, I wish he had not dove in front of me. I know it sounds selfish, but I am so glad he did." Her eyes remained fixed on the wine, not wanting to see Ayrens facial reaction to her confession. She tapped the glass with her fingers, making the wine ripple and took some solace in the way the liquid played with the light waiting for the diplomat to reprimand her for saying that.

Ayren was aware of the emotions Tasha was feeling and her heart went out to the woman that was becoming a friend to her. "I am very glad too," she said meaning every word. "Riley did an honourable thing and he died in a way I am certain he woud wished for, saving another's life, but you are alive and you should celebrate the gift. I understand the guilt you feel," continued the diplomat who was now falling back on the role of counsellor he had held before. "There is even a name for it...survivor's guilt ....and it is hard to come to terms with being the 'saved one'." Ayren leaned back and took a sip of her wine as she leaned back in her chair. "Do you believe in destiny?" she asked

Tasha smiled at Ayrens response. The Captain knew exactly what it was she feeling and knew that at some stage, the counsellor was going to have a field day with her, but that would have to wait, she had more pressing
things to attend to, like getting the funeral fully arranged.

Nodding her acknowledgement, "Yes, I think I do. Things seem to be somewhat pre-ordained in my life and its leading somewhere and the only guide for me is destiny." She took a large mouthful of the wine, swirling it around her tongue before swallowing.

"I lost my husband, oh, a good few years ago," Pointing to the photo on beneath the mirror opposite them, "and for a while, I had no purpose, no path, until that man," again pointing to the photo, "called me up to Fleet HQ and said he had found a position aboard a certain ship, the USS Resolve." She chuckled, "Yep, I resolved to stay in space and just a few months later I was transferred to the USS Cardiff, only to find myself back at HQ without a ship some 6 years later. Then that same man sent me out here, to take command of the USS Hunter....." She trailed off, her mind drifted to somewhere distant as the alcohol seemed to take affect.

Ayren gave Tasha a sort of knowing smile. "Now remember all of that the next time you feel out of sorts about what happened to you and what happened to Riley and then call me to have a glass or two of wine with you," she said and a smile broadened into a grin. "And actually I can do with another one," she said getting up. "You?"

Tasha felt her mood lift. Ayren was a great comfort, her diplomatic skills were certainly not being wasted.
"Yes, please. but only a small one I don't hold my alcohol well." She admitted.

"So what do you do to let your hair down, Captain" Ayren asked casually as she got some more wine at the replicator. There was a slight emphasis on the rank, to let her know that she understood the responsibilities and pressure of being in command and the need to relax. "Broken any hearts lately?"

Tasha chuckled. "I wish!" She remarked, leaning forward to take the glass from Ayren. "Thanks." She settled back into her chair, feeling warm and relaxed. "I am afraid there isn't much time for a love life on here...." She remembered how her heart fluttered at the most handsome of men that she met in recent weeks and they were both on her station.
"When I arrived at DS5, I was quite taken with the then XO, Jason..." she struggled to recall his surname so continued, "he was tall and quite rugged but he took command of the Hunter, which as you know, was destroyed in the Boaoran battle and then last week, I met a man, who simply captivated me, a Bajoran officer from the USS Sarek, Kentar Chinari. He had the most amazing eyes." She smiled, finding herself disclosing her innermost feelings and not being ashamed. So, no hearts broken though looking at you, I would think that there is a trail of them behind you." With a raise of her glass at Ayren, she took a sipped the wine.

"To being destined to be alive," Ayren said and lifted her glass. She had made her point. It was Tasha's destiny to be alive and Riley's to save her. "You tell me so little and then you stop," she said accusatory. "I want to know more, did he like you too?"

Tasha shrugged her shoulders with a smug smile. "Now that would be telling!" She teased. "To be honest, I never found out, well, I have not found out yet, he had to get back onto the Sarek, but the Sarek is yet to come back to us." She took a palatable sip of the wine, which grew sweeter and more comfortable with each and every mouthful. "We never actually got together, but there was definitely a chemistry between us. Anyway, talking of saying little, you have not told me of your trail of castoffs." She raised the glass towards Ayren, cajoling her to reveal a little.

"As for me and broken hearts... no. My life is as boring as you could get, There was this guy. He was a negotiator, but he had implants so I could not read him. He had a dangerous air, unpredictable.... That attracted me like a moth to a candle." she paused. "I am sure he is involved with crime, but I could never prove it.... " She said and took a sip of wine. "And now there is no one," she said.

The captains head dipped as she cast the diplomat a glare. "I don't believe you have no one. You are far too beautiful to have been left alone, beside, I get the feeling you quite like men who carry an air of danger. I saw the way you looked...." Tasha trailed off, remembering the way that Ayren had looked at Juniopia, with a passion but that woman had a well concealed talent to ensnare anybody with her female charms. She waved her hand dismissively.
"You know what I mean." She added.

Ayren returned the glare, her eyes narrowing for effect. "I have no one. Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, so I eat my can of worms," she retorted and then suddenly burst out laughing, imagining herself with a plate of gagh, which she actually loved. "Literally!" she managed, wiping her eyes from the tears with the back of her hand. "I absolutely *love* gagh," she explained to a giggling Tasha, who had no idea what Ayren had found so funny.

Tasha laughed with Ayren, having no clue what it was that was so funny, but not caring either.

When the laughter eventually subsided Ayren resumed an attempt to glare at Tasha. "And..... I don't know what you mean.... Who was I looking at?" she asked, she asked wondering who Tasha had meant.

"Forget it." Tasha replied, emptying her glass once more, deciding that 2 glasses of wine was more than enough, she wanted a clear head and wine had the affect of thickening it . "Ayren, would you care to join me for a stroll around the decks, maybe get a bite to eat?" She asked, enjoying the diplomats company more than anyone elses, especially her own. Ayren had made her laugh and feel relaxed, something she had not done since the attempt on her life.

"Sure.. I don't mind to expose you to some more excellent company," she said, referring to herself jokingly. Getting up she and stretched a little. "You are not too bad you know," she said with a gleam in her black eyes. She also thoroughly enjoyed Tasha's company wondering if this would have been so easy had she been a Starfleet officer. "For a female CO," she added mischievously.

She felt herself blush and her wry smile said more than words. "Thanks, I think. C'mon, my treat." Tasha replied, opening her wardrobe and retrieving a plain black jumper which she pulled over her head and flicked her hair back, allowing it to remain free and heading for the door.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Ayren Kelan