Judgement – Departures?
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Departures?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 10:21am
Location   The Promenade/Transport
Timeline   Current
Lance packed the last of his belongings into his rucksack; things had just gotten too intense on the station right now. That unpleasant business with Stephen and Lacey, and the further drama in sickbay with Doctor Stapleton, Lance had just had enough. He made his way to the promenade to wait for his transport. He needed a break, just to clear his head.

He stood at the railing watching the station personal go about their business. He regarded them with contempt. They were all beneath him, both literally and figuratively. He was glad his leave had been approved, because if he had to look at these idiots for another day he would probably be physically sick.
Turning away he made his way over to the viewport. Lance spent several minutes gazing vacantly at the stars. Eventually the ship that was going to transport him to Risa came into view. He watched as it smoothly performed its docking maneuver.

Sighing deeply he picked up his duffle and began making his way through the throngs of people towards the airlock. Lance handed in his boarding pass and was shown to his seat. After stowing his bag in the overhead compartment he flopped into his seat. He sat gazing out the window at the station. “Good riddance.” He thought to himself. As he closed his eyes and waited for departure.

His reverie was broken by the stewardess, shaking his shoulder firmly. “Doctor Murdoch?” She asked. Lance opened his eyes and regarded her with an irritable stare. “Yes?” He replied tersely.
“Doctor Murdoch there’s been an emergency.” The woman stated. Lance sat up and looked out the window again. They were still docked at the station. He sighed again, the resignation clearly evident. “It’s on the station isn’t it?” He asked.

The woman nodded her eyes wide. “There was a transporter accident, apparently a marine accidentally discharged his phaser rile while on the transporter pad, damaging it. The resulting malfunction caused him to re-materialize with the rifle fused through his chest.” The stewardess looked as if she was going to get sick.

Wordlessly Lance rose from his seat and retrieved his bag. He knew there was nobody in sickbay with the skill set, talent or knowhow to successfully perform the required operation. With one last wistful glance over his shoulder he left the transport, his escape to Risa a thing of the past.

{Sickbay Minutes Later}

Lance arrived to find the room in a state of chaos, the lack of leadership clearly evident. The surgeon quickly took charge of the situation. He began barking out orders, to get the OR prepped and the patient in there as soon as possible. The relief on the part of the sickbay staff at the surgeons return was palpable as they began to perform the necessary tasks.

Once he was in the operating theater Lance turned his attention to the task at hand. The rifle had been fused through the Marines internal organs on a molecular level. This made this particular operation harder to perform than removing Borg implants.

Lance began by removing several feet of small intestine in order to clear a path to the rifles power cell. Gingerly he was able to remove the cell and handed it to a waiting med tech for disposal, there was an audible sigh of relief in the room once this particular element of danger was removed.
Whilst the nurses worked to ensure the patient was stable lance now used a powerful laser cutter to, cut away the protruding parts of the rifle. With its power cell removed it was now safe to perform this task. He then set to work trying to clear away the tissues surrounding the remaining rifle components.

[To be Continued]