Incommunicado – Meeting of ideas
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Meeting of ideas
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Thu Aug 30, 2012 @ 6:44pm
Location   Science Lab
Timeline   SD58, 1700h


David had stepped out of the turbolift on the science deck. He was anticipating how it would go to work with Saria on determining what to make of these anomalies connection and the possibility of "intelligence" behind these. He looked around and found Saria at one of the stations. "Hey!" He said to her.

Saria made a final tap on the touchscreen, and turned atound, leaning on the console. "Hey there!" She replied to David.

"I had just met with the Chief of Engineering and we were talking about some of the anomalies. I gave him some ideas to reestablish communications and we also discussed the cause of these anomalies. From what we discussed and my findings, there are 2 separate anomalies that can be naturally occurring but with astronomically low odds of being in the same place at the same time. Therefore the second explanation would be intelligence. I was wondering if we could collaborate on solving this mystery." David said as he handed her his PADD to show his findings.

Saria grabbed the PADD gently, and looked at it. "Hmm... Nice work here. Definately will add something to my current Tetryon-model of the anomaly. Something prevents me from determining if it is natural, or artificial. My first guess would've been local subspace fissure banks." She said, looking at David.

"I didn't want to officially suggest any thought of "intelligence" behind the anomalies to the COE at first but the organization of these anomalies seems to suggest a possibility of intelligence. As I told the Commander, I'm no expert." David said.

"Well, you got a point there." Saria said, rubbing her hands. "Let's get started then. How will you be able to contribute?" She asked.

"Well, wherever I can help I guess. If we might work on anything with warp engine I can help. Also I can help with determine any patterns in the anomalies to help us see if there's any intelligence..." David felt he couldn't be much help.

"Feel free to contribute in any way you'd like. Maybe... can you enhance our probes to deflect most of the negative effects of the anomaly?" She asked, "Let me call my assistant then."

David then proceeded to the station next to Saria's station. "Accessing probes... setting subspace frequencies..." David continued on typing in the settings to enhance the probes.

"David" Saria said behind him, "meet Ensign Willard, she is the computer specialist and maintains the probes. She will help you if you encounter any problems." The woman next to Saria reached out het hand to David. "A pleasure to meet you, Ensign." She said.

"The pleasure is mine, I'm trying to meet more of the crew. Plus, you'll be quite the help with enhancing these probes." David smiled at the Ensign.

"So will you be, mister Straggard." Madelyn said. "I've been waiting on an engineer for a long time to check out these probes." She said, with a little neurotic laugh.

Saria stood in front of the two, thinking thoughtfully. "Before we get these probes into the anomaly, I'm wondering who would make such thing. Any suggestions?"

"Ehm... the Romulans? Or maybe the Remans?" Madelyn replied.

"In my opinion, not who but what. Possibly some beings are interested in what this station is. You know, being such a huge object in space." David replied.

"Both interesting theories, I must say." Saria replied. "But I guess we intend to find out who or what's behind it. We're on the edge of known space, so nearly anything could be possible. I have my thoughts on the Delta Quadrant lately."

"The Borg?" David questioned.

"I'm not sure. Probably not, but I can't say it's false either. After all, the Borg have been here before. Maybe they left something on accident, or maybe on purpose. However, that would mean..." Saria said, looking dramaticly to David, "...that they use it as a decoy or something to prevent reinforcements to the station. Which means they would... come back."

"Well, let's not get too excited over this. I haven't seen the Borg do anything like this. Probably not them and just a simple life form like I said before..." David tried to lighten the mood.

"I guess you're right..." Saria said, grabbing David's hand and squeezing it. "I'm a science officer, and science officers solve problems... right?"

"Totally right, sir." Madelyn smiled.

David put his other hand on Saria's hand, "Let's solve this." He smiled.

"You're right" She said, "How many probes are ready yet? I'm eager to launch some." She smirked.

David looked at the science station. He typed in a few keys and pulled up the probes. "We have 10 of them ready to be deployed. Deploying now." David typed in the keys and sent out the probes.

Ten minutes later

The probes approached the anomaly cautiously, then scanning it. Not much later, they entered it.

"I'm reading high concentrations of Tetryon particles and Metreon gasses. What about you, David?" Saria asked.

"You're right about that. It seems that the Tetryon particles are clustering within the Metreon cloud. They seem to be organized in a network like pattern. According to this network, I can extrapolate that there is a sort of main cluster right here." David pointed on the screen showing the clusters getting larger as they approached a center cluster that was yet to be scanned. "Seems like some sort of subspace beehive of some sort. Saria?" David looked at Saria for her thoughts.

Saria was looking at the screen, brainstorming. She seemed motionless, but her mouth began to move, her eyes fixed on the screen. "David, I don't think they were simple lifeforms. I'd say this is man-made, since the complexity of these structures are rather difficult to compose under subspace circumstances. Let's try to scan for anything more unusal than just complex Tetryon particles." She said, looking down at David.

"Wait a second here." David squinted his eyes looking at the screen. "Ensign Willard, come check this out. I've localized some chroniton particles. You might have something on that Romulan theory."

Madelyn speeded toward the console of David. "Indeed, I might have. Chronitron particles are produced by Romulan cloaking devices." She said. "Does that mean... they're cloaked ships?" She said.

"Possibly. At least there's a trace of the particles. Nothing to really show evidence of a ship being here recently." David typed in a few more calculations. "The dispersion patterns don't seem to match patterns to that of any know Romulan ships. Possibly an experimental ship?" David said.

"An experimental ship..." Madelyn murmured. "How can we be so... sure?"

"Of course!" Saria shouted, "The Romulan Core! The Romulans are probably missing their beloved core, so they sent a scout ship here to spy on our progress, making the anomaly a simple decoy!"

"Well we are a strategic target." David said.

"Indeed we are. But I'm sure the Romulans are eyening on the core we have here. Sooner or later, they'll take it." Saria said.

"They can try. We are a Celestial Class Starbase." Davis replied.

"I'm well aware of that, David. But I wouldn't underestimate the Romulans. They always got some tricks up their sleeves." Saria said, leaning her arms on David's shoulders. "I suggest for eventual lifesigns, if "it" is manned."

"Sure thing." David scanned the region for life. Nothing. "Seems there isn't anything. Unless..." David typed in more keys. "Computer, extrapolate information regarding chroniton particles and chart the path followed by a possible ship." The computer showed a path on the screen of a ship moving along the area around the station. "Seems it left orbit around the station not too long ago. Maybe a few hours... It's not a large ship though. Possibly a small scout ship." David looked to Saria and Madelyn for their thoughts.

"I was expecting that, quite, otherwise than placing a D'deridex in orbit of the station." Saria said. "Can you trace it's path to where it headed? We might find out where they came from then. Who knows if it really were the Romulans at all."

"Computer, chart course following extrapolation to predict possible star systems in which this ship could originate." The computer showed only one course. David was surprised. "The Nelvana System?"

"Nelvana?! What would they seek for on an uninhabited world?" Saria said, raising her eyebrow. "So there... IS a base on Nelvana III after all. But we can't immediately say it's the Romulans. Maybe it's some kind of hidden faction...". She said, walking to a console and typing some.

"Nelvana III is approximately 4 days away with a runabout. Do you think what I think?" Saria smiled to David and Madelyn.

"We would have to request permission and report on our findings, of course. I would need to report to Commander Freeman and Commander Villiers, as you two would have to only report to Commander Villiers." David replied.


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Madelyn Williard (NPC)
Computer Specialist