Judgement – Talking with the flyboy
by Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Talking with the flyboy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jan 26, 2011 @ 2:02pm
Location   Turbo Lift 4
Timeline   Current

Dunham waited patiently outside the door to the turbo lift. He was whistling to himself a little tune, and enjoying his own company. He smiled contently. Though the state of affairs on the station were low, Dunham's own little world was in a good state. No, a great state. Soon the ping of noise that comes from the turbo lift arriving chimed, and the doors opened. Rick stepped into the lift. However he was not alone, he was standing next to a Marine Gunnery Sergeant. And it wasn't one he recognised. He smiled and nodded a greeting politely "Gunny."

"Commander" Cameron answered. He was on his way to the barracks to train with his recon team. "where are you off to sir?" he asked to brake the ice. this was the first time he met the CAG face to face, although he had heard of him.

"Urrrrmmm" said Rick uncertainly whilst examining his surrounding, in particular paying attention to the fact that he was apparently in a turbo lift. It really had been a long forty two hours. "I think I'm going to Op's..." he then looked at a PADD in his hand. "Yep," he said with a smile and more confidence as he checked his schedule. "Op's....you?"

"Barracks, i'm going through some training excersices with my recon unit in the holodeck." Cameron said. "What's going on in ops? anything i need to know about?" he asked

"Good question....is there?" He asked the marine. Dunham then slapped his forehead lightly the with the back of the PADD. "Oh, wait, I'm going aren't I." He said rhetorically. "I'll check" Dunham scanned through the PADD to see if there was any pertinent and relevant information. God he needed some sleep. "NO, just got to hand in a report on the status of Star fighter wing. What with half of them off fighting pirates, I'm a bit thin on the ground"

"well if you need any help, call me up through the Colonel. i'd be happy to assist you in any way i can" Cameron said as the turbo-lift slowed and stoped at Deck 12. "well this looks like your stop sir." Cameron said as he stood back

Rick began to step out of the turbo lift as the doors slid open. He then stopped as he crossed the threshold, and place one hand on the gap were the dopor slid out of. He had a thoughfull look on his face. "Actually gunny, there is something you could do for me.....have you got any spare hands free for deck duty? You know repair jobs on fighters, upkeep, maintenance, that sort of thing?"

Cameron thought for a moment "I’ll have to talk it over with the Colonel but I think I should be able to accommodate you." he said “when do you need them to start?”

"As soon as possible please gunny" said the pilot sincerely. "We need as many hands on deck and boots on the ground as you can get me, half my team are off fighting pilots, with a plenty of deck crews going with them to the starships they were assigned to."

"i'll look into it" Cameron said "you better be going, i'm sure the CO is waiting for you'

The turbo lift door opened. Rick smiled and nodded to the sergeant in thanks. "THank you for your help gunny. Have nice day." Rick stepped out of the lift. the door closing behind him.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


First Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant Cameron Bourne