Interlude – Dismay
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Dismay
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jul 31, 2010 @ 5:17pm
Location   Captains quarters
Timeline   SD26 01:15

The room was quiet and semi dark as Tasha finished clearing away her belongings, pushing to a close the last draw.
She stood back, placing her hands on hips and surveying the room.

Everything was just as she had left it and everything was in its place.
“Computer, large cool mango juice, with ice.” She requested, pulling off her uniform top and casually discarding it onto the back of the chair as she moved to the replicator to retrieve her thirst quencher.
“Computer, play messages.” And the computer began to playback the message in her mail.

A few minutes later, bored of listening to the humdrum requests and logs, she tagged the computer to play all messages less than 3 days old.

The computer chirped and moved the files to the archive and began to playback the recent messages.

There were still too many.

“Computer, double speed, discard requests, logs and reports.” She ordered, placing the now empty glass on the disposal PADD.

=^= “No messages” =^= The computer informed Tasha and she nodded, sated that she had fulfilled that part of her duty.

“Computer, list replacement staff, and those who are still unaccounted for.” She requested and the holographic display began to field past her vision. She counted as she read. “106 new staff. All members accounted for.” She pursed her lips and glanced at the time. 02:07 the clock displayed and yet she did not feel tired or the need for sleep.
The journey back had been uneventful, far less so that the outward journey but tomorrow she had a full days work ahead of her, even though she did not resume command, or rather would not accept it back from Davies until the station was as she had left it, fully functional.

She strode to the closet and withdrew a casual brown jacket and slipped it on as she pressed the door release and headed to the transporter pad and the middle decks, or rather the promenade.

A few minutes later, Tasha was absorbing herself in the atmosphere that was unique to this par of the station and it was than obvious that there were a few new establishments and eateries that had appeared in the last month and she was also a little annoyed at the relaxation of the “Cart” rules that applied to the walkways of the prom as she counted 6 unattended carts. ~Must speak to Admin~ she mentally made a note as she rounded onto the main promenade deck.
The bars swathed the deck floor with lights of many colours that to the unaccustomed, could be both mesmerising and dangerous. She shook her head. The promenade was in need of a good sweep, bringing the regulations back to the deck.
She glanced upward as somebody yelled something inaudible, or just that she was attuned to what was being shouted and that the person as a little inebriated. Again she shook her head..
Looking around, the security presence was non existent and if not reinforced, the general population would run amok.

She continued onwards, generally listening to the hubbub and partially overheard conversations and it was not long before she wanted to leave what was a place of wonder and merriment.
She moved to the continual lift that on one side took the rider up, whilst the other took them down. Tasha moved around to go down, to the garden.

She smiled, as her eyes fell upon the colours of the gardened terrace. At least the propagators were still tending to the grass and flora of the stations jewel, even if the fountain was looking a little shabby.

“Ma’am.” One of the crew said in passing and she instantly recognised the rank, if not the person.

“Lieutenant.” She reciprocated and continued on her stroll across the grass and when she approached the centre, decided to sit awhile and watch the passers by.

The grass was strangely warm, not as cool as she recalled, but comfortable never the less.

Several couple waltzed by, unaware of the voyeur that was sat on the grass and there she stayed, watching and reflecting.


Captain Tasha Tahir