Cascade – A new appointment
by UFP Ambassador Valtek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   A new appointment
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Valtek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Oct 06, 2012 @ 8:22pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD70 08:15

A few days of R&R had refreshed the Captain, even though it was only a holodeck break, 72 hours of sun and sand was exactly what Doctor Dunham had ordered and if Chelsea had not been so adamant that after the events of the last few weeks, she would have no qualms in having her dispatched directly back to Earth.
So, having thought about what to do, it came in a casual conversation with Yolanthe, that Tasha had 'borrowed' her Bahamas Beach Beauties template and after a few modifications of her own, had spent nearly the full three days lounging on the crystal white sands of the luxurious island of Nassau, doing nothing but relax in the warmth of the Caribbean sun.

It was the voice calling from the outer office that brought Tasha back to the reality of DS5.

"Through here." Tasha responded as she rose from her chair.

Valtek emerged from Villiers' office. After their meeting, Villiers had supposed it was important for Tahir to be brought up to speed on Valtek's arrival. Which was why he was currently on his way to her office. However, when he arrived, it appeared empty. "Through here." Valtek looked up, and noticed the small door on the far right. He ducked his head through it. "Captain Tahir," he introduced bluntly. "I am Ambassador Valtek. I have been assigned as this station's Envoy to represent Federation diplomatic interests."

Tasha had barely reached the far side of the dark wooden table when the tall figure of a man appeared at her threshold and involuntarily ducked below the top of the jamb, even though there was still room for him to walk directly beneath.
He appeared Vulcan, but with typical Romulan skin colour and his facial features were accentuated by the long hair tied back tightly behind his ears, which somehow gave him a native American appearance.
She found herself staring without speaking as she subconsciously brought her arm upwards to greet the 'Envoy'

"Forgive me," She apologised as Valtek accepted her hand and his was both cool and firm to the touch as she dipped her head, "you are not at all what I had expected." She wanted to say how attractive he looked but even as a woman, Tasha the Captain had to choose her words carefully and especially with those in the Diplomatic remit.

Valtek dropped her hand and tilted his head curiously. Even through the gloves, he could recognize her responses rather acutely. Being half-Orion seemed to do that to people. However, he merely peered calmly down at her and waited for her to continue at her own pace.

She found herself staring upwards into his steely grey eyes and her heart skipped the smallest of beats and her lungs held the air within at the magnetic attraction she found herself feeling for the Vulcan Envoy and chided herself for doing so.
She refrained from offering a further apology and composed herself by releasing Valtek's hand and taking a step backwards, easing her neck back to a better and more comfortable angle as she absent mindedly ran her fingers through her hair and with her little finger slipping beneath the hair band, pushed it backwards releasing her own long dark from its binds.

"Please." She said almost breathlessly and with her other hand, signalled to the chair to her left whilst narrowly avoiding the corner of her desk as she continued to reverse herself back to her own seat, before she fell.

At that, Valtek found himself leveling an almost amused look at her. It had been a long while since someone reacted quite that strongly to him. Far be it for him to fluster her (though some part of him had half a mind to - the captain was exceptionally pretty), his ethical impetus prevented him from taking advantage of the situation.

Instead, he stepped forward to the side and lowered himself into the chair. "I apologize if I have disturbed you, Captain," he spoke frankly, as if it were a common occurrence. It was easy to tell he spoke without aid of the translator, as his accent had the usual Vulcan lilt to it. "Commander Villiers has given me the update on the Klingon/Romulan conflict. There has been a diplomatic reception planned to meet with the Klingon and Romulan delegations aboard," he apprised her succinctly.

She could not take her eyes from his as she rebuked his apology, rolling her hands together below the table, out of Valteks sight.
"No need to apologise," Tahir shook her head, "you have not disturbed me." She settled into herself back into the chair trying to keep herself calm and composed.

"I am here to ensure that the Romulans and Klingons resolve their dispute so that we may make way for the joint Romulan-Federation operation." He produced a PADD and slid it across the desk.

Tasha felt unusually nervous and it was evident in the tremble of her hand as she reached forward to retrieve the PADD. Her eyes finally fell from his and she balled the fingers of her right hand into a fist before straightening them outward as she pawed the device.

She took a breath and coughed avoiding Valteks eye and stared at the PADD, not reading what as displayed and absorbed his statement.. Tasha lay the PADD to her left, not discarding it, but drawing her attention back to Valtek.

"Ambassador, if I maybe blunt," she began as she again clasped her hands together into her lap, "the Romulans will always have disputes with whoever is on their borders. We are fortunate to have a Romulan Ambassador aboard, who has a clarity unlike many Romulans we know, Isha Khellian." Tasha advised, unaware of what had happened recently to the Ambassador.

The Captain found herself yet again, drawn to Valteks features, engrossed in the alluring beauty of his silver eyes in contrast to his jet black hair that shone resplendent beneath the lights in her office and failed to see Karen stood at her door.

Sometimes, Valtek had to wonder at the wisdom the Federation doctor had bestowed when she'd said that he didn't require any suppressants. He watched Tahir almost curiously. The captain's response to him was rather uncharacteristically strong, and it had him arching an eyebrow vaguely to himself. He was about to speak when he turned slightly, sensing Villiers' return. He stood out of respect.

