Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reporting a loss
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Reporting a loss
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 9:51pm
Location   Commander's Office
Timeline   SD 9 - 19:00 hrs
Gabriel sat in the chair opposite Commander Davies with his hands clasped in front of him as he stared into nothingness. Only the hum off the station's warp core could be heard within the room as the padd containing Dr. Adam's primarily report on the death of Lieutenant Fox.

David had been relaxing in his quarters, reminiscing over some holo-pictures of his mother until he had heard about the holodeck malfunction and been requested to attend to a rather shaken Security chief along with Commander Villiers.

When he entered the office, he did not expect to see what he saw as he had not seen Gabriel look so pale or visibly shaken. A wave of pity ran through him, had he not seen the man before him in such a condition, he would never have believed it.

David placed a compassionate hand briefly on Dorian's shoulder as he took a chair and angled it towards Dorian and waited for Dorian to break the silence. He had wanted to read for himself Doctor Adams report but so far, Dorian had kept it firmly in his grasp, a token to his command and his loss.

"You followed all the safety protocols and procedures, you cannot blame yourself for an accident." David advised with his own mournful tone.

Gabriel raised his eyes from the padd and levelled them with the two officers in the room. He exchanged glances with them for several moments before responding. "Our training simulation proceeded according to Starfleet Security protocols." he said solemnly.

"Subsequent to the simulation beginning I disabled the ability to fire any type of disruptor weapon by enabling level III dampening field within the entire holodeck. Initially, all disruptor weapons within the simulation were rendered inoperable. Unfortunately. . ." His voice trailed off slightly.

"unfortunately, sometimes things can go awry and accidents do occasionally happen." The commander finished Gabriel's sentence.

"Exactly," Gabriel replied. "From there, I immediately had Lieutenant Fox transported to sickbay for immediate medical assistance. However, despite Dr. Adams attempts. . ." Gabriel responded as he returned his gaze to the padd in front of him.

David looked up to Karen who was stood beside him, silently pleading for her to offer some advice or words of condolence.

Karen rested her knuckles on her hips, "This sort of thing doesn't just happen," she said, "could something have been overlooked - a safety protocol incorrectly configured ... a reckless officer planning to give his friends a fright with a real shot intended to miss?" She had other suspicions too.

Gabriel cut his eyes directly to the female officer before responding. "I was in the same room, but I wasn't a part of the simulation. It was designed for the men to coordinate as a team and operate without receiving orders or directions from me. It was intended to see how they would perform in an emergency situation." Gabriel replied with a rising tone in his voice.

"I did *everything* by the book, Commander" He responded to her with his hands still clasped in front of him.

Karen nodded. "Do you have any enemies, Commander Gabriel?" she asked seriously, "Enemies of the sort who might be able to arrange a seeming accident in which they thought you were likely to be the victim?"

There was a knife edge to the questions and it made David feel uncomfortable, though a valid point raised, it just didn't feel like now was the time to ask.

"Commander Villiers, I think this line of questioning can wait until Lieutenant Freeman and the Chief operations officer," David could not recall if the position was currently filled with the intake of crew, "have had a chance to look through the holodeck logs." David kept his tone soft and level as he addressed Karen, as the door chimed.

"Enemies!? This station is filed with societal parasites that wouldn't bat a single eyelash at killing a Starfleet officer," He said in a somewhat wavering voice. "Those Romulan bastards have already demonstrated that they have no qualms against murdering Federation citizen." He said as he returned his eyes back to the padd in front of him.

Seeing the expression on his face Karen looked at Davies as Gabriel spoke, she did not interrupt him, "Thank you," she said once he was done. "Commander, I apologise," she said to Davies, "It could have waited." Still, Gabriel's response gave her something to think about; timely or not Gabriel would have asked the question if he had been standing where she was.

David gave a nod as Chelsea drew up to them and he could see the look on her face, as if she was about to explode and he wondered why. About to ask for a report on what the procedure had been with the security officer being as the official report was being kept so safely held, he did not get the chance to ask as the doctor recanted her report to the three of them.

Chelsea didn't know which way to react. Part of her wanted to defend Isha and Rh'vaurek and argue that one shouldn't suspect *all* Romulans because of Nniol and his like. Another part of her knew that Dorian Gabriel was clearly deeply shocked and winded by this event and it was only a moment ago that she herself had to take a firm hold of her instant desire to "wind" that unpleasant new commander, Villiers, for kicking him when he was down.

Chelsea was a great defender of the underdog and her dislike for Dorian from the past was put aside now that he had become vulnerable for once. This was *not* the time to be disputing personal opinions or attacking one another, that was the *one* thing Villiers had got right, finally.

Settling for a professional detachment, at least for the time being until she sorted out which direction she was going to jump off the fence, Adams made her report.

"Lieutenant Fox was was transported to Sickbay without lifesigns and with evidence of Disruptor wounds of varying degrees to his left torso, lungs, heart, pancreas, liver, intestines and kidneys. He had no cortical or brain function, no renal or cardio activity and no pulmonary circulatory or neural electrical responses or reflexes. We did everything possible to resuscitate, restore and repair but to no avail. The cause of death was recorded as total systemic failure due to massive trauma inflicted by weapons fire."

The Commander watched Dorian and his face contorted as she gave her report, displaying anguish and a hint of despair.

"Dorian," Davies began, waiting for the Security chief to look at him. "At any point in a commander's career, there can be 'Events' that none of us have any control over. Crew men & women will be injured and we put on a brave face and act as though its natural, but each injury is a reflection upon us, a cross we bear, but that burden is ten-fold when a death occurs and though this may sound flippant, you will get over it." David spoke gently, carefully pausing after every few words both for effect and also allowing what he was saying to be absorbed and it did sound flippant and also trite.

David, as many other commanders, spoke from experience of losing a subordinate and it didn't matter how many times it happened it never got any easier.

"I will." He added and he thought of his mother, who he had only heard that very day, had passed away the night before and it seemed poignant that he could relate so freshly, to the sense of loss.

At that juncture, David must have appeared weak as a solitary tear formed in each of his eyes and slowly tracked their separate paths down the sides of his rough face.

Gabriel tossed the padd on the desk in front of him with a loud clatter and looked at the Commander in the eye. "This wasn't just some damned accident, Commander. I fully plan on taking care of whoever was responsible for this." Gabriel responded. "Then I'll get over it." he said with finality as he turned and exited through the doors without another word.

Karen raised an eyebrow and let her even gaze travel between the doctor and the Commander; she did not speak, but the eyebrow said 'I was right'.

Davies watched Dorian leave and the expression on Karen's face spoke volumes. His sight then fell to the Doctor, who was looking saddened by the security chief's exit.

"Shock." He said as an excuse for Gabriel knowing full well that he meant what he had said and though his words stung, he still felt for the man.
Davies leant and finally picked up the PADD that had held both an interest for both the men and before tapping it, he looked back to the two very different women in the room.

"Thank you both for coming." It was a dismissal but David didn't feel either wanted to leave.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Commander Karen Villiers. XO

CO: Commander David Davies


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams