Database: Oberth Class Garrison Vessel


Oberth Class Garrision Vessel
Category: Science Vessel
Expected Duration: 125 years
Time Between Resupply: 5 years
Time Between Refit: 6 years

Officers: 14
Enlisted Crew: 56
Marines: 0
Passengers: 4
Maximum (Evacuation) Capacity: 20

Cruising Velocity: Warp 5
Maximum Velocity: Warp 7
Emergency Velocity: Warp 7.5 (for 18 hours)

Length: 150 metres
Width: 81.2 metres
Height: 54.1 metres
Decks: 13

Type VIII Array: 3
Shielding Systems
Standard Shielding System
Burst-Fire Torpedo Launcher
Photon Torpedoes: 20
Quantum Torpedoes: 10
Probe: 40

The Oberth class also features a small shuttlebay, which carries a Type 6 Shuttle
and a Type 9 Shuttle.

Found on:
Celestial Class Military Waypoint and Resupply Facility
Stardock Class Orbital/Deep Space Repair and Manufacturing Facility

The USS Leda is named from the Mother of Castor & Pollux, Leda

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