Unity – There will be Hell to pay
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   There will be Hell to pay
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Nov 22, 2009 @ 3:29am
Location   Conference Room
Timeline   SD 16 13:45

Duquense stood by the door as he observed the gathered officers engage each other in both polite and not so polite discourse concerning the recent destruction of the Cardassian Freighter by Dunham's Fighter Wing. Duquense himself was in command of Tactical at the time of the incident and had not clue what was going on when the Freighter first appeared on station sensors.

One moment everything was clear, the next he noticed Dunham's Squadron scrambling around the unscheduled vessel. The station attempted to beam the life signs out of the vessel, but they were unable to, and Dunham's team was eventually forced to open fire on the vessel to prevent it's collision course with the station.

Now he stood and observed as the Cardassian Ambassadors informed Commander Davies of their "disagreement" with the entire episode. The timing could not have been worst considering Security was still investigating the death of a Cardassian just outside the Embassy.

Dunham looked about him. He was trying to keep his head down as much as possible. So he had decided to let the senior officers argue it out. He had submitted his report and had done everything by the book. ~There was nothing else he could do was there?~

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought. ~Just why had that freighter been waiting in the upper atmosphere anyway, and why did it come to life when the fighter wing had stumbled on then head straight to the station? Just what the hell was going on here?~ But what bothered him the most was now their were more dead on his hands. Yes he was doing his job and the safety of the station was at risk. But once again he found that he had taken a life, and that wasn't good Karma.

Tharek then stood up and glared down on Dunham. He looked at all the other officers, and he sent a sharp look at them to beckon silence. "So... " Tharek began calmly. "Does anybody want to tell me why your idiotic fighter force blew up Cardassian military!" He shouted to everyone, but continued to glare at Dunham.

Dunham raised his head from staring at the desk surface and raised his hand nervously and with trepidation, like being back at school. "Urrr actually point of note. The Cardassian freighter wasn't transmitting any ID of any sort. So we don't know if it was military or civilian. In fact I think the questions we should be asking are why was it hiding in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant powered down? Why did it make a 'B' line straight for the station, as soon as it sighted starfleet fighters? Why did the freighter not answer her comms? Why did it not change course when given warning shots and why couldn't we beam anybody off it? Now I'm just a pilot stuff just don't add up here" Dunham Shrugged his shoulders. "Everything was done by the book sir."

"You need to buy yourself a new book then!" Tharek shouted toward him. "It was a Cardassian freighter! The Central Command has no record of any freighters going missing within the last year! This was Cardassian property and you shot it down!"

Dunham should of been taken back by the angry Cardassian. In fact in any normal situation he would of been. But now it looked like he wasn't even listening. Something the Gul had said had put Dunham deep in thought. He clicked his fingers in successes as it came to him. "Your absolutely right. In the last year. But this thing was old man. I mean really old. It only took a one shot to destroy it."

"Old... What was its registry?" Tharek demanded, a little bit calmer, but still pretty angry.

"That's just the thing dude" Said Dunham getting a bit to excited and forgetting protocol "Their was no registration no ID No markings. Nothing, nada, zip, zero. Nothing to identify the freighter. Apart from that it was a Cardassian freighter in constructions."

"Dude?" Tharek said, raising his eyebrow quizzically. "Address me properly, or I'll cut out your tongue." He said, surprisingly calm. "We have the possibility that in your infinite stupidity, you forgot to get it's ID."

"Sorry Sir" said Dunham eyes down cast a little. "Your more than welcome to take a look at my ship's sensor logs but as you can see in the report their was no ID."

Duquense took the opportunity to speak up. "Gul Tharek, I was at Tactical onboard the station when the incident took place. Lieutenant Dunham followed the Rules of Engagement in regards to the Freighter. We attempted to beam them off, but there was too much interference from the Freighter itself. Possibly due to its decrepit condition." He replied.

"Perhaps you should spend this time contacting your government to identify that particular Freighter. Perhaps you would get more answers that way instead of accusing the Federation of firing on unarmed vessels." He stated.