"Commander Villiers." He looked back at the captain, folding his hands behind him. "Ambassador t'Vaurek has filed a leave of absence with the station log officer. She is no longer aboard. We are dealing anew, with one Mr. tr'Rul. I have been informed he is not as... clear, as Ambassador t'Vaurek." Valtek's expression was dry.

Karen pursed her lips. Of course Tahir would not have had time to hear of the changes - the fact that t'Khellian had changed her name and allegiances was known to Karen only through her own sources on Romulus, they wouldn't reach the attention of Starfleet until the Ambassador returned, if that could be arranged.

"That's a very mild way of putting it, Ambassador Valtek." Karen didn't trust t'Khellian or now t'Vaurek in the same way that the Captain did, but she did agree that she was known and respected unlike her stand-in. "I believe we have to be very careful in our negotiations with the Romulans until we know that we will have our usual ambassador back," she said, choosing not to add that they'd have to be careful even then. "Please don't let me interrupt."

"I am always careful, Commander." This was delivered with wryness, rather than offense. "Should you deem it appropriate, we shall go ahead with the diplomatic reception as soon as possible." Beyond that, Valtek remained silent in lieu of listening to what Tahir had to say on the subject.

Karens entry into the office seemed to have broken the spell that Tasha had found herself under and she now felt embarrassed beyond belief and a little unnerved that she allowed herself to become so enamored with the Vulcan ambassador and to add insult, she was unaware of Isha's name change or departure and was quite stunned to only hear of it now. Her head dipped as she composed herself, breaking eye contact with Valtek.
Her throat was tight and her mouth dry as she began to respond and had to cough.

"Ambassador t'Vaurek?" Her brow dropped when she queried as if to identify Isha with this name, "Leave of absence? Why? And who is T'Rul?" She uttered as she made her way across to the replicator as her hands mangled themselves together.

Valtek paused a moment, and when Villiers remained silent, he spoke once again. "I am not certain the details of t'Vaurek's change of House. In Romulan culture such a change is often significant either of joining a new house, in honor of a deceased friend or relative, or due to mating. tr'Vaurek, the male we believe she is associated with, has reportedly been killed in action. We can only postulate this has something to do with Ambassador t'Vaurek's rapid departure. Ambassador Koval tr'Rul is her replacement aboard the station."

"rh'Vaurek Raedheol," Karen said, by way of explanation, "she's founded a House in his name, and left us with someone who is undoubtedly a yes man, only we don't yet know who's. Whether we can work with him, or not will depend on which side of the senate his patron sits and where his interests lie."

Tasha ordered a cup of Bacardi flavoured coffee and eased herself around inquiring if the Ambassador and her XO would care for a drink as she ruminated over what Karen had said and found that she was a little jealous if not annoyed that Isha had left DS5 or more to the point had not told her she was leaving.

(tag for beverages if required)

For some reason, she found herself rubbing her chin like an old man pondering over Isha and tr'rul.
"A Yes man to the Romulan senate or a Yes man to Isha?" Tasha asked aloud as she placed her cup on the desk..... "I would like to think I knew the old Isha," Tasha added 'old' as it had been several weeks since they had sat and talked together at any length and she had classed Isha as a friend, even if the last time they had spoken, it was a little animostic, "but she was never anything but honourable. I don't think she would employ a yes man." She turned her attention back to Valtek, but averted looking into his eye and focused on the end of his nose, "Ambassador, I know you are new to DS5 and I would say you have the perfect credentials, no one knows you and you know no-one. Are you a good judge of character?" Tasha asked, hoping he had not already judged her.

Valtek inclined his head deeply. "Occupational hazard," he explained with a dry look on his face. "I will meet with tr'Rul shortly. The diplomatic chambers are closed to non-diplomatic personnel, however I have agreed to provide as much information as I can discretely to Commander Villiers. I will attempt to learn as much as possible about the situation."

Tasha nodded her head in agreement and still felt the static residue of her fleeting infatuation with Valtek and took a breath as she lifted her cup and allowed the scent of Bacardi to rise to her nose. She sipped at the hot liquid allowing the burn to bring her back to her senses.
"Thank you Ambassador, I can ask for no more." She responded as she replaced the beaker to the small paper mat that would serve as rest for the cup whilst the question of Ishas departure and the installation of a new Romulan Ambassador took priority in her own mind. "Anything further Commander?" Tasha lifted her head so she was looking at Karen.

"Nothing from me, Captain. The diplomatic summit will begin at 16:00 under the guidance of Lieutenant Rex," Karen said, she happened to like the affable Bolian and trusted him to be both a welcoming and astute host. "We're not invited," she added, "so Starfleet's position will be in the hands of the Lieutenant, just as the Federation government's position will be in the hands of Ambassador Valtek."

Tahir cupped both hands around the beaker. "Superb. Maybe we'll have a quiet day until then!" Tasha remarked with a grin and eased herself to her feet, only now bringing her eye back to Valtek and almost immediately, she felt herself being drawn in and focused again on his nose. "Welcome to DS5." She smiled as she extended her arm across the table.

Welcome, indeed.

Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

UFP Ambassador Valtek
Special Envoy, DS5