Judgement – Ripple Effect
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Ripple Effect
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 1:08am
Location   Security Detention Center
Timeline   SD 36 - 12:00hrs
Dorian sat at the table drumming his fingers on the table as he continued to wait inside of the room with his defense counsel. Part of his was relieved to have the Hearing postponed for a later day by the Chief Arbitrator. Another part was grateful to not have to wear that confining dress uniform for the remainder of the day either. However, he certainly didn't appreciate having to be called into a meeting with one of the station Diplomatic Officers.

"You seem to be the person with most of the answers now adays, why am I sitting here instead of planning my defense?" He asked his attorney.

"Perhaps because you don't know how to keep your mouth shut?" She responded sarcastically.

A officer by the door opened the door to the room, for Dorian to be greeted by a woman in her early thirties. She wore a long, flowy green gown; that showed off her bear arms and neck line. She had her hair up in a loose bun with some jewlering as well. She walked up to the man sitting at the table, with her hands in front of her. The Officer at the door, pulled out a seat for her sit in. Taking the sit the officer walked back to the door. "Hello," stated Cala to him, "I'm Ambassador Cala Lurn. Star Fleet has sent me to come see you and talk to you on what has happened. If you don't mind telling your side of the story?"

Jana nodded but gave Dorian a warning look that he better be on his good behaviour.

Dorian looked from his attorney to the young woman before him. "I'm being framed. That's the long and short of the story. The sorry excuse for an Executive Officer capitulated to the Romulans Embassy and allowed them to carry out this farce of a proceeding." he replied bitterly.

"The more important question is. . .," he said as he leaned in closer on the table. "why are you here?" he asked in reply.

Cala tilled her head and stated, "It's my job. Need I say more. I have extra talents other then Diplomatic statues. It's just a posistion I choose to do. Anyways do you have any evidence that you haven't done what you were framed for? And you need to be alittle bit more discriptive on what you were framed for, Lt. Commander."

Dorian stifled a laugh. "What evidence do I have? The fact that this whole circus is being led by a Romulan should be enough evidence. Not to mention that her cohort involves her lackey assistant and the resident Spoonhead Ambassador." He replied.

"There's a start," stated Cala, "Dorian you need to trust me. I can help you. Please."

He sighed as he stood up and faced the small window on the far side of the room. "The only evidence they were able to find last time was my comm badge that was found next to the body of both the Doctor and his Nausicaan guard. That's not much of a smoking gun considering it could have easily fallen off when I. . .'encountered' him in a verbose manner a several hours earlier." He replied in a more level tone.

Cala shifted herself to look at Dorian fully and completely, "Who was he? The man you encountered?"

"His name was Dr. Kur'ann. He was a scientist on loan from the Romulan government and was working with someone that I. . .cared about." He said as he paused slightly as he once again brought up the painful event that he had tried so hard to erase from his mind.

"Her name was Dr. Redding, she was a brilliant woman who was working with the Romulan on some project that she never could explain to me due to security concerns. She. . .she. . .was murdered, they never found who was responsible for her death, but I had a feeling that green-blooded bastard had something to do with it." Dorian said as his fist began to ball involuntarily.

"There was a 'confrontation' between me and the Doctor. I was confined to my temporary quarters while Commander Muldeen continued the investigation. Several hours later, he placed me under arrest and said that the Romulan Doctor had been murdered along with his Nausicaan assistant. I denied having anything to do with it, but Commander Muldeen had said there was evidence, including my comm badge to show that I was with the Doctor prior to his death." Dorian recited to the women in the room with him. Even as the words came out of his mouth he still tried to reply the events in his mind to try to explain what had happened and why everything was coming to a head now of all times.

"Where were you, perhaps I can find him. Since after all everyone keeps records of departure and stuff," she stated to him, "I'll do what ever I can find that man and find out what happened that night. I also need an alibi stating you were not there. Do you know if anyone that could fill that position?"

Dorian turned from the window towards the Ambassador. "My alibi? My alibi is the fact that I said I didn't do it. I am a Starfleet officer." He said pointedly. "My very word itself should be worth gold compared to that of a damn Romulan." He said defensively. "A Romulan, I might add, that was involved with an attack on this very station not no more than a year ago!" He said as hie temper began to rise as he thought about who was responsible for all of this.

Cala raised her hand slightly to Dorian, "Please calm down. If you have someone that can witness that you were not there at the crime scene it could help you in your case."

"His name is Commander Holden Muldeen. He was the Security Chief for the Privus Research facility when the event took place. I have no clue what happened to him since then. I've attempted to contact Starfleet in regards to his current location, but my security clearance has been severely limited since being placed under arrest." He resigned.

Cala turned her look away from him to the table. She thought for a moment and sated, "Perhaps I could help you in that area." Then she looked back at him, "A lot of favors need to be repaid." Then she gave him a small smile. 'Commander Muldeen,' she uttered to herself. Then she drew attention back to Dorian, "Do you have an attorney representing you. If so I would like to speak with them before tomorrow. Of my findings."

Dorian looked back towards the window as the woman spoke. "Yeah, if you can call that bump on a log an attorney. Supposedly she's the one I'm stuck with." He said as he gestured to his attorney who was becoming increasingly angry with him.

"Oh," stated Cala looking at the woman, "Well you've been quite this entire time. What is your imput on all of this?"

She finally unfolded her arms and stared at Dorian for a long moment before turning her attention to the Ambasador. "I think he needs all the help you can give. He doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and has been antagonising Romulans and Cardassians...going behind my back and making appointment against my advise. An admiral had asked me to do this favour to him and asked me to take this case...I am not sure how to proceed."

"Well Lt. I can help," stated Cala, "Star Fleet has personally sent me to help Dorian. You see I've been around long enough were I know people in high places. So high it can get Dorian off scott free. Know that I have his side of the story, to find this Commander Muldeen to come testify and with some other evadance and well Lt. Commander you will be working in no time." Then she gave a small smile to both Jana and Dorian.

"I am glad to have another ally on our side, aren't you sir?" She asked turning her attention back to her client.

Cala tilted her head to look at Dorian, but seeing how enraged he was she replied, "I'm sure he does."

Adaya smiled to herself. A little tit for tat, she thought to herself. If Dorian wanted to play games, she could too and she would still win the case.

"Fine, do whatever you have to do, I have a station to get back to." he said as he turned his back and continued to view outside the window.

Cala cocked her eyebrown and stood up from her seat, "I'll see you both tomarrow at court." Then she turned around and walked out of the room.


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Ambassador Cala Lurn

Ensign Andaya Talloc (NPC'd by Jana)