Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Another Round Please
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Another Round Please
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 5:59pm
Location   DS5 - Promenade
Timeline   Station Day 2 - 1100 hrs
{Post from USS Bismarck}


Halderon sat a table on the outer rim of the upper promenade. A drink sat on the table in front of him, Andorian Brandy with a touch of Tequila. It wasn't quite like the Tequila Sunrise he had grown used to as a teenager, but it was good none the less.

He watched at people passed by, working to and fro, seeming to be decorating the place for some celebration of sorts. A petite J'Naii passed by him and he smiled at it but said nothing. The J'Naii replied with a nod and smile of its own and continued on.

The hustle and bustle of people, and the myriad of minds and thoughts that each of them had made Halderon glad he wasn't an empath or telepath like so many other counselors were these days. It seemed that too many people relied on getting into the minds of others rather than drawing them out of their own thoughts. Halderon was old school and he knew it. Still, the enjoyment of conversation was something he couldn't pass up, even if he wasn't analyzing them.

He leaned back in his chair and propped a foot on the table. In haste he reached for his glass before it could topple and caught it just in time. Resettling himself, he sipped his drink and watched.

A dark cloaked man was heading in his direction and Hal knew instantly who it was. He raised a hand and gestured for the man to join him.

"Haldron, that you?" Sam said as he saw him. "Wow, the one man I actively avoided on the ship... how are you?"

Hal stood and held his hand out. "I'm good Sam. Care to join me?" he asked, gesturing to the table.

"Well, don't mind if I do. You'd think Patricia should be able to handle tactical... now that she's docked?" Sam joked... some.

Hal flagged a waiter over to their table. "Another round for me and something for my friend."

The waiter turned to Sam. "What will you have sir?"

"Earl grey... tea, sweet please." Sam said, then looked at Hal. "I don't drink. For some reasons my arms do all funny then."

"Oh?" Hal said with a smile. "For most people it's not their arms that do funny things." He sipped his own drink and looked out at the promenade. "I hear you're about to make a considerable alteration to your future."

"No, not really..." Sam replied. "Its not an alteration, its meant too be!" Sam winked at Hal.
"I'm gonna introduce her to my grandchild today."

Hal was taken aback. "You're grandchild?" he asked, "You must have started young."

Sam smiled. "Yeah, she got pregnant when I was seventeen."

"That's not uncommon." Hal said. He took a long sip of his drink and smiled. "So, how old it the little one now?"

"Eightyone." Sam said, as he took his earl grey from the waiter. "Thank you."

Hal stopped, his glass halfway between the table and his mouth. "I'm sorry, did you say Eighty-One? You're putting me on." He said, expecting a punchline. "That would make you what? Ninety-Eight years old and you don't look a day over thirty-five if that."

Sam coughed. "Ah, yes well. Things can go strange at times."

Halderon looked at him and a smile. "Okay, I'll play." He placed his hand on his chin and said in mock seriousness, "Let's see. Judging by the timeline, I'd say that you were part of an illegal experiment dealing with time travel and something didn't go quite as planned." Then he smiled. "I'm sure you meant your grandfather, right?"

"No, on both accounts. He is the son of my son. The son who I eehh you know right before I left for my first assignment." Sam said, while softly blowing on his tea. Somehow it always is too hot.

Hal sat up, setting his drink on the table. "You're serious." He said. "How?" He wasn't expecting anything like this from Sam. Hal could tell he wasn't the joking kind but for a moment he thought there was levity, or perhaps a bit of insanity in his voice. Now, with the way Sam held himself, the look in his eyes and a myriad of other tell-tale signs, Hal could tell that he was neither joking nor delusional.

"Yes, wish I were delusional at times." Sam said, while observing the crowd. "Rick... my grandson well, he is 43 but has an age acceleration. And will die of old age in the next year or so."

"I'm sorry." Hal said, "and here I am making light of things. Still, I'm a bit confused about it. Your record shows that you're thirty three years old. You look like you're in your thirties and yet you have a grandson that is forty-three. How?"

"I was blasted into the future, in the timeline where I lived. But before that impregnated a girl. And back then things were a lot easier to go wrong." Sam pointed out as he emptied his tea.

"So you were in a project that was dealing with Temporal Distortions?" Hal asked. "I remember reading about some of the experiments that were being done. Most of them were claimed to be fantasies drawn up from the imaginations of disgruntled workers."

"Yeah, nice fantasies." Sam smirked. "But Hal, it was nice talking to you. But I have to tell Kate we are gonna have another person for diner... and who!"

Hal stood and patted the man on the shoulder. "It was good talking with you as well."


Lieutenant Halderon Ziggler

Lieutenant Commander Sam Odwin

USS Bismarck