Judgement – Core Control, a great design
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Core Control, a great design
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Mon Feb 14, 2011 @ 5:50am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   900
((Main Engineering - CEO Office))


After dealing with the Chief of Operations about needed replacement parts. Lt. Kramer was ready to take a status check around Main Engineering before going to get a bite to eat. Looking at the schedule on his PADD, he remembered that he had to be at the docking of the USS Relentless here soon.

Standing up, Lt. Kramer walked around the side of the desk. The desk in the Chief of Engineering’s office was a fantastic device. He looked more closely at the visual 3-dimensional display of Reactor 2 above the desk. This was the reactor that had been hit the hardest. The radiation had been finally secured and clean up was taking place. Kramer reached over and pressed the button that deactivated the display.

With a confident smile, Lt. Kramer exited the office and walked out onto the platform. It was a ¼ wedge of the room of Main Engineering that was elevated two steps off the deck. Walking around the diagnostic/testing table, he headed toward the Core Control, which is the central hub of Main Engineering. Core Control was elevated 3 additional steps. On the Core deck were five chairs and display systems in a circle facing out, which were manned at all times. In addition to the computer monitoring all systems from the 4 Main Reactors and the 12 back-up reactors, these 5 engineers monitored, communicated, and, controlled all the reactor systems and sub-systems. The premise was that the Chief of Engineering could monitor the Core Control and look out upon any section of Main Engineering. There were additional display screen all around the edge of the large round room, hanging from the banister of the 2nd floor walkway.

“Mr. Decker, what’s our status?” Kramer asked. Lt. Decker was currently Officer of the Deck (EOD) and responsible for all systems when the Chief was not on the Core.

Decker looked up from over the shoulder of the seated Ensign. “Proceeding as expected Sir.” Then standing up to face him. “The crew in Reactor 2 are making good time with the radiation clean up.”

“Very good. Keep me informed.” Kramer stated his acknowledgement. “I’ll be taking repair crew Alpha 3 with me to the arrival of the Relentless.” From this vantage point on the Core, he could see crew gathering in the Briefing Room. Looking down at his PADD chrono, “That should give me time for a bite of lunch.” With a smile he asked, “Any recommendations from an old hand?” referring to Lt. Decker’s experience with food on the station.

Putting a hand to his stomach and making a sour look on his face, Lt. Decker replied, ”Not today, Sir. Just don’t try the Klingon place on the lower level of the Promenade. I’m not ready to subject anyone to that place just yet.”

Grinning ear to ear Kramer replied, “I understand. Thanks for the heads up. Carry on”

“Yes, Sir.” Decker said and then turned back to the engineering display.

With that said Kramer turned and walked 3 steps down to the platform and then 2 more down to the deck of Main Engineering. He walked out into the middle and stood there looking about. The Main Reactors were located through the 4 large doors on the deck around the room. They were just a short walk away down each of corridors. Engineers were staffed there as well, but the Core Control is where all the decisions were made.

Kramer looked over his shoulder and up at the Core seeing the crew at their work. He thought it was an excellent design. He was grateful for the opportunity to work is such an environment.

“Lieutenant.?” Kramer heard a voice and turned to see an Ensign jogging up to him. So many new faces to remember . . .Walters was his name.

“No reason to run Son.” Kramer replied in the affectionate to the young officer.

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.” After a breath. “Alpha 3 repair crew is mobilized and standing by as requested.”

Kramer glanced over and could see through the transparent wall that the team had gathered in the briefing room. “Very good Ensign. I would like you to go over the itemized repair list provided by the Relentless’ COE. Make sure we have all the tools we will need when we get there. I don’t want to have to wait on someone going to fetch a tool. Understand?”

“Yes Sir” Ens. Walters said excitedly again.

With a confident nod to the Ensign, “Then have Alpha 3 meet me at the docking ring on Deck 44 in about an hour. Carry on.”

Kramer continued across the deck and stopped next to the receptionist’s desk. The desk was positioned directly in from of the Turbo Lift. There were actually 3 turbo lift access points on the deck of Main Engineering and 1 on the platform next to the CEO office. But unless specified all access was brought in front of the receptionist’s desk.

“Ens. Kimshawn,” Kramer began, “How are things today?”

Looking up to her right, “Just fine sir. How are you settling in?”

“Feeling pretty good about things,” was Kramer’s reply.

A receptionist was on duty only during the 1st and 2nd shifts. They were provided by the communications dept. They were not engineers, but were required to know certain things in the area of engineering and security to be at this position of responsibility.

“I’ll be out for a couple hours.” Kramer continued.

“Yes, I know. The Relentless.” She stated confidently
Kramer looked just a little surprised.

“Not much gets past me sir.” She stated as simple fact with no arrogance in her voice.

“I can see that.” Kramer countered.

“I’ll make sure Alpha 3 gets on there way in time, as well.” She ended with a smile.

Kramer looked back across the expanse of the room. He enjoyed the elegance of the layout. From this vantage point he could see the Core standing there in the center, LCARs around the outside on the deck, the 4 heavy doors that lead to the Main Fusion Reactors, and the stares coming down from the 2nd floor observation level on either side of the platform. Kramer counted the many security personnel still on the deck at all entrances and exits. He hoped that they would be able to lower the security level soon.

Lt. Kramer turned toward the turbo lift and walked through the doors as they opened for him. He turned around to see Main Engineering in a quick glance as the doors closed. He felt a slight hesitation. Things would be fine. Everything was covered, and he would be back in a few hours. But he knew better to never ignore his feelings. He has a knack for knowing when things were wrong, before they were apparent. He didn’t know how this occurred or why, just knew it take heed.

“Promenade, lower level.” Kramer stated, “I guess I’ll try the Klingon place anyway.”


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering