Things Past – Message Back Home
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Message Back Home
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Sun Jul 31, 2011 @ 5:17pm
Location   Bruce's Quarters
Timeline   After "Moving up the Ladder"

Bruce meandered back to his quarters he was still tracing circles around the new pip on his collar. He knew his parents were going to be glad to hear from him plus they probably would be quite happy about the new pip he had. It had been a while since he last talked with them. It wasn't due to anything but lack of time. Brue had heard down the grape vine that his dad had been named the Corps of Engineering advisor for the fleet and he had been busy getting things situated and the fort bunkered down.

As he entered he looked over to his bed. It seemed to call to Bruce but ignored it for the time being. He got some water from the relicator and sat down by the computer. "Computer. Open a transmission to the Freeman's." The computer chirped in acknowledgement. He drank some more water and waited for the Federation symbol to disappear. When it did he was met by an almost mirror image of himself.

"Son! This is a nice surprise" Ulric being a keen observer noticed his sons collar. "And there is an even bigger one!"

"Just happened tonight and I hear you have a big surprise of your own. Guess you're sort of my boss now up the chain a bit any way." Bruce laughed.

"In a way I suppose. But what do we owe this honor of a communication so late? We were just about to hit the sack." Ulric said as his wife came into focus on the screen.

"Well being shot at reminded me it had been a while and I knew we both had some good news and I figured it was time to talk."

"Another one of your adventures I see." Liane replied from the back ground. "I see it helped earn you a promotion. I am proud of you son."

"Thanks mom. How are things back home?" Bruce asked.

"As good as they can be. I believe your dad likes having a desk job and can relax for the most part." She replied bump her elbow into him. "Yes it does make for easy days." His dad replied.

"Well I see you two are ready to head to bed now so I'll let you head there. Dont be afraid to visit if you end up heading this way at some point." Bruce said. Tired himself he didn't want to drag it out.

"Alright son take care." His parents said together and the screen went blank.

'Now to head to bed.' Bruce thought and laid down not caring about being in uniform.
