Beg, Steal or Borrow – New Quarter's
by Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall

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Title   New Quarter's
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall
Posted   Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 5:37pm
Location   ds5
Timeline   backlog

Chris was on his way to Deep Space Five in a shuttle pod with just him, the pilot, and a communications officer that kept looking his way. Chris tried not to pay attention to her and looked out the window. As he stared into space, he sat their in his red uniform with his bags, he remembered his time on the USS Daedalus and thought to himself how this will be a better post. The different ships that would dock each with it's own new adventure and he started to laugh because it reminded him of what is mom used to say "What kind of adventure's could take place in space it's dark with nothing in it."

He thought to himself, "If she only new." He looked up and there it was. Deep Space Five. Chris' eye's grew bigger and bigger in amazement. The shuttle pod docked and Chris stood. As he stood up, the communications officer walked up to him and gave him a letter. On the letter it read "To Chris: Don't open this until you get to DS5, love mom." It almost made him dizzy. He shook it off and as he walked he wondered what it could be about? He put it in his bag and headed to find the Quartermaster. As he did he keep looking around and he smiled and said to hiself "this will be great." Chris was assigned quarter's on Deck Forty Room Seven Two he went up their to unpack and take a long shower he hoped it would make his shoulder feel better before he met with the commander.

He unpacked and found his self looking at the letter his mom had sent him and and just about that time he remebered he had to check in with the doctor also. So he put the letter in his desk and went to take a nice hot shower after he got out he put his new uniform on and checked it out in the mirror and smiled he left his quater's to go see the commander. On his way he started to get nervous but he tried to hide it which didn't work he walked up to the commander door and knocked he heared a "come in" he walked through the doors as he took a deep breathe the doors shut.


Warrant Officer Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Deep Space Five