"So? The vessel was unarmed?! You couldn't tractor it out the way, or find a non-aggressive solution? No! It's too difficult for the mighty Federation! Let's all just blow things up!" Tharek said, turning around the room, glaring at all the individuals gathered.

David sat with his fingers folded under his chin as he listened intently before finally settling his hands on the table wishing that Ayren was here to quell the angry feelings so prominently displayed. He stood, folding his hands behind his back and moved towards the picture window of the conference room.

"I have a single question, just the one and sir," He aimed the question to the Cardassian, "I am sure we would all like a truthful answer!" He turned to face the Cardassian. "What cargo aboard a Cardassian freighter would cause a ship to disintegrate so quickly and interfere with the stations transporters?" His fingers tapped together, signally his own anxiousness.

"You just don't get it do you... Your stupid friend already pointed it out! It was old, probably fifteen to twenty years old, it's hull was probably degraded and your transporters aren't up to scratch with older Cardassian technology! Did yo take that into your equation!" Tharek retaliated quickly and forcefully. He then saw a window of opportunity, involving the conversation him and Raedheol shared. "Turrel... " He said, turning to the other Cardassian. " ... Prep the Rakara for leave. I want you personally to investigate this." He then turned to Davies. "I request to take the pilot to Cardassia prime to be judged for his crimes." He said, a small smirk growing at the corner of his mouth.

Davies did not like the smirk on his face. The Cardassian knew more than he was revealing and there was no way that the Commander was going to turn over a Starfleet pilot to a Cardassian.
He shook his head.

"My more than capable officer pointed out that the ship was indeed old, but a ship with any form of shielding would have withstood the warning shot from any ship. The stations transporters are also more than adequate to rescue and recover any ships personnel, as demonstrated only yesterday with the Bunkerhill." His hands came to hips and rested, "and as for your request to leave deep space five, that is granted, but as for handing my pilot to you on a silver platter, I am not about to relinquish Lieutenant Dunham to you until you co-operate fully with this stations crew and offer up a full explanation to my previous question."
Davies stared him squarely in the eye.

Duquesne tried to remain neutral throughout the discussion, but the Cardassian was exhibiting the tragically typical arrogance that had made Cardassians so unsympathetic during the Dominion War. Now he was trying to force the Commander's hand into turning over Lieutenant Dunham to Cardassian authorities for whatever their equivalent of a trial was to be.

Commander Davies did have a good point. What was onboard the Freighter that would cause it to be destroyed so easily from non-lethal warning shots.

"Gul Tharek, I believe the Commander deserves a direct answer to his question." Duquense stated as he remained seated, not wanting to add more tension to an already volatile situation. "How can you explain your Freighter's dangerous behavior, not to mention recent tests that confirm the late Gil Y'trel Terok's DNA was found within the warhead chamber of the station's Tactical level?" Duquense inquired in a level tone.

"I don't know! Gil Terok had been wandering the station before I didn't even speak to him about this damned situation regarding that time portal thing. He was supposed to report the situation to the Detepa Council" Tharek said back, obviously getting frustrated, and on the brink of hurting someone... "As for the freighter, the cargo, and the crew compliment, all is unknown! As well as who might of stole it!"

"It was the same chamber from which the live warhead was fired. The warhead that cost the lives of dozens of officers." Duquense said, trying his best to keep his voice from breaking.

"Those officers should've been more careful and cautious to their surroundings." Tharek said, with no hint of remorse. "As for Terok's DNA? He was murdered. The DNA could've been placed intentionally."

Dunham quietly sat down back in his chair while the ranking officers made their arguments. He tried very hard to be very small and out of the way.

"... And you, fighter boy! You said that the warning shots destroyed the ship. correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you shoot a warning shot first, then lit that freighter up brighter then the hot side of Remus?! Without trying to tractor or move the ship?!" Tharek spat the words down on Dunham as he moved inches away from the mans face.

"I think there has been a mis-communication here sir. The report and sensor logs clearly show that warning shots were fired and then after due procedure we open fire on the vessel. As for tractor beaming our fighter are not equipped for vessels that size. You would need to speak with Mr Duquesne as to why the station did or did not tractor the vessel in question." Said Dunham without even looking up from his head in his hands.

Tharek completely ignored the pilot and stared at Davies. "I will take the pilot to Cardassia, and he will be judged for his crimes. I'm sure you understand our cultures rules and regulations. I shall arrange a meeting with the Chief Archon to decide Dunham's fate." Tharek said, he knew that the Federation wouldn't give up a pilot so easily, but to maintain relationships with a major Alpha Quadrant species? Tharek thought they'd serve Lieutenant Dunham up on a silver platter with an apple in his mouth. He knew though, that this probably wouldn't happen concerning this type and delicacy of the situation.

~You know what~ said Dunham thinking to himself. ~maybe this Cardassian is right? What if innocent people were killed? Maybe I should go with him and go on trial for my crimes?~

Dunham massaged his forehead in worry

Duquense knew that this was heading towards a very very bad situation. The Cardassian Government would not back down, but he also knew that Davies would not concede either. The last thing this station needed was an incident between the two governments, in addition to a series of deaths that have so far gone unsolved.

"Commander Davies, Gul Tharek, allow the Security Department 26 hrs to investigate these incidents and discover their true cause. At their conclusion, we will have a definitive answer for you to take back to your government." He said in his best attempt to play the mediator.

Davies glared at Duquense as he bit down on his own rising temper, the moved his head slowly back to the Cardassian, his hands gripping the edge of the table, giving his hands focus.
He considered his next statement carefully.

"If this investigation proves anything, it will show that Cardassia has been smuggling some highly dangerous materials in vessels that offer no transponder signals, fails to communicate with a starfleet station and its operatives and for that alone, invited a highly commended officer to take the correct path and fire upon it. As far as Starfleet is concerned, he did the right thing. We will NOT allow any ships to run in the vicinity of this station unauthorized and you can take that back to your council!"

He did his level best to keep from spitting the words back at the Cardassian in the manner in which he had rounded on the assembled members and Davies still wished that a diplomatic path could be found to assuage the growing tensions.

"Listen to yourself! 'If this investigation proves anything', which means you have no concrete evidence. Cardassia does. Cardassia witnessed Dunham destroy a Cardassian freighter; and, until such a time as evidence surfaces, Lieutenant Dunham will be held in a Cardassian facility!" Tharek retaliated at Davies. "Do I make myself in anyway, unclear?!"

Davies seethed and clenched his fists into tight balls of fury and was about to respond when Duquense stood.

Duquesne sighed as he stood up and walked towards the Lieutenant. As much as he hated to do it, it was better to hold the officer within a Starfleet security cell until the Cardassian government extradited him, as opposed to throwing him to the wolves.

"I'm sorry Lieutenant, you will have to come with me down to Security." Duquesne stated in a calm manner.

Tharek smirked as he watched Duguesne walk away with the Lieutenant in tow. Tharek; Had won. Even though he wanted to see Dunham fly away from the station in a Cardassian vessel, Tharek wasn't fussy now. Tharek got what he wanted.

"In order for me to agree to Dunham being held here instead of Cardassia, I want four shock-troopers 'guarding' him at all times." tharek demanded. Not waiting for Davies or Duquesne to answer, he looked at Turrel and smirked, a sign Tharek had given Turrel in the past.

Davies was astounded into silence, though he knew it was the best solution, for now and before he said anymore, cast a glance around the large table and could see the tension on each persons face.
He pulled at his uniform and reluctantly, sat down.

Dunham got up from his chair without complaint and followed Duduesne out of the office in silence. Anything to be out of that room. He just said one thing as he left. "Can I get our new JAG officer Commander Karen Villiers as my representation please"

[Fighter Bay]

Ma'erlit had just heard from someone in Ops what was happening and hustled right over to Rianni's office to tell her, where she found the CAG packing her belongings, "What's this?" She asked, thinking how little she needed it at that moment.

"This is me...quitting." Rianni replied, "I have finally had enough of this garbage. Been nice knowing you, Amalia. Don't worry, Rick's going to make an awesome CAG."

"Uh, yeah, about that, you might want to delay his coronation." Ma'erlit sighed, "The spoonheads are trying to have him arrested for murder."

"WHAT?" Rianni exploded, "Rick hasn't killed anybody."

"Well, they're trying to say he killed civilians in that Cardie freighter." Ma'erlit groaned, "I think they were smuggling weapons or something..."

"Excuse me, Amalia, I got business to handle." Rianni snapped, hitting her commbadge, "Computer! Site to site transport to Ops!"



Almost as soon as she disappeared in a glimmer of blue light in the fighter bay she reappeared in another in Ops, bearing down on Davies' office, "What in the frack is going on on this damned station? Klingons wanting me to turn on my race, Cardies trying to run my XO into the death chamber, and nobody doing a damned thing about it."

David shook his head, there was no point in carrying on with this farce in the Conference room.
"Commander, my office." He ushered her with his now calm voice and did not look at the others as he took Rianni by the elbow and eased her back towards the door.

Rianni had to fight back the urge to knock his hand away, or at the least say, 'Take your hands off of me, human!' ~Wow, I don't even feel like one of them anymore.~ Instead she bit her tongue and followed as ordered.

As Dunham and Duquesne were heading out of Op's. Dunham watched as the CAG beamed into op's then marched head strong towards the commanders office. ~Their goes the neighborhood~ He thought to himself with a small smile on his face and a shake of his head.

As soon as the office door closed behind her Rianni exploded, "WHAT THE FRACK WAS THAT? SERIOUSLY, DO THE CARDIES RUN THIS GORRAM STATION NOW?"


The bridge doors flew open and a very annoyed Turrel stomped onto his command deck. The staff instantly rose from their stations and stood at attention. Turrel dismissed them with a simple wave as he found his command chair and sat down in it.

"Gil." He called his second in command. "I want the Rakara ready for launch in five minutes. Have all of the science and tactical staff go over all of the data we have received on the Cardasian freighter that was destroyed." Looking over to his comm officer, "I want you to dissect every communication stream in the last 48 hours. I want to know where that freighter came from and who it was talking to."

"By your command." Both his Gil and the communication officer said in unison. Instantly the two furiously started pulling up all relevant data.

"Helm, inform our Federation 'friends' that we will be disembarking. Once we break free I want to engage the cloaking device and have the ship run silent."

Instead of following his commands, the helm officer turned to Turrel in protest. "Gul, the Federation will not like us going dark like that so close to the station without telling them why."

Turrel's eyes flickered with rage as he regarded his subordinate. All around the command deck, officers traded angry looks to one another. Their Gul, and indeed the entire ship, was proud of how efficient the Rakara was at completing their given tasks. NO ONE questioned Turrel's orders on his ship as it wasted time and belied a lack of trust in the command structure. In those few words, the new helmsman's career in the Cardasian Military was over, Turrel would see to that. He took small comfort knowing that the bridge officers would have this Cardasian severely beaten and sent to the medical bay after their shift for the embarrassment he caused them.

"Get it DONE!" He spat.

The helmsman nervously fidgeted his fingers. "By you c-command." He stuttered.

Turrel took a quick glance around his bridge. His officers had their heads buried in their consoles, most of them with angry expressions on their faces. He nodded to himself; at least THEY understood what it meant to serve on the Rakara. The Cardasian military might still be diminished, but their soldiers were stronger than ever. Turrel pitied anyone that would stand in the Rakara's way...


Commander David Davies

Lt Richard Dunham
squadron Leader

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador/Dignitary

Lieutenant Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer

Gul Turrel G'mar
Garrison Commander