Lieutenant JG Malak Muz’s Personal Log - Breaking the Fourth Wall

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Title   Breaking the Fourth Wall
Author   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Sun Jul 28, 2013 @ 12:39am

Malak sat behind the archaic console of the USS Enterprise. He sat back and sighed as he started at what he knew was the ceiling of a holodeck, but looked like a bulk head. He shook his head and began to speak,

"Computer Begin Pilots... Log Startdate 68176.73.." He looked forward at what he knew was the system recording his face no matter what way he looked,"Enterprise.. The original. NX-01.." There was a soft chuckle,"The one and only.. This ship was how flying was really done. Because of how old the systems were, the ship always had a three second lag time and the pilot always had to be doing math in their head to compensate. There wasn't any of that 'instant movement' stuff." The pilot leaned back in his seat and frowned,"You know.. Four hosts ago - a man once came up to me and tried to tell me how this was all a game. He was a religious man and thought that we were here for the 'divines pleasure'. I laughed him off initially." The man looked down at the controls and then back up,"But I do sometimes wonder if this isn't all just fictional.. Will I.." He motions around as if to mean either the ship or base,"this stop to exist one day? It's something that this host still contemplates..even if my Trill knows the answer."

A soft exhale,"But if you are watching this - then there is an investigation into something and not for enjoyment. The Federation is well known for it's record keeping. I am going to Trill.. I'll be gone for a few weeks I am told. I guess I got nervous and thought it only took a day to get to trill infront of the Executive Officer." A soft tenseness of the man as if reliving the moment. He shrugged his shoulders,"Beyond that - I am going to be helping out Base Intelligence for a while.. That should be fun." Slight smirk,"End Log."

Malak Muz
Starfighter Pilot Executive Officer - DS